🫧Chloe's Curiosities Captivated🫦

Seeing these paintings, again … I didn’t notice the detail in the baby elephant. It’s such a simple design, but so perfect. I couldn’t do it.

Also, are you left handed?
She actually holds the brush in her cleavage and paints that way.

*** walks off giggling... I'm a little too tired for skipping right now... ***
Well... If I can learn how to do that, I might actually be able to make some real money 🤔

You are a genius! *grabs your face and plants a big ol kiss on you*
The Female Body 1000014902.jpg
I wanted to do a post for a moment that just celebrates the female body and the absolute strength we have whilst wielding the ability to look graceful, lithe, sensual, and effortless. 1000014903.jpg
The images I've chosen, of course, are dancers. But, they are all different types of dancers, and their poses show the curvature of the female form in such ways that we, as females, like to envision our inner strength as. 1000014900.jpg
These images also all show some level of discomfort in the pose. You look and think, "ow, learning how to do that, hold that pose, must hurt like hell!" Well, the female body is built in such a way that we learn how to not only endure the pains and discomforts life gives us, but also learn to push through them and make that pain a part of us in a new and better way. 1000014898.jpg
So, if you're a woman, celebrate you for a moment while you read this. You are so beautiful, and your strength is a huge part of that beauty. You've made it here, to now, and you should be proud. You've put your body through a lot, life has put your body through a lot, and others have put your body through a lot. So, do something today that is a "thank you" to your body! Get a massage, take a bubble bath, sleep in an hour, do a face mask, etc. Tell us what you did to treat your body to something nice, and name (at least) one thing you love about your body!!!

Men, tell us something you admire about what women are capable of physically. Or something that is in line with this topic.

Let's celebrate the female form together! Let's admire The very things us women tend to bash about ourselves daily.

(Yes, I know men are wonderful and have body image issues too, but this post is about women. You gentlemen will get yours another time)
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Men, tell us something you admire about what women are capable of physically. Or something that is in line with this topic.
Over a decade in Pilates and I’ve had many conversations with my instructor over whether a particular thing is a thing just I’m having trouble doing or my body just isn’t designed to do. We don’t always agree 🤣. Z sitting and mermaid is something I know some men can do but I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to do it comfortably or easily and I’m a little jealous.
The Female Body View attachment 2511414
I wanted to do a post for a moment that just celebrates the female body and the absolute strength we have whilst wielding the ability to look graceful, lithe, sensual, and effortless. View attachment 2511411
The images I've chosen, of course, are dancers. But, they are all different types of dancers, and their poses show the curvature of the female form in such ways that we, as females, like to envision our inner strength as. View attachment 2511412
These images also all show some level of discomfort in the pose. You look and think, "ow, learning how to do that, hold that pose, must hurt like hell!" Well, the female body is built in such a way that we learn how to not only endure the pains and discomforts life gives us, but also learn to push through them and make that pain a part of us in a new and better way. View attachment 2511413
So, if you're a woman, celebrate you for a moment while you read this. You are so beautiful, and your strength is a huge part of that beauty. You've made it here, to now, and you should be proud. You've put your body through a lot, life has put your body through a lot, and others have put your body through a lot. So, do something today that is a "thank you" to your body! Get a massage, take a bubble bath, sleep in an hour, do a face mask, etc. Tell us what you did to treat your body to something nice, and name (at least) one thing you love about your body!!!

Men, tell us something you admire about what women are capable of physically. Or something that is in line with this topic.

Let's celebrate the female form together! Let's admire The very things us women tend to bash about ourselves daily.

(Yes, I know men are wonderful and have body image issues too, but this post is about women. You gentlemen will get yours another time)

i have always admired and been drawn to beautiful and strong women...strength of mind, strength of body...women can quite literally do everything a man can do, only they look much better doing it. i always loved sports and nothing captures the potential of the human body like crossfit and the crossfit games. its not for everyone. many will say it takes things to extremes, but thats the point. the crossfit games are the ultimate test of fitness potential. weights, running, swimming, gymnastics...all tested and often h2h with men, while not against them, and women come out on top...this appreciation expounds beyond the extremes of crossfit to sports like swimming, dance, gymnastics, etc...the female body in all its forms is a beautiful thing. we need to stop comparing and open our eyes to the beauty and strength that is before us every day. love your body ladies.
Men, tell us something you admire about what women are capable of physically. Or something that is in line with this topic.

Let's celebrate the female form together! Let's admire The very things us women tend to bash about ourselves daily.
If you only knew the conversation I've had today...
I will name multiple things.

1. The resiliency of the female body. The inherent flexibility, elasticity, and recovery is remarkable. Why is there a trope about the "man cold" but one about women? They just seem to push through more.

2. The strength of a woman to bear children. A comedian once said in a clever and graphic manner, that childbirth is pushing a watermelon through a Pringles can. I heard that over 20 years ago and I will never forget it. It really isn't much of an exaggeration, either! It's not that a woman has birthed a kid, it's that her body could. That is incredible. And the toll it takes should be several and extreme, right? No. Not really. There are obviously some permanent changes to her body after giving birth, but it doesn't shorten her life. It doesn't ruin bones or organs. With a few exceptions, the woman returns to herself.

3. Womanly flexibility. Most men appreciate a flexible woman, and most women are naturally more flexible than men. It allows them to make more "art" with their bodies. Watching a woman move is poetry in motion. When a man moves? It's a lumbering ogre. Even in things such as figure skating, the woman bends, is hoisted, spins, and performs a dance and gymnastics routine while slipping along a razor's edge across the ice. Men do some of these things, but not nearly as much and are often just costumes furniture for the woman to perform on and around. Men, have you ever tried to be in the sexual position you find your partner in? I couldn't but my legs where they do. I can't bend the way a woman does, can you?