all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Seen In A Cafe Today

Reflected light
forms jellyfish
on a stainless
steel tray

Grab a net
a child says,
I want to catch

Everybody on the Tube
is twitching & fiddling
today. Take the old man
sitting opposite me,
for instance. His hands
are possessed by some
unseen spirit, twiddling
the knobs on his briefcase.
And then there's this:
A quartet of newspapers
rustle to and fro, eyelids
blink messages to each
other, adverts curl up
in an unmade bed.
And I am calm, waiting
for that hit to fill my body
and push me

The first Autumn rain falls,
dragging a bestiary
of unwelcome insects inside
the house. Another unwelcome
distraction for the typewriter
stammering as its mistress

dictates telepathically
her manuscript
that will, luck pending, put her
on the New York Times bestseller
list and whisk her away to fame,
parties and a chance meeting

with some young unknown
Hollywood actor who likes Capote,
stamps with butterfly designs
and collecting jellyfish.
Either that or its pages will burn

in the hands of the first editor
who reads them - another story
meant to be passed down
through genes, not the lips
of people who will only stare
and ask

what exactly did you mean?

You are here somewhere,
tucked behind mountains
zig-zagging like wolves teeth
across the image, drooling
to watch a pair of stars
being slowly torn apart
by a pack of hungry moons
and you just standing there
with your camera, waiting
for that moment for them
to stop and tell your future
in that flash before the end.
As if.

the sky today is gray
and overcast, fast friends
are wearing black, some
are nowhere to be found

a stillness has stepped in
to replace familiar phrases
life's dance becomes a mime
while time wears a somber face

tears fall for no reason
skin chills despite covers
the heart hears cries
unspoken and unknown
Trees wrestle with wind,
painted shadows fading
with the evening light.
assimmilation of taste buds

the best salsa is sold on t he aisle
near the fresh produce; all the Mexican
food is there. They have an allotment,
one partition with three shelves,
and just one side at that,

tomatillos and mango nectar in cans
with lables more expressive
than Old El Paso ever thought of being
and my imagination goes wild
concocting recipes with chocolate sauce
pepitas, and chunks of roasted pork

it is a scam, the specialy food business
teh good stuff is practically hidden
the real tortillas, authentic chiccarrones
sauces prepared in provinces with names
I cannot pronounce...local flavor
pronounced Her-dez
authenticity in a can
my heart is made of jelly
it wobbles when you are near

melting when you hold it
in your hands

It is the beginning of August.
Rain pilots have not flown
their jets across the sky
for several weeks now
and it is slowly mirroring
the skin on my chest, legs
and forehead. Parched,
peeling. Soon I will start
going to church and pray
for cold. I will sin to upset
the gods and force them
to release squadrons.
And when it falls, I will stand
outside and feel it stripping
away everything I kept hidden.
Suddenly Passionate

I can't swim.
I could when I was a kid
but now taking a plunge
is like falling into a shark cage
holding my breath
whilst waiting for the inevitable
nip, the final bite that will end the beat
of my heart.

I prefer skinny dipping
my toes in the foam
at the edge of black sand
where dry meets wet
and the mirage of floating
is nothing more than a long-forgotten
nightmare. But I beach-comb
to find a sparkle - not rubbed glass,
a sparkle from fallen stars
so that I may trample them
because wishing upon stars
is a lie.

Immaculately coiffured blond
curls hang weightless
on the horizon, attached
not to some Hollywood hunk
but earth, waiting for cameras
and feet to be absorbed
into its mass.

How else does it get its hair?
The Politician's Cloud

Acid dribbles from the lips
of this particular tyrant,
the juice of a thousand
insects pulverized, liquidized
into a delicious (for some)

corroding the pavement
of a far off land
where all the holes are never
covered up
and are photographed

by people in need of another
quick fix to shout about
on their broken soapbox.

Growing and Going

There is goodbye in his walk
though he returns daily.
Soon he'll walk out,
wander off to make his own way
in a world different to here,
filled with one woman
and all the love she storms
upon him.

Each morning I say goodbye
stretching my heart
with love, loss, love, loss beats
so that when he has gone
the muscle spasms will be eased,
will be well taught,
well learnt,
well elasticated,
so that one Summer's day,
he will return.
In an ideal world,
I'd never hide a thing
from you
and we'd be as open
as newborn stars,
letting everything shine
in awkward brilliance.

And I would never fear
what it is
you and I have secreted away,
or why I cover up
so many of my insecurities,
or what truths may be misconstrued.

Because I want to be faithful
as the oldest stars,
those that guide you
on the darkest seas,
the trust that holds
the Rosetta
and opens up understanding.

And when your fingers
brush away the dust,
tracing the fine lines
of this soul as you learn
the rhymes and reasons,
I only want
that brilliance returned,
that we may live
without fear.

(C) TDP 2007
candy strap, hard on
with a healthy dose
of spankings, is due.

ones birthday wish.
to turn the key
and release
defiant upstartlings
that press forward.
fumbling fiercely
as red hot poker

pepper, pleading
please de-seed
cook this cock
to a high burning boil

deep throated
screams scold
and pree-zent themselves,
before me.

go ahead. turn the key
and give me, all that
sweet juicy juice ..


:catroar: :heart: :rose:

Something about the bull
in the rodeo reminded me
of you. It wasn't its ring,
horns or black coat,
nor the way it charged,
a cloud intent on striking
lightning at some poor sap.
When it had given up,
I saw your sins scattered
in the air and you, panting,
ready for the final charge,
knowing there would be none.
I've forgotten the subject already

I kicked a can of moon soup
whilst waiting for the train
to tell me this the wrong
place for picking up women

looking for directions
to the afterlife (a bottle
of anonymous alcohol
and carton of something)

scattered on my floorboards.
The soup smelt like a herd
of old goats and as a train
pulled in, I felt the charge

of a million goats ramming.
But I just stood there,
having gone out only for milk.
I'm present in my absence
Lost in my discovery
That a future where you're past
Is full of emptiness
How God Created Hail

When I weep,
men flash cards,
birds dive under
cars, children
start praying,
and the dog

and the dog
becomes a pall

for its own
funeral, its bones
holding up
the coffin

slowly descending
back to earth,
each nugget
howling, scratching

in those places
we never check
Natasha's a lewd little minx,
Who likes to indulge all her kinks;
On film, she likes fucking,
In public, cock-sucking,
And various other hijinks.
Lust's Irrationality

He told her, once, were he a girl,
He'd have a thousand guys.
She tells him, after him, she's had
Just one. Oh, how he cries.
The Atheist Writes A Poem

on a stained glass
diamond shadows
on ignorant relics.
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