About Melania

They'd get shot by gun nuts who cant control themselves. Correct.
"Gun nuts" can control themselves. Millions of owners, collectors, and dealers in firearms avoid conflict because the consequences of same may be devastating.

Try to grasp this, fruitcake: people acquire firearms to avoid violence.

Labelling millions of firearms enthusiasts as potential mass shooters is like equating the losers and incels on this site with Jesus.

Guns don't make people criminals: stupidity does that.

Jesus didn't know his dad; you don't know yours.

Not quite the same, dork.

Nobody needs a gun to win a bar fight with a slug like you. Usually a firm word is enough.

Want more? I was doxxed here. I'm very easy to find. Come around.

( O O )
To paraphrase the recent failed presidential candidate, I must have fallen out of a gun-nut tree. If so, then it was the will of Allah. As his valued servant, there is very high degree of responsibility that comes with that, and meeting/exceeding that means there is much trust as a result.

Body Count as of this very moment: 0.00

But we continue to hear the nonsense about "snapping," but only from the grossly under informed.