2015 Survivor


Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
We won't be offering prizes, but you all can still use this forum is there are enough of you who wanna play. I believe Boxlicker has expressed an interest in moderating. So, if you're interested, let us know here!

If there aren't enough people who express an interest before the end of January, then we'll just call it a day and see how people feel next year. :rose:
We won't be offering prizes, but you all can still use this forum is there are enough of you who wanna play. I believe Boxlicker has expressed an interest in moderating. So, if you're interested, let us know here!

If there aren't enough people who express an interest before the end of January, then we'll just call it a day and see how people feel next year. :rose:

Just wondering out loud...

Instead of offering cash prizes, how about offering Literotica tee-shirts, sweatshirts, and/or hats and key chains for the winners with the words Literotica Survivor?

Sweatshirts for the top five, tee shirts for the next ten, and caps and/or Literotica key chains for everyone who participates in the competition.

To offset the cost of the prizes, I'd pay for a Literotica coffee mug that has the Literotica logo on the cup.
Just wondering out loud...

Instead of offering cash prizes, how about offering Literotica tee-shirts, sweatshirts, and/or hats and key chains for the winners with the words Literotica Survivor?

Sweatshirts for the top five, tee shirts for the next ten, and caps and/or Literotica key chains for everyone who participates in the competition.

To offset the cost of the prizes, I'd pay for a Literotica coffee mug that has the Literotica logo on the cup.

No. :rose:

I guess a new Mustang GT as the top prize is out of the question too (lol).

I know. How about an autographed photo of your pussy as the top prize?

Sorry, that didn't come out right. Where's my delete key?

What I meant to write, being that we all know how much you love cats, how about an autograph picture of your cat as first prize...tucked inside of a Literotica coffee mug...and packed inside of a Literotica sweatshirt?

I guess an invitation to the Literotica castle, the adjoining palace, and the realistic dungeon is out of the question.


Nonetheless the lack of prizes, being that I'll be writing stories anyway, albeit longer stories, sans chapters, I'm always up for a competitive challenge.

Consider me registered.

"I'm in."

Someone needs to beat me, otherwise I'll get a swelled head.

"Is that SusanJillParker?"


"What happened to her head? It looks so big."

"No one has yet to beat her in the Survivor contest."

"I thought that was over."

"They decided to have it again in 2015 but this time without prizes."

"Really? No prizes? What's the sense of playing if there aren't any prizes? They could have at least given a Literotica pencil as first prize."

"I wouldn't suggest that. Laurel's been in a mood lately."

That makes four. We only need 40 or so more.

Maybe if we all ask Laurel nice, she'll give us a guided tour of the Literotica castle, the Literotica palace, the Literotica dungeon, and the entire kingdom of Literotica.

I've never seen a real dragon before and I heard that Laurel has three of them, one is a two headed dragon. Wow!

I missed the last Literotica Ball. I wasn't invited.

It would have been swell to have a Literotica sweatshirt and a Literotica coffee mug though.

It would have been swell to have a Literotica sweatshirt and a Literotica coffee mug though.

We have no branded goods anymore. We did them as an experiment a while back, but they're all gone, sent off to various Litsters.
We have no branded goods anymore. We did them as an experiment a while back, but they're all gone, sent off to various Litsters.

With everything inexpensively made in China, perhaps it's time to revisit that idea.

With all of the people who visit this site daily, don't you think there are those who love Literotica and I dare say who love you, and who'd buy Literotica tee shirts, sweatshirts, hats, coffee cuts, key chains, and bobble head dolls of you and Manu?

I would.

"Hey, where'd you get that cool sweatshirt."


See? I'm not even off the thread and someone already stopped me to not only compliment me on your sweatshirt but also to ask me where I got your sweatshirt.

I think you're missing an opportunity to make a small fortune.

"Susan? What are all of these boxes?"

"I'm selling Literotica items, sweatshirts, tee shirts, hats, coffee cups, and key chains."

"Who's going to buy all this stuff. Anyone who reads and/or writes stories doesn't want anyone to know that they read and/or write stories on Literotica.

I beg to differ with you. I already sold my first orders to your mother, your brothers, your sisters, and your father. Reverend Jones is coming over with his entire congregation for me to take orders."

See Laurel. I think we're on to something.

Oh, please, there's no need to thank me. Um, just when you post one of my stories, this is just between us, make sure that you place it at the very top instead of at the very bottom.
mate, seriously, stop being such a cock-gobbler. you're boring.

