all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Tabula Rasa

RhymeFairy said:
there was a time

There was a time
when all the colors on the palette
merged to black.
I painted you into every scene.

Christmas time with family and friends,
had you in a Rockwell,
hung on the Douglas fir.
Your eyes were ornaments, onyx,
and glittering cruelty. Each New Year
I put you away in a box instead of smashing
your memory, throwing it away.

Pictures of Tulip Fest, yellow and red, cheery;
you stood tiny in the background,
but your presence was foreboding.
You froze the spring, killing dreams.
Stupid as I am, I still waited for the thaw.

Every perfect summer day,
you marred the image, a dark omen
and were the brown recluse that hid
in the fallen leaves, bit me, poisoned any hope
for finding normal.

But tabula rasa, the slate is clean.
I'm letting the muse go this year.
You are nothing,
you have no power, no color,
nothing but blank white space.

I've always preferred poetry
. anyway.
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he is in pain. hidden deep

for outside eyes
must not see
the sordid affair being carried on
behind backs and before questioning eyes
who would wish to desecrate
this beautiful relationship.

two souls otherwise committed, continue
to hurt. true love is the trophy
being shared and commemorated.
a continuos joy, escapes when this pair
parade into the room. One cannot miss
the majestic feel of two halves
made whole.

she, his venus of visions
tied to a man who controls and manipulates
bringing her down, to the valley of woe-is-me
to prance upon her graveside with his forked tongue
of deaths toll reaping.

he, her adonis of salvation
separated from a woman with an uneven kilter
who tries to draw him into her web
of whatever shall I do's. Not strong in spirit or mind
she weaves her spell of sporous spikes
to suck him dry to reap her just rewards.

how long can they hold out
against the onslaught of rough currents
that keeps one queasy from the onslaught
of treacherous waves hitting
from every direction.

how long, before his misery turns tide
and I see my best friend
washed away, pulled into the undertow
of no return?

RhymeFairy said:
he is in pain. hidden deep

for outside eyes
must not see
the sordid affair being carried on
behind backs and before questioning eyes
who would wish to desecrate
this beautiful relationship.

two souls otherwise committed, continue
to hurt. true love is the trophy
being shared and commemorated.
a continuos joy, escapes when this pair
parade into the room. One cannot miss
the majestic feel of two halves
made whole.

she, his venus of visions
tied to a man who controls and manipulates
bringing her down, to the valley of woe-is-me
to prance upon her graveside with his forked tongue
of deaths toll reaping.

he, her adonis of salvation
separated from a woman with an uneven kilter
who tries to draw him into her web
of whatever shall I do's. Not strong in spirit or mind
she weaves her spell of sporous spikes
to suck him dry to reap her just rewards.

how long can they hold out
against the onslaught of rough currents
that keeps one queasy from the onslaught
of treacherous waves hitting
from every direction.

how long, before his misery turns tide
and I see my best friend
washed away, pulled into the undertow
of no return?


spored, sporing, spores ... sporous :p lol


The oak near my house
looks more beautiful
at night, becoming haggard
when the light is turned
on in the morning

Lampposts, shop windows
and thrown away newspapers
have a glow I never see
then, lit up in the same
way a wife might appear
if a flashlight had been shone

on her face, exposing
those parts kept secret,
opened up only for him.
RhymeFairy said:
spored, sporing, spores ... sporous :p lol


new words are great. sometimes the old ones are just too...dull or predictable.

great new poem there, rh. i feel it, as i do neo's above yours. wish i could do that. :)
saporous is a tasty word.
it's been days, weeks even

since the voices stopped chanting.
since I last recalled, to recollect
and not remember
one voice.

maybe, minutes passed
or seconds were skipped
but I still sit, then stir around a bit
to balance out the inner goings on.

they permanently persist in telling me
your the one, but we know different, or so
I think.

tell me again
you don't love me ...


Buildings in Westminster
slowly sink into the clay
from which they were born:
hospital, government offices,
post office, newsagent,
library, police station, school.

An old shopping trolley,
buried like a fossilised chariot,
is slowly pulled up by men
draining the clay basin
in Brentford to build new flats
on the old ruins by the water

moments of magic
minds mesmerized as hands
muscles maneuver
in melodic

mouths mingle, merge,
and make merry,
meeting bodies meld
magnetic, and
moans multiply in
a most marvelous


(C) TDP 2007
there are no ties, you

are free and always have been.
I have chosen a much harder path.
the one I mistakenly thought
lead to you.

somewhere along the way, I seem
to have gotten lost,
in dreams of a fairy tale ending
I pictured our two hearts

together, finally making it happen,
as one. with no nourishment
malnutrition sets in. to feed
or starve
is your decision, one I feel
you've made.

an ill kept bandage can only hold back
the affliction, for so long. while memories
keep me connected, the hearts cry
loosens the tie ...

