all of a sudden passion suddenly

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RhymeFairy said:
I live
in my memories.

I live
in my memories​
saturated with them
enough that I float
and all good things sink
to the bottom

The sediment is the future
but everyone knows not to drink
the last swallow
so I don't​
RhymeFairy said:
I live
in my memories.
I live
in my memories

in a house of wax
that sometimes I fear
the heat of inspiration
thoughts of you flare
up in tongues
that lick and melt
my structured thoughts
compulsively straight
but folding in on themselves
when I open the door
I live
in my memories

filtered through gauze and
selected for their qualities
harvested with care
not to be shared
but kept close and closed
to keep them even more
perfect than reality
drawn near on winter nights
like embers that glow
knowingly in my past
and burn brighter when stirred
my bones will remember
what the my flesh forgets.
Diamond Mine

This is where God first created
the universe. You can still feel
his presence when you step
through the thick steel doors,

running your fingers along wire
vertebrae on the cavern walls,
watching coal faced ghosts
discover new pockets of his Word.

They are hidden in the darkness
here, scattered like seeds
in fields that never grow. They
say you can see the face of God

in a diamond, telling you words
of truth that start to blur once
it's taken outside, a relic reshaped
in lies. This is his irony. Amen.

Today, I am made happy
as raspberries in chocolate
because our blended favors
melded smooth and creamy
in one really tasty shake.

I give

them my heart, soul
in buckets filled
with all I have.
From hugs to kisses,
night night stories on ships
we travel to dreamland. Our crafts
that look alike to, too dark nights
that make a snuggle turn triple.

I try

showing responsibility, humbling thoughts
and grief for the lost. To share
everything inside one must migrate
turn out and flow over till nothing withstands
but dried tears and a broken heart.

They keep

me up at all hours. Loose teeth
only to fight over whose it really is.
Cough and spurt, share all their germs
with me, the less fortunate one.

They delight

in running circles around me, day
and night. Chocolate brownie batter
spread evenly around walls, floor
and chairs. One whips lil one
with wrapping paper roll
another whelps 'n screams
life is not fair.

We each

give 'n take from the other.
Sharing a life filled with love
laughter and so much drama.
Who in their right mind
would wanna join
this crazy madhouse?

what's crazy is...

I know this sounds crazy but
sometimes I want to take a razor blade
and, I wont tell you what I really want to do
except that it involves the shaving of heads
and the aerodynamics of a mohawk while fighting a freefall,
skin stretched plastic by the wind
it has to do with freedom and the shedding
of twenty-six years of pain
and i know this sounds crazy
but I want to run naked and screaming
into downtown traffic at rush hour,
red lights gridlock everyone stopped
lanes and lanes of people on cell phones staring
and sometimes I want to jump
off a thousand tiny tables in a day,
just to say I did it , I did it
and what did it get me?
I still can remember those twenty-six years-
twenty-six years I'd ( probably) do again
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She keeps unwanted raindrops
in her womb, swallowing
them every time it comes
close to her house.

She opens wide
and feels it sliding down
her throat, the warmth
of her body slowly cooling

with its touch.
She returns it in Spring,
watching it grow in grey clouds,
Winter is her season
to watch her cycle start again.
my death
your death
whose death?
new death
every way
no accidents
everything has a purpose
but life has none
sometimes i want to take a blade
a pin
a sharp anything
anything to make me wake
wake up and see!
look at yourself
look at you!
what you have become
what you are going to be
be nothing
i will be nothing
nothing with or without this pain

sometimes i just want to take that blade
slide softly
across your skin
my skin
whose skin?
who cares
all the pain is the same
but the pain of the blade, the pin
won't allow me to look at myself
and the world
and blinds me from the pain of you
the pain you cause me
nothing matters
when the blade pushes in
and the blood gushes out
you can't control it
you can't hurt me
only i can.
and i will
Tathagata said:
God rest ye merry gentlemen
draw near and drain a dram
the fire is of driftwood
gathered from hallowed ground
smell the river Jordan
where baptisms uncounted
collected souls and fragrant words
prom night promises
of unending fidelity

Let nothing you dismay
all vexes and impediments
will be swept away
dust thy broom and sing praises
the prophet said
" Forget your troubles and dance"
footsteps echo the journey
in shadow relief
and we follow as sheep

Remember Christ our savior was born on Christmas day
be in the world but not of the world
for when the heart encompasses all in compassion
there is no separation
heaven exists in a gutter
worship the babe
all are born benevolent gods
but sublime mindset is out grown

Oh tidings of comfort and joy
these are the blessing bestowed upon you
seraphic lips press them into unwrinkled milk suck brows
these benedictions linger
long after our knowledge makes us
unfeeling to such things

Tidings of comfort and joy
to you all

Forget what I said in the email. Now you don't have to send me the poem. :p

Aren't glosas fun? Tristesse wrote one that inspired mine.

:kiss: :heart:

It lay in the centre of Battersea Park,
an island made out of flashing lights
and everything that disappears quickly.

The ferris wheel was the set piece,
the hydraulic elephants bowing
every time it completed a revolution.

It had everything I expected:
the dodgems, coconut shy, ghost house
but had no gypsy fortune teller

or freak show. I watched atoms
blur and dissipate as I went on every
ride, life pausing at key moments

to taste the cold in the air, the stink
of onions, the footprints I would make.
And when it was finished, experience

would back it up on my internal hard drive,
ready for the slow-mo on those moments
I had deliberately missed.

