a companion to 30 in 30

@ champy, Love Winter Birch!

nor the magpie who
tries to open the suet

Magpies are so annoying. I remember first seeing one and thinking with their bold tuxedos that were some very handsome birds. That was until had a few of them nesting nearby and dive-bombing me every time I went out to the mailbox on the corner. Noisy little bastards too.
Dive-bombing? Are they dangerous? :eek:

There is a bird here that builds its nest on the ground; sometimes you're just walking merrily around and you innocently come too close. So they fly high and far, then come around in a wide arc, making a proper bombing run. And they have nasty claws, too. Damn crazy birds. :(
Dive-bombing? Are they dangerous? :eek:

There is a bird here that builds its nest on the ground; sometimes you're just walking merrily around and you innocently come too close. So they fly high and far, then come around in a wide arc, making a proper bombing run. And they have nasty claws, too. Damn crazy birds. :(

The magpies did dive-bomb me and others who used the mailbox. They must've bothered postal personnel as well because one day the magpies were there then the next they disappeared. I guess they moved or were "taken out".

I suspect the ones attacking you were protecting their nest full of eggs. I know geese do that and they have ground nests too. No claws, they bite!
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@ champy, Love Winter Birch!

Magpies are so annoying. I remember first seeing one and thinking with their bold tuxedos that were some very handsome birds. That was until had a few of them nesting nearby and dive-bombing me every time I went out to the mailbox on the corner. Noisy little bastards too.
We have both magpies and ravens (yes the big black buggers with the thick murderous beaks) that love to be on the tall blue spruce that our neighbours have been growing for 40 years. They also love the new large square street lights that the city uses now and will perch on the corner post clucking that hollow mating call in late February. Love their antics though. The magpies get a little too pushy with the sparrows and other birds come spring and usually get harassed enough to move on soon after.

I'm trying to write about some of the winter magic that's here, even today when it's -32 C (almost 26 below Fahrenheit). My dog actually has learned to stand on 2 paws while he's out watching the door to come in after his pee; there's a bit of acrobatic magic for ya!
I've almost certainly posted before that I don't have children, and that my friends' progeny have tended to make me grateful for my infertility.

They are (the progeny) now all in their twenties, so probably at the acme of their irritatingness of being smug little assholes who think the world revolves around them. It doesn't. It revolves around my gen, who took it from our parents forty years ago, Godammit.

Fuck, yes, that's inconsistent. I don't care.

But I know I'm drifting dangerously off-topic, from praise to nuclear war. And what I really, originally, wanted to say was that Neo's poem almost makes me wish my wife and I had had a kid.

And that I would have been as good a father as he is.

I wouldn't have been, but that's a different poem.
I suspect the ones attacking you were protecting their nest full of eggs. I know geese do that and they have ground nests too. No claws, they bite!

You are right, of course. However, these birds aren't crazy for defending their nests, but for building them in the silliest places. Once, I was running at a track & field and one of them started chasing me. It had built its nest right there in the field. It must have been stressed throughout, with thousands "attacking" it daily. :rolleyes:
Damn you Remec

your post in 30/30 is annoying, every time I pop in there I get caught up reading it before I can go down the page. :D
Thank you Angeline, Tsotha and Harry. This challenge is interesting because I feel like some of what I am writing does not sound like "me". Maybe it's the pressure to produce something (anything!) daily.

I'm really enjoying everyone's contributions, and waiting to see how it all develops. I think I'll pick a favorite from each contributor when its done.

This is an awesome idea. Just sayin. :)
I've almost certainly posted before that I don't have children, and that my friends' progeny have tended to make me grateful for my infertility.

They are (the progeny) now all in their twenties, so probably at the acme of their irritatingness of being smug little assholes who think the world revolves around them. It doesn't. It revolves around my gen, who took it from our parents forty years ago, Godammit.

Fuck, yes, that's inconsistent. I don't care.

But I know I'm drifting dangerously off-topic, from praise to nuclear war. And what I really, originally, wanted to say was that Neo's poem almost makes me wish my wife and I had had a kid.