Your take my hand in yours, warm,
while the waiter takes our drinks.
I can't ignore the stills in my mind
as I watch
your eyebrows arch; you've
that look in your eyes, lips upturned
as you flash
those brilliant teeth.

Earlier they'd nipped and tugged
as you suggested dinner,
but I sincerely doubt
that you really wanted
what will what will what will be the
(how how do you say it?)
the one
the One ha
the one that clicks my brain off this gear of questioning?

I want to write
to tell you
that I checked the obituaries today
but I wait

until the next big distraction
tto eat away my doubt
by the slick sick mouthful
paint me with matted tone
make me forget you ever existed
because hmm really you never did
never a name, never a number
but today
down at the lake
of the civil corps of engineers
nondescript ant people crawl along the top of the black gravel dam
and I ssee myself as you see me
dropped down ont a high place
of worship
then the distance the distance!
and soon we are all just black shadow arms legs and a promise
could be anyone
just another handfull of dark dirt
planted here for your pleasure
let me live

in this one moment of suspended animation.
so long, so tough. life has treated us
to a temptation
then pulled the rug from under our hearts.

excitement lingers, while willowing fingers
play dance across a defrosted devotion

bring it
bring it home baby

Wildflowers lift hoods,
releasing their madrigal
into the breeze -

bonnets open, windows
break, the moon cracks
and mouths I love you

before falling
and ending up as an ice-cube
in Neptune's cocktail

I used to think the word
came from fluoride,
that there was a connection
between toothpaste
and the tubular lights
that hung like torpedoes
in the ceiling above
my head. I never knew
about inert atoms and gases
named after men I would
never have a beer with.
If I had, I would not
have done the things
I did to them - Nothing.

Snowflakes hang
on windowsills,
foxes dripping
with last season's
vampiredust said:

Snowflakes hang
on windowsills,
foxes dripping
with last season's


Wet windowsills
hold elbows; panes
hold eyes that stare
through fog
and raindrops.
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The Return

Sunstreaks scatter
among the ripples
as I exhale,
bubbles fleeing over flesh as
I ponder the difference
between sensuality
and lasciviousness.

For this has been a stark desert
and you have brought
the monsoon,
the onslaught of life,
bled into this soil
to boil as lava underneath.

And this earth is eager
for the quake,
the release,
the ecstatic dance
that comes
with the return
of passion.

The water
laps at my hips,
and I float
in this torrent
as my toes
grip the acrylic.

(C) TDP 2007

A moon buried in coal
A mosquito trapped in amber
A lung caught in a heart
A womb stuck in a tank
A word meant to be said,
grown and released
Dashboard Life

Cattle passes railway
crossing; frost glowing
tips of noses, silencing
bells. Cars honk, music
means nothing now.
Birds are shot down
somewhere in a nearby
forest - spring is coming
The things I miss about you
are not diminished
by the passing time
as I'd hoped
my only comfort is
you're presence which
in turn serves to
prolong the grief
and lengthen my mourning.
the future is a mindfuck
it can suck your soul dry
leave your eyes blurred
and bleeding tears
twist your fears into knots
till every fiber is taught
and strained to snapping

the future is a mindfuck
it can pump you full
of adrenaline, and then
again give you a new
lease on life. cast strife
the gutter. fill you with utter
joy, leave you clapping

Fuck- never mind the future
it is built on the now
and how you live this moment
the way you've spent
precious seconds is first
currency, keep the balance
sheet in your favor, savor
the flavor of the good times,
spit out the shit,and walk on
wet bodies bathed

in beaded perspiration.
drinking bottled up juices
from weather beaten sticks.
shimmy a sliding shake, tapped.
to tenderize and memorize
moments spoken
in words of love,
lethargically recalled.

setting of sun,
beating down.
bestowing, pair dimpled
smiles. sharing
shamrock luck
between sheets spread
silky soft.

lightening rod spears.
de-mossed mountains.

sparing not,
coercingly close
to kissing
come, taste
the rain ...


She is my scarecrow
and I am her crow.
Tease me, peck me,
until I am carrying
you in my beak.

Pregnant cows carry full moons
in their wombs. Bursting; rivers
flood, the last of the seasons
snow melted away.

Pomegranate splits, plastic
beads scattered in a god's
playground. Boats rock,
children stop playing.
Dogs start growling at a
moon looking at them.
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