Let's take a vote. Let's have a show of hands.

Are my creatively funny posts boring or are Geronimo Appleby's idiotic 7 word posts, post that lack humor and/or creativity, boring.

"Wow! Where did all of these people suddenly appear from out of nowhere?"

It's a landslide. Everyone thinks that everything I write is not only funny but creative.

Once again, to quote what happened in Survivor, "I win and you lose...loser."
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now you're being a cunt.

That's better. Thank you. Only, your imitation of Wild Bill Hickok in Deadwood falls short. I think it may be your English accent. It sounds funny when you say 'cunt' when saying it like someone from Liverpool.

Let's try this again. Stand up tall. Put your shoulders back and take a deep breath. Now say again, "Now you're being a cunt."

Hopefully instead of sounding like a Robert Moore, James Bond impersonator, you'll sound more like a manly man, a man's man, and a man from the Wild West instead of a gay man trying to act normal.
you've never been to Liverpool, have you?

I heard it's not a very good place. Especially during the time of the Beatles, I heard it was a poor section with lots of crime.

I've seen movies set in Liverpool on TV though (lol).

Wasn't part of Clockwork Orange shot in Liverpool? Or maybe one or two episodes of Sherlock Holmes?

Have you ever been to Boston? South Boston has a large Irish contingent but you're not Irish, are you? You're English. There's a big difference between the two.

One of my favorite movies was Braveheart with Mel Gibson playing William Wallace but that was the Scots against the English and not the Irish against the English. Then there were the colonists against the English. It sounds to me that no one liked the English.

Maybe you can explain something to me while I have your attention.

Why are the royal family so beloved with the rest of the country is unemployed and poor as most of the citizenry in America is? It makes my skin crawl when I see another member of the royal family wearing yet another military uniform.

I imagine Prince William looking much like Elton John when he's older.

And what happened with Andy Randy? Is any of that true? I liked Sarah. I thought she was beautiful with all of her long, red hair, before the Paparazzi got a hold of her and photographed her topless with men to make her look like a whore.

Princess Diana had the same problem with the Paparazzi invading her privacy. It's not like that in Boston. Celebrities freely walk around without being bothered. Just ask Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, any of the Wahlburgs, and Stephen King watching a Red Sox baseball game.

I have a new and particularly busy job this year which means i won't be as active this year but I will make up the numbers to support Box even if I am not prolific enough to count for much.

Honestly SJP You won again enjoy it, you deserve the win but please stop with the passive aggressive crap. Enough is enough now, let it go and stop being such a whiner and you might find you have an easier run. Don't bother dedicating one of your long posts to me I wont read it. Yes, I am a loser and I am fine with that.

Sean with no prizes I am hoping you wont be the asshole this year, I mean really what would be the point.

Thanks for the last two years Laurel and Box it's been a lot of fun trying to write outside my comfort zones.
I have a new and particularly busy job this year which means i won't be as active this year but I will make up the numbers to support Box even if I am not prolific enough to count for much.

Honestly SJP You won again enjoy it, you deserve the win but please stop with the passive aggressive crap. Enough is enough now, let it go and stop being such a whiner and you might find you have an easier run. Don't bother dedicating one of your long posts to me I wont read it. Yes, I am a loser and I am fine with that.

Sean with no prizes I am hoping you wont be the asshole this year, I mean really what would be the point.

Thanks for the last two years Laurel and Box it's been a lot of fun trying to write outside my comfort zones.

Now I understand why you're a weird Aussie chick. You don't have a sense of humor.

If you read the posts, you'd see I was only trying to be funny, until Geronimo started making his personal attacks. Even then, I didn't add to the fire. I just went along with him.

Apparently, my East Coast humor is out of step with the rest of the country and with the rest of the world.

Nothing I wrote here was mean spirited until I was attacked personally, as I am now again with your nasty post.

i had to laugh at Mel Gibson.

But, tell me, survivor notwithstanding, how many lit contests have you won, or indeed, placed in?

Oh yes, that's right...

Now, if you want to play survivor for fun, excellent; if not, i'm finished playing with you. life is too short to waste in banter with a bitter loser of your ilk. You've gobbed off for years about lit yet you keep on harping on. why not start your own site and give it a rest?

ta-ta, freddie.
I lived half of my life in MA and half of my life in PA. If anyone was going to get that East Coast Sense of Humor, it'd probably be me.

Sorry. I don't get it.