all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The Morning After

The sound of a letter
falling through the door

the weeping, the stench
of words burning

the first touch of sunlight
on the skin

the morning after

The moon recoils
as the scene is revealed
to the public:
a scurrying mouse, floorboards
wrinkling, mattress springs

Milky sperm dribbles
from her lips,
the object of her affection
limp in her hand.

You want to turn away,
cover your eyes, change
your mental channel.

Your dreams will hear her
voice tonight, guaranteed.
The notes make a thud
only you can hear
as you leave the shop.
mountain whispers
under a blanket of snow,
footprints are words
to be bartered here,
safe passage to warmth -
a compass to the soul
and secrets hidden
in folds of skin and bone.
two years
two deers trapped in headlights,
hindsight blinded by happenstance
chance choices call like voices

through years
of unanswered prayers, scared
by a fruitless future, wounds
sutured together by loves promise

in New Years
kisses, a moment clutched tight
but the night passes, like a dove
in flight, transitory but unforgettable
I shall crash again,
like so many times.
Go down off
the adrenaline high
kept so well hidden,
in my heart of hearts.
Where no one can see,
but the wounded
stranger ...

My lips

My lips
are butterflies
slowly suffocating

hold me
kiss me
before they become
& cold

as you
Her Mattress

Her mattress is a sponge
absorbing all the smells
of the night before,

salty sweat drips into its
pores, tears filling up
an unseen well.

Beads of milky sperm
hang inside the rubber
cavern, ready to fall

and cloud the well.
Everything will be released
when she is gone

and this nose
will been cut in half
and released to the earth,

which will expand
in delight, I imagine.
I refuse to conform

Another tree is here, showing me
his limbs
how they sway and whipple
in the earthy breeze.

His bark
is grungy, if one but ask.
Not at all like yours, warm

and gruff to the touch
with lil whiskers of softness
to run my fingers over
and around.

His roots are shallow, and he is vain
with his leaves of popular. Not like
your oak ones, ingrained

with red intentions. Reading me
like a book
then, licking my pages
until one by one, the letters
all fall out
respelling your name, with a golden

dye. you tattooed
my skin
body and mind. Yes,
I think he will have to be

transplanted. There is only room
for one oak, in this yard.

~~might need a bitta work ~~
Rain, Rattle and Roll

She described
her love for jazz
with a mop and bucket,
using them as her partner
when the Chet Baker
song came on.

Never mind the clouds
on the wet floor
or the storm curtains,
swelling up
with every twirl and thrust,

she would hear
the lighting come later,
followed by the loud
pounding of thunder.
so Carson D. is up in the soundbooth
looking below at the millions
and right there on national television in front of dick
and everyone admits that people
depend on virtual communities
and suddenly I am there with my cock in my hand
and we are all there caught cock handed and dumb-founded
porn and gore news chi-ching in our eyes like the casinos they put up
all over the state to rob the poor my father says
but mom knows they cant manage their own money anyway
better to just take it and take care of things from the counter

but look, says Carson
it is some kind of sign
this reaching out for human contact
dancing in matching hats the whole crowd red with Chevy
Chevy Chevy
from down the street the skinny news woman takes the mic
who're you going to kiss at the strike of twelve
and these girls here, they just want you Carson
oh you tell them I will take them all
they blwo kisses
news girl provides the sound
Carson counts candy cash during the commercial
for some car, some truck, I cannot remember the name
my mother wonders
why they did not pass out hats
12:02 my husband makes his way over to my chair
we kiss upside down
it has been a good year
now lets go giddey up find me someone new
to adore
and god forbid my dreams come true no no no
dont you steal my dreams
dont punish me with the wildest
fuck, I dont think my body can bend that way

She slowly started to tear
off her feathers in the interview
as the knife started to get close
to her body, every new cigarette
removing one more barrier
that could never be discussed,
until a frail cygnet was exposed -
afraid to fly, not because of water,
but of the air thickening itself
around her wing tips, always plunging
her back down to earth.
The Poem

I can outlift Atlas
I can outsprint Sisyphus
I can juggle generals,
juggernauts and giants
I can balance a pyramid
of people on my back
I can inhale the universe
and exhale it as a bird
I can beat God
in a chess game

When I weep oceans overflow
When I smile babies are born
When I laugh mountains sing
When I am upset you start to crack
lines crossed

the finish, way past
but the energy still lives
moments taken, forsaken for lifetime
ahead. say nothing, but I still tremble

when the snow falls fast, outlining
gingerbread men, walking one by one.
their m&m's drop off. now, with no eyes
to see
they persist. jogging along
as if they had diamonds glowing
outta empty sockets.