Your first flight is something everyone
remembers. I can just about think
of mine, but the details are a little hazy,

interrupted with the noise of events
that happened since then, beating
louder than a squadron of geese wings

moving. It was raining, I think,
and the fuselage of the plane reminded
me of a hummingbird in the rain.

No, a million hummingbirds,
each one beating furiously to shake off
a weight holding them down,

waiting for the flight to happen
and take them somewhere away from
the wet, damp atmosphere of the now.


you drank, beat your wife,
threw us out.
And then,

had the cheek
to deny it all.

If what you say is true,
why am I
still finding new bruises
on my chest

every morning?

He wants me to grovel,
turn into a piece of paper
for him to crumple up
and throw away,
like he did all those years

But I will not.
I will imagine I am a brown bear
wrestling with a bees nest,
feeling the swarm sting
as I wrestle, trying to get at
the honey deep inside.
And as I am stung more and more,
my claws will dig deeper
and deeper, until -

until they are covered
with what I have been trying
to get.
Hummingbird Soup

Mother made you hummingbird soup
because she wanted you to fly away.
I watched her in the kitchen, plucking
the feathers of a thousand hummingbirds,
adding it to the simmering stock, brown
as the bruises you gave to her. She threw
their entrails away, never thinking her
future was in them, visible to anyone who
looked. The green feathers was added
to the top of the broth, making it lighter
than it had been at the start. And as you
ate it, I watched the hummingbird spirits
flock to your body as if you were a giant
flower, but turn away, realising everything
sweet had been dried up in your bones.
You never flew away that night, but tossed
and turned in your sleep, as if there was
something still needed to be thrown away
inside of you.
No passion here, just ...

I want a bubble bath
then a good
hard fuck. Throw
down, show mw,
no reason for modesty,
give me,

give me
toys with batteries, vibrating
for my cause
tongues that lick, stick
suck up
all my dirty deeds.

Share with me, taste
tha burn. Feed me
your cock
till I can no longer
turn aside from miseries

Inhale my gluttony
as I go down hard
rippling your member
with my forked
tongues delight.

Bang me, bring me
'n over
while I ride your tide,
your anxiety
from a temptress's touch
showing you the way
to a good

Sculpting Air

At 50,000 feet the dialect of air
becomes unrecognisable,
its tone and pitch becoming feinter
as the captain steers the plane
through the naked sky

You cannot hear the words
it used to say before, thinned out
by the lack of a medium
to carry them through these paths.
When you land,

you might be able to understand
the message you were expecting,
broken up,
the meaning re-shaped, consequence
that does not matter anymore.

Tinfoil houses line the streets,
watching a couple of lost stars
tumble down St Michael's Mount
in the distance.

It's high tide now and is cut off
from the mainland, a mouth
without its master. They end
their journey with a splosh,

the current chasing them out
to sea. Painters will think about
this scene when they dream,
painting it when they sleepwalk.

And in the morning, people
will ask if that painting is for sale.
Anatomy of a blackbird

I keep its bones
in the glove compartment,
neatly wrapped in a tissue
paper shroud, clocks
constantly going backwards.

I rewind its image
every time I hold them,
thinking of how the first bullet
stopped the storm
in the distance, and how

the second stopped
myself from firing a third.
Perhaps if I have time,
I'll bury these bones
and the clocks will move

The river is a sentence
that I cannot pronounce,
meandering through my
cold butterfly lips staying
shut to avoid speaking

the words inside its body.
Boats rest their keels
on top of its nouns, verbs
flapping their wings,

lifting off as the wake
starts to shake the landscape.
Perhaps if I shut my mind,
I would be able to say it

and feel the rushing of water
through my mouth.
more prose than poetry, but here it is...

The Fallout of 6-6-06

i feel like such a selfish bitch
because hearing "I love you" is never enough
i'm not materialistic in any other sense
but when You want me to know "I love you" please
tell me breathe me touch me give me
all that You can give, don't be reserved.

He used to tell me "I love you" after
a blow to the head and a geniune apology, oh i'm sure
He never meant to hurt me but He did. The slaps
were not painful, it was the message. Loved
like an animal, kicked around when i defied orders and
expectations, but loved best.

i miss Your love letters, i miss Your silly little texts
on my cell phone. i miss the way You used to call five times a day
just to hear my voice. i know every relationship goes this road,
the heat subsides as we grow more comfortable.
And maybe i'm afraid that getting comfortable will give You, too,
the excuse to love me like an animal.

i can't imagine You'd ever hurt me in that way. But maybe
You'd leave me outside in the cold; i'm not sure what happens to
normal couples when the fire first dies down. i fear You'll get
tired of me (like Him); i'm always so scared on the phone when i don't have
enough to say, i'm probably not very interesting, that's what He
used to tell me. i have to remind myself that You are not Him.

Maybe Your kicks and blows won't bruise me, but the
loneliness of being away from You crawls under my skin and curls up
at the back of my neck and croons in a sing-song voice that i'm a loser
and You're not calling because the magic has all worn off and
Your eyesight is clear now. i'm just as fat and unattractive and boring as
He told me, and all those times You said i was pretty were lies.

And i wish there were another way to tell You that i need
You to remind me show me that You love me. Please, please
just don't say it because no matter how hard i try to believe
those words hold only mixed meanings. i don't even know how to tell my
own children. Please please touch me feel me give me
breathe me in please please forgive me please so i'll really know for sure.

the wildflowers are blooming,
the air is thick
with the stench of captured
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