a companion to 30 in 30

confused by the sudden outburst of whatever that was......
flirting teenagers......

maybe just maybe it's time for todski to lighten up
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It's all a joke Todski...don't worry, there will be no killing on Lit!

lol, thanks for the clarification :D not my intention to have it read (past tense version) that way ;)
I meant for me to lighten up, self assessment, probably should have stayed in my head :)

fixed it now
lol, thanks for the clarification :D not my intention to have it read (past tense version) that way ;)
I meant for me to lighten up, self assessment, probably should have stayed in my head :)

fixed it now
you ok, sweetie? :rose:
sort of, lots of crazy happening at the moment, things that have rattled my seeming stability to the point of wanting to run naked into the street hands over my ears screaming
if you succumb, remember one important word, tods . . .youtube :kiss:

i've been following your writes and there was stuff going down. hope things resolve themselves asap :rose:
sort of, lots of crazy happening at the moment, things that have rattled my seeming stability to the point of wanting to run naked into the street hands over my ears screaming

I think every person should be allowed a certain quota of running naked into the street hands over ears screaming. Sounds like a pretty good way to lighten up. :cool:
I think every person should be allowed a certain quota of running naked into the street hands over ears screaming. Sounds like a pretty good way to lighten up. :cool:

If anyone intends to participate please call me first, I could do with a good laugh
Belay my last. It's poo. I have a cold and running on no sleep topped off with pseudoephedrine and caffeine.
"A woman is like a beer. They look good, they smell good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one...."
- Homer Simpson
"You know, boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like a woman. You just have to read the manual and press the right buttons."
—Homer Simpson
Oh god. The dancing. :eek:
Pretty groovy, huh?

I'm a little disappointed they weren't wearing Go-Go boots, but those Orlon tracksuit things they're wearing are pretty 60s.

Just wait--your gen will have all kinds of Awful Recorded Memories as well. And you have lotsa cloud storage to archive it in! Yay! :)
Pretty groovy, huh?

I'm a little disappointed they weren't wearing Go-Go boots, but those Orlon tracksuit things they're wearing are pretty 60s.

Just wait--your gen will have all kinds of Awful Recorded Memories as well. And you have lotsa cloud storage to archive it in! Yay! :)

Well, luckily for me, I was always more of a classic rock guy. Hm. Wait, except for...


*runs off to burn some clothes*
Well, luckily for me, I was always more of a classic rock guy. Hm. Wait, except for...


*runs off to burn some clothes*
Oh, don't tell me you like Slipknot.

Though if you did, we could car pool to the concert. I'd even be the Designated Driver. I'm allergic to masks.

Anyone tell you your AV looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock?

Just curious.
Oh, don't tell me you like Slipknot.

Though if you did, we could car pool to the concert. I'd even be the Designated Driver. I'm allergic to masks.

Hm. Not a fan, but that show could be fun. Count me in. :D

Anyone tell you your AV looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock?

Just curious.

Err. Not really. Though I've only had an AV for a couple weeks. Given enough time, someone is bound to find your AV similar to pretty much anyone, I think. ;)