all of a sudden passion suddenly

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you did it once certainly again
is always the option
crazy motherfucker of course everyone goes crazy sometimes
you went rude ass hole of silence
but 10,9,8,7 of course I want it
6,5,4 that thing
that thing we were taught to look away with disgust
you sicken me
run and report it to the authorities
I want that thing we are supposed to shame you
but you stand exposed
dirty someone might say
you need a doctor, self help, talk show confessions but I want
that thing in your hand
you no good sick fuck cheating son of a bitch I am not ashamed
I want you unwashed
stale sweat perverted secrets hidden
under vacation photos dont comb your hair
dont apologize
edont say hellosave it
save it save it for after
sick motherfucker I am supposed to shun you
lord help me I am so glad
you are back
annaswirls said:
wet washcloth
soak searching for the spinter that damn it
is causing this misery but gentle
there is nothing there
except my own flesh


this can mean SO much more than a splinter. Anna's magic.

I want some.

If Romulus had been born in the 20th Century

resembles the full moon
that has swung on an uneven axis
from Siberia, where it gave birth
to my Mother, who in turn
became pregnant with my Father

An impossible equation, I know,
but this is witchcraft with a lick
of physics, cold and unforgiving
as the tundra where I was left
to suckle

on a make believe wolf
and build an empire no-one wanted.
Not a Lie

Still think it was all a lie,
never thought to ask why.
thought and thought and tried,
that day, two hearts died.
Tawodi said:
Still think it was all a lie,
never thought to ask why.
thought and thought and tried,
that day, two hearts died.

Lies are like fishing bait
If you swallow it whole
you get jerked around
eaten for lunch
and shit out
after having the best
taken from you
I do wat?

Beat, hearts, embodied, please.
Blood must come from somewhere, go
somewhere, too.

Truth is everywhere. Here especially.


You looked at the geology
of the landscape being built
under your feet, unable
to see its mythology

slowly being grafted onto
the world outside. You
assumed all the symbols,
movements and paintings

were part of something
larger, unable to comprehend
that even the smallest
stone can tell the greatest

Like a waxing moon, our passion glows.
We rush ahead, read the last page,
say heated words, our 'love you'; before
we know it...the end is near.

Stop short #6 - Climax
a 7-character Chinese chueh-chu
Woe to the man whose every intent is bent
on defending himself. For isn't a life
spent under this stress a ragged cloth
shot full of holes? What is warmed beneath
that shroud? Nothing and nothing
is all he defends, for it isn't about him
at all, at all. No it isn't about him at all.

Cry for the man who keeps banging his head
and can't lie down to sleep. His head
is too soft and the wall is too hard
but he must knock a hole in the argument
to see what's behind. Nothing and nothing
is all he will find, for it isn't about him
at all, at all. No it isn't about him at all.

Pity the man whose fear can't let go of the straw
he holds. He doesn't see the grain in the field
for his hunger denies him the vision to drop
the straw to make room for the wheat. He would
rather starve than accept a loaf. Nothing and nothing
is all he will eat,
for it isn't about him
at all, at all. No it isn't about him at all.

ETA the bits in italics.
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Waiter Notes

Table four,
in the corner to the right.

Gazpacho, extra basil,
and salty conversation
rolled over marinated lips.

Main courses are red sandalettes
slipped off, delicate feet tip-toeing
around a hairy ankle, nudging a sock
down and down, and fingers weaved
across cutlery and folded napkins.

Slow cuisine, to melt bite sized on
anticipating tongues already
salivating for dessert,

to suck distilled pressure from
still sauteing life, where heat meets
exuberant spice, skipping past taste
to aim for direct reaction.

Too fast now, too close too ripe,
she clamps her tender thighs,
and stills her breath with yet more wine.
Fingers untangle for a while, to grip
a glass or table edge, four hands
clutching straws for control, four lungs
clutching for oxygen, basil, bread,
any new drug to still the high.
It's not yet time, not yet time.

Two macchiatos sipped
in giggles and sighs, a check
shakily signed, a king size tip
and a hasty goodbye,

Table four, in the corner
to the right,

empty glasses, still warm seats,
and red sandalettes
forgotten below and behind.
tungtied2u said:
Lies are like fishing bait
If you swallow it whole
you get jerked around
eaten for lunch
and shit out
after having the best
taken from you

That's true...
though it wasn't a lie,
it was sincere.
'Till I heard something
I didn't want to hear.