She keeps a hawk chick
inside her handbag,
pausing to weep
when it opens its clasp,
its cinnamon throat
inflating to receive
copper and silver.

It rejects flesh,
preferring the taste
of something bitter
also going in the 30 in 30 thread...

I closed my eyes
and sung along to the lyrics I knew
tapping bare toes
on a scratchy green comfortor
three hours away from home,
admiring the way the curls fell
and danced on your shoulders,
wishing I could be that cradled guitar
as your voice caressed the air.

Later we sit together indian-style,
your fingers brushing my cheek
as we laugh at bad cartoons
and reminisce.
Come time to leave, hands meet and
eyes search and linger,
flickering up once more
before you lean in
and stop time.
The Trip

For My Addiction

Psychedelic owls
cars trip over my buckles
roost in the rafters
cows graze on concrete fields
of my paragraphs

If this is the high,
then what will be the low?
Falling Leaves

I blow her kisses through
the incandescent sky,

watching them fall
with a well timed plop

in sodium streams
catching them in their mouths.

There is only silence
as they enter the underworld.
counting bricks, one to three

there are times when tears
are nothing more than walls
cement blocks being drowned
by salted water falls

I do remember laughter
someone, some where asked me
why I laugh so little
it has to do with success
or the lack there of
perhaps is why I seem so bitter

there are times when tears remind me
of times spent behind other walls
brick, cement, wooden plaster
invisible walls are the hardest of all

to escape
a flow, burning hot
the kind that feels red
escapes months of
virtual prison
my passion
like a gunshot
that jars to my toes
shakes away the cobwebs
and wakes me from a coma
come on, come on...its still
just as perfect

the crust of the earth splits
a wide canyon opens
and i step off the edge
no nets
a freefall into
the center of existance
and somehow, you
catch me again.
were it so simple...

yours was a game
still played...

by me.

in safety

for yours
too safe.

keep still,
your taste,
in the web of my fingers...

beyond the cleansing
of time.

not a swansong
squandered time elapsed
and made my blood freeze
four degrees less than death
until a hot breath
restarts a cold flat heart
and pumps it fat
with you know,
a back arches and cracks
the sound of fuck at last
and i come to,
with black hair in my fist
and the tang of blood
on my lip
a taste of life.
Write me a headline
and let me devour it

Write me a story
and let me confess to it

Write me a letter
and let me burn it

Write me anything
and let me control it
I call out

not from loneliness
but of love. Hear the ringing
trembles, that scatter out
synchronizing in unison.
Ultimately gathering courage
to create a new path,
a new garden.

Hand to bell, tolling loud.
Take a peak inside
all you'll find, is your picture
wallpapered, 4x4 in delicate
intricate, designs.

Plucked in passion, rooted
in rapture. Inamorata, paramour
I have a hankering emotion
set in, grounds of interminably
come to ear.

there was a time

when time meant
one day. now I care not
when, how or why. I lie
in wait, a purring kitten
turned crazy cat. to sit, stew
slurp up every morsel
then debone your

meaty t-bone. frisky feline
on the alert to every winding curl
that rattles tail to mouth
circling constantly to connect
paw nail talions to tasty
pre-milk dribbles.

all of a sudden-
passion turns poison
acid burns turn red to black
the tunnel grows longer
and pens do kill;
restraint is not a strong point
stun-gun renders one
alarmingly still
surreality swirls as it all
sinks in
my next of kin
will surely win
when i'm buried alive by truth
concerning you and him.
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