007 Challenge

always, always this thread draws me

come read it whispers

and always
the double-taste

so much talent
leaves me deliciously delighted
embarrassed into quiet

Oooh. This was such a yummy whisper in my ear. Good to see you, Chip! :rose:
Much belated Too

Autumn is made
for jazz, piano meandering
like leaves, notes that fall
crisp to piles, increase that drifts
to emptiness.

Autumn and horns build
slow as kisses slide
into sighs. The beat
of the earth steadily
muted, banked fires smoking
in the blues, tasting the deep
sky, chocolate in the mouth
tongues whispering dark

measure the wind, cool
and rhythmless, then the warm
pulsing interiors. Inchoate.
Don't explain.
I agree with Tristesse, Ange. You have a style all your own. Good to read your poems here. :rose:

Thanks Dora. You know I love to read your poetry here (and elsewhere), too. I've tried other styles on over the years but I yam what I yam...

3 like a tortoise

I was laid low
with Hank Mobley dippin
toes into bluesea warm
and fluid, greasin easy
rolling cool as hell dripping
funk from bebop dropping
into rock, fusion the whole
fucking oeuvre

sound and the nimble
spaces in between, bird
call brush of leaf against
the bark, water flowing
horns and hi-hat chipping
at the breeze.

Played like the wind,
the sideman's sly, wide grin
minutes and the thumpin
melody a crescent moon,
the fiddle and all those cats.
I have lost my tales
all wrapped in blue
perhaps purple prose
will do but oh lord
unhappiness and woe
my champagne1982
account, where did it go?

I can't access and I can't remember my freakin email I used to build it. I seriously think it's gone.

1. Weeping

Biding grief, eventually fades into the tides.
Nevertheless, when I least expect it,
a wave brings it back where I'm still learning
how to swim. I nearly drown, nearly,
but I hold my breath, wading to land.
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2. Voracious

These clouds are jagged teeth tearing holes
through the canopy. One ray of sun slips
by the canine and incisor. It is a spotlight,
warming, but I side step into the maw,
the overcast, squinting against brightness.

The storm hasn't passed, it's just getting
started and I'm just the appetizer.
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3. A Last Breath

Is it courageous fighting to live or
is it found in embracing death?
I don't know. All I can say now
is he fought like hell, did everything
he could to save his life where others
would've given in, been submissive.
Although, he did everything
it was all still nothing in the end.
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4. Linger

We are but embers, wood and earth,
white sage burning.

Our leavings of a fire consumed,
an interim incense curling
fragrant in an empty room.

The sheets may be washed,
physically cleaned where no one
after us would see. Though they
would know we were there;

sex and smoke
always seems to linger.
5. Dead of Winter

Star glitter, cold, hard and mean lays
a colder blanket. She freezes
with one eye open, staring forever
while a crow stands sentinel
on snow covered-breasts.

The contrast of color and the lack of
would be striking all on its own,
but could never compare
to the ice queen.
She's whiter than snow

bleeding the reddest,
most precious jewels of monarchs.
She is a frozen beauty waiting
for the thaw that will never come.
The sun is shunned
and it's always winter here.
6. Six Inch Spike Fetish

Oh, bless you fashion police for allowing
six inch stilettos this year.
Although they should be out of style,
thank you for one more season.

They stack for long, long legs wrapping
around a filthy imagination,
taken home, seduced like a poet,
but fucked like a whore.

She is a muse, ready and wet,
doesn't care the walls are paper,
she claws them open
like she does a man's back.

All the while, those long, long legs
have their hold, those dirty words
screaming on until the very end.

After that, there's only hope that stilettos
come back, are in again and again.
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7. Charmed

We sit curled up on the sagging sofa
enfolded in arms and legs, watching
"Expecto Patronum!" and Harry saving
us all for the hundredth time.
She feeds me burned oatmeal cookies
since Dad still can't bake worth a damn,
but both having a sweet tooth, we eat them
anyway. With little girl giggles in my ears
and a haze of Johnson & Jonson head-to-toe,
I'm perfectly content with my best girl
until the spell lifts tomorrow, it's Monday.
Thanks for the run, Neo. Very thought provoking.

To a Child

your mind doesn't
need an eye

it outsources

Joe Frazier in a Cowboy Hat

would knock you down with a right
like a pissed-off Zeus
struck you with a thunderbolt,

if you ever dared
to enter a ring where he stood opposite,
bouncing on his toes,

just waiting to smack your jaw
because it meant a Cadillac to his mom
even if she couldn’t drive.

Hell, even if Joe didn’t drive, he’d still hit you
because a guy fights his way to security.
Read Hobbes.

We had such fun, didn't we?
Those gossamer threads,
strong as steel and still
in place.
But we are older now,
if not wiser for the bridge of time,
looking for more meaning,
depth, sasnity.
What's missing
is the laughter.


Yeah, yeah. Call me a hermit spider
with no confidence. If
I could spin a web

that snared you
long enough to wrap you tight,
I would eat you slowly—

for such delicacies
should be savored and not gulped.
But since I cannot catch

your tropic wriggle,
do not mock my pleasure
in the slide and cant of your hips.

The way you walk a stem intoxicates,
and I am eight ways drunk with it.

no title

when finally she left, one stiletto
rammed a spike into mud
that hadn't yet been swept from the walk

and yes, I know I told her
that I would never bow to kiss her dirt
but this might dry firm enough

sometimes you are so radiant
it is like I ejaculate into the sun

here her bare feet,
flexed like moccasins
crinkled up under her thigh

and I thank Darwin or the sky
that I can tickle them
and that she knows why

mizu no oto

i buy her gifts
the way a frog decides to leap