And that I would have been as good a father as he is.

I wouldn't have been, but that's a different poem.

Thank you Tzara. Yes, I believe the poem you mentioned before was the one with my daughter's first ballet recital. I don't know how good of a father I am, but I'm interested and involved in what she does, hoping for the best.
Thank you Tzara. Yes, I believe the poem you mentioned before was the one with my daughter's first ballet recital. I don't know how good of a father I am, but I'm interested and involved in what she does, hoping for the best.

I've never forgotten that poem. it's lovely.
I approve, too, and I think I'll also try to do it. It will be difficult to select only one, though. :)

It's going to be VERY difficult. I just went back through the entire thread and started making notes. It's an interesting exercise though, I noticed definite trends in what resonates with me personally.
I approve, too, and I think I'll also try to do it. It will be difficult to select only one, though. :)

It's going to be VERY difficult. I just went back through the entire thread and started making notes. It's an interesting exercise though, I noticed definite trends in what resonates with me personally.

I have a few favorites already, but they could change. :)

I have to go back through the thread a few times and re-read. I'm sure I've missed or forgotten a lot of them over the past three weeks. It's a lotta poems.
I have a few favorites already, but they could change. :)

I have to go back through the thread a few times and re-read. I'm sure I've missed or forgotten a lot of them over the past three weeks. It's a lotta poems.
i'll wait till we reach the final 30's then dive back in, pick out maybe 5 that tingle me more than the rest. :)
i'll wait till we reach the final 30's then dive back in, pick out maybe 5 that tingle me more than the rest. :)

by my calculations, the first 30 ends in 8? days with the rest of the pack ending in 10 or so days. If I might be so bold as to suggest a post to cap the end of the first go 'round before starting the next 30. just an idea and a place to start reading again. :cool: Kudos challenge participants.
by my calculations, the first 30 ends in 8? days with the rest of the pack ending in 10 or so days. If I might be so bold as to suggest a post to cap the end of the first go 'round before starting the next 30. just an idea and a place to start reading again. :cool: Kudos challenge participants.

guess that's neo's call as he's the thread starter :)
Actually, I have a scheduling conflict. Is there going to be any mass outcry if I post the last couple of poems on the same day? I am traveling to yet another country that I am pretty certain bans Lit on the 10th of January, returning only at the end of the month.

I guess I could re-start but that would be annoying. Can't I claim force Majeure?
Actually, I have a scheduling conflict. Is there going to be any mass outcry if I post the last couple of poems on the same day? I am traveling to yet another country that I am pretty certain bans Lit on the 10th of January, returning only at the end of the month.

I guess I could re-start but that would be annoying. Can't I claim force Majeure?
no outcry from me, desi :kiss:
Actually, I have a scheduling conflict. Is there going to be any mass outcry if I post the last couple of poems on the same day? I am traveling to yet another country that I am pretty certain bans Lit on the 10th of January, returning only at the end of the month.

I guess I could re-start but that would be annoying. Can't I claim force Majeure?
I was involved in a family crisis and restarted, mind you I was only a few poems into my run. But that's the joy of this very challenging challenge. 30 days, 30 poems. The real purpose of this challenge, remember, isn't to post only 30 poems but it's to stimulate we, inherently lazy, poets into writing daily. I see nothing wrong with starting a new run if you must stop before your first 30 is completed ... :catroar: means we get some more delicious desejo - see I'm greedy. I'm also all for keeping this challenge diabolically difficult to meet, especially when we're living an inconvenient life that tends to get in our way.
Actually, I have a scheduling conflict. Is there going to be any mass outcry if I post the last couple of poems on the same day? I am traveling to yet another country that I am pretty certain bans Lit on the 10th of January, returning only at the end of the month.

I guess I could re-start but that would be annoying. Can't I claim force Majeure?

Ouch. Well, here it is and the reason I'm nicked-named Neobolical. You'll have to start a second attempt. (Don't hate me, I'm with Champy and I'm just as greedy for Desejo-poems too.)

Maybe you can post a shorty poem via smartphone?

*ducks and runs.