Then I knew
what would be if I stayed.
I won't spend my life
being the prey.

You could hear it whispering
through the rafters of grandfathers
old barn, every word clenched
tight on the old beams like spiders
waiting to grab their prey.

Investigating revealed its rusted
chassis tucked behind bales
of hay, neatly wound like bandages
for this patient. But he would never
want to play doctor with it,

always wanting to leave its chattering
skull to rust. He never looked back
to when we would chase its knowledge
across the fields. But now it is the other
way round, and it is chasing us for
knowledge, even when we have none.
Winter Dew

Prism cathedrals
hang on a local oak,
refracting light
from a runaway sun

that multiplies
before disintegrating,
absorbed in earth
and a million ant guts.
Plato Takes An Art Class

the moon paints
the landscape white,
adding drops of black
for cars covered
in sleet

what landscape
does the sun paint
when it is dry?
The Umbrella Stand

Grandfather's umbrella stand
resembled an elongated
jellyfish sheathed in cast iron,
the umbrellas with their bird
skulls peeking out to watch
us waiting for the rain to come.
My favourite was the Mallard,
although it never made a sound
when I pulled it out, I imagined
it pecking at me when I slept,
the marks on my chest never
drying up in the morning.
vampiredust said:
The Umbrella Stand

Grandfather's umbrella stand
resembled an elongated
jellyfish sheathed in cast iron,
the umbrellas with their bird
skulls peeking out to watch
us waiting for the rain to come.
My favourite was the Mallard,
although it never made a sound
when I pulled it out, I imagined
it pecking at me when I slept,
the marks on my chest never
drying up in the morning.

A treat to feel this poem expanding on the page.


Once my blood lept,
speeding like the tarantella,
at the clarifying vision of your window.
Tea leaves gave shape to your shadows
at the bottom of an unlikely cup
where I was pulled like iron filings
magnetized by your pulsing dreams.

And you drew me, after all,
with the invitation--a personalized
notice, unfurled from the bobbing bottle.
It commended me to your room that seemed
from the other side of the window
so warm.

If only I had stayed
on that side.
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The Red Parasol

It is wide and broad
like when she sits
by the river and is
stretched out
to catch the full
view of that lazy
red dot casting
shadows across
the snowlit plains

dragging her to
the places memory
has a habit of showing
you to remember
what it's like to exist
and what it's like to
The X-Ray Skull

There is truth in what it shows.
Forget the portents that came
before, everything soothsayers,
spin doctors, even what priests
and imams speak of.

They cannot draw darkness
out of the corners of a child's
skull or dive deep down into
places reachable only by sub
-mersibles. Only this can.

And when the images are placed
in front of you, all those thoughts,
opinions and unnecessary lies
are cast away, brought back
down to the well they were taken
from and drowned.
how to survive in the jungle

variegation in hanging plants
secret to jungle survival
green lines hideouts
for lizards and frogs
white lines highways
travelling down the vine
lead to water and danger
stay put, lizard and frog
wait for the rain to nourish
abhor the soil
as if your soul depended
upon never touching toes
to mud
Zen Of A Gravedigger

I don't dig holes for the dead,
but for the living who likes
to put the dead in holes,

and loves who they were

and for the worms
who loves what they became,

and for myself,
to see that I can still
climb out.
I have read
Dickenson, Emily the morbid
my daughters have christened her
and consistently blame her
brothers for digging her poetry
from brittle and rusted steamer trunks
squirreled an attic and a century away
her poetry which by her own admisson,
she never wanted anyone to see

I have read Dickenson, she doesnt
impress me, after all, death comes
to every living thing like night
consumes the beleaguered day

The universe is the shape
of her face, every atom
configured to mirror
her movements whenever
she moves.

Galaxies swirl in her hips,
the base metals and elements
products of her prayers.
Words are powerful,
but only in her hands.

You see it growing on cliffsides
or on top of rocks,
the patches of damp green fur
vying for space with lichen.

But this is more indomitable,
clinging on when wind
and sleet charges,
this is what will inherit the Earth.

She plays her songs
in red and purple,
love hanging onto
the guitar strings
like drops of dew.

We sit back
and watch the moon
melt into her notes,
the starry sky
drowned in a nocturne
burning brighter
than the campfire.
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