007 Challenge

I learned a lot from failures
from being the outcast
the violent personified idiot savant

learned to be loathed by their prey like eyes
learned a contempt
i didnt know nestled below
the residue of thoughts slick
with my own bias

wondering if now I can try see through a less distorted
dystopian vision I can reconcile
some of the rage at those that were beyond
if I isolated myself for my protection
or theirs

always looking on from the outsides
watching the drama unfold
learnt some observational cues
to use for myself against other people
it all becomes hazy when you start tracking
motivations, through interpretational lenses

tried a femenist lens and wanted to castrate myself
tried an identity politics lens and found everything offensive
tried an egalitarian lens and it all looks rose coloured till you get to equality of outcome

so Im stuck with the tragedy of viewing the world as a funhouse of stupidity, and freight training thoughts to their furthest outcome
invariably the track bends to the right because it makes sense
and at the same time it doesnt

try to reconcile
some of my learned traits

learned that it isnt so hard to break a mans wrist
simply by grabbing it
learned how to fracture eye sockets
snap fingers like chicken bones
choke men into unconscious puddles of epileptic spasms
that if you bear hug a man from the side tight enough you can seperate his ribs
that there is no protection from my loss of self control
because traits that are ingrained
deep as bones and blood
can't be unlearned

same as viewing the world through one frame
gives you the answers you seek
even if they arent someone elses truth....
Just She

Phone flips appy happy.
Abby likes me. Sarah, too.
I like women back.
I make love to women fronts
And backs. But never
Jealous women for all that
Ragey fear of inadequacy
Does something shrewish to the complexion
That buckets of collagen can't undo.
Ginger 180403

By JCStreet © 2018, all rights and lollipops reserved

The big ginger
lurches in the tremour
as ? pulls the bedcothes off
scuffles to find its footing,
back to cat sleep

It was
a 7.0 temblor on the duvet scale
the cat
tumbling onto my feet until
smooth symmetry returns


* plagiarism is a federal offence, punishable by 138 years in Guantanamo and a $5000 fine.
Deepcloud Swimming

Iron pins the ionic sky
To the canopy. For the forseeable
Future the city is captive
Under the hum that comes
Just before the shower,
Helplessly happy even though
Even. Though. Eventhough
We cannot see the BOOM.
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a tad nihilistic . . . no?

More cathartic. no nihilism here that was during the stay in the psych ward.

How far have you delved into your own psyche? Trying to analyse how and why you think the way you do?

I see some utility in the differing lenses but to simply put one set on and view the entirety of the world in simply one frame is so limiting as to make it seem in my estimation completely counter productive. You lose track of the individual and try to lump them into cookie cutter molds.

I viewed the world for a long time through a predator and prey lens sizing up every man as if we would fight to the death and viewing women as challenges to conquer and I did a lot of fighting and a lot if fucking but there was little meaning beyond the hedonism.

I'm trying to reconcile who I was into who I am and trying to then aim at where I want to go.

But when you keep getting in your own way sometimes you need to write it out to understand it.

It's a crazy world up in your own mind
Shrine at 4

Eyes blinded by dim search for roar's source:
All French cajoling and rooting. Real Madrid
Leads. Fela Kuti explodes the speakers.
All eyes foot the ball and kick.
Burkina Faso lives vigorously on tongues,
Art, in barbershops. This is the joy
Nowfully risen, still running, ready
For the pass. Eyes bright with oui!
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Plottable Planet

Yes/no, dot/dash, x/y,
0/1 create useful absolutes:
Climbable constructs
For two hands.

Then there was opera. Medicine.
Universities. Many many hands
Piping all outcomes on European
Chords. Ships sailed on binary
human narratives.

Shipless romances of corals
Float threadless beneath
Warm waves. Tongueless
Instances of yes/no and unknown
Harden under cruise ships.
Muted multitudes fall in line
To appease Noah's binary God
On a countable alphabet.
Central narratives are essential
to drive a culture forward
multiculturalism is a keynote
toward intersected tribalism
regression into fractions
where the fight for superiority
is unavoidable

it may have been binary
but it was uniting
you can question
the narrative
but look around
you can't question
the results we live in the freest
most prosperous civilization
in the history of the world

Buy let's tear it to pieces because
my feelings are hurt an people get bullied...

Buy we aren't Venezuela
We aren't south Africa
We aren't the middle east

Blame the whites; the Christians
cry all you want but
at least do it with a sense of humility of what
has been accomplished
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Missed wist

That was the aftermath
Of wordless joy
Wave after wave.

Three little deaths.
Sighs bubbling up.

No politics. Just chartless
Spams singing through happy legs.

Rumi painted me a field
Of no right, no wrong, just
Soft landing where we can try
To seed the lives we bring
Into a common garden.
My skirt is pocketless,
But turns out we are made of seeds.
Let us lay down our silhouettes
Here to record the genomes
Of peace.
She asked for it. Right.

I see what you did there :D

But yes she often begs for multiple I'll leave you fill in the blanks.

There is a duality of what we want
and what we think we need
buried in an outer shell
that sends sensory input

It's confusion and chaos
between pain
pleasures mirrored when it's

scarred and scared
iof what can become
in darkness
what beauty can be sketched
behind the night

What rope marks in flesh can bind
When the feeling of teeth remind
you of weight pressing down
Slow slidin into the madness
of being stretched
sluiced and starving
for harder
demanding faster
when there is no friction
and it should always sound
thus god damn wet
and be screamed so loud

and counting a tally
is impossible
Just this one thing.
There should be yes.
There should be more.
There should be adult
Roofieless consent.
There should be untrafficked
Joyous exploration.

Yes squeeze there unless
I stop breathing. Yes. But
No piss shit blood or wearing
Your mother's clothes.

Prisoners feign consent
Beatings are worse than dancing.

Consent only happens
Between completely
Autonomous people. Otherwise
It is negotiation and power wins.

Money power. Popularity power.
Inheritence. Insurance. Tallied kills.

The best yes is given on two feet
Self sure and steady. That yes
Is the yes I have and hope for.