all of a sudden passion suddenly

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my inspiration
has taken a vacation,
my muse took a cruise
to some Caribbean nation,
left my with the blues,
little motivation
and no explanation
a fire fanned until it roars
and sounds like a sonic boom
inside my passion blown mind.

you are more now,
and that is an impossible statement-
a balloon inflates and surpasses
capacity, bursting and showering
a ten mile radius with bits of
the reddest lust, the
glowing ashes of fireworks
rain down and remind
me that your fire still burns.
oh so sweet, it does.
One Last Dance

In the skeletal room,
dances are starting

to the beat of blood
rushing through vein

instruments. Notes
vacillate until clocks

stop. A zip is pulled
up and the old man

walks away.

Sometimes I like to go
outside and offer a prayer
to the places that I used
to know, that helped draw
maps I follow.

Cornfields were one such
place. I would run through
its tousled hair when I was
younger, becoming a cowboy
hunting the chieftain creeping

in my sleep, leaving bruises
as their calling card. Listening
to the prattle of cars far off
in the distance offered no clues
to where they were,

searching through the blond
forest gave little information,
revealing only a red feather
on top of a calf - sleeping,
ready for the gods.

A greasy moon
lies at the bottom

of the cup, its oily
surface reflecting

the afternoon's
fading desire.

After Baudelaire

You wouldn't sleep
with anyone, you whore.
Rather, you'd play
Russian roulette

with every suitor,
feeding their credit
cards to the pool of sharks
concealed between

your breasts.
And then, once the deeds
to their house are signed
over, you lower them

into the snapping jaws,
pulling out a wishbone,
another trophy to hang
above the bed.

Bush ploughs cornfields
rattling with bulls rushing

dumping the ears
into the Tigris,
staining it black.

Horses charge up
Capitol Hill,

the fields will be fallow
even the president of the united states
takes a minute out of his day for whore sucking pleasure

passing all the handshakes and that moment of eye
time stops
liek it does in all of these stories
but not for you not for you
no no you are five degrees north seven minutes behind
as always
it is not time
tangent blind
tripping over the better mousetrap
and you are gonna need it sweetness
all these weeks and no cat
SeattleRain said:
even the president of the united states
takes a minute out of his day for whore sucking pleasure

passing all the handshakes and that moment of eye
time stops
liek it does in all of these stories
but not for you not for you
no no you are five degrees north seven minutes behind
as always
it is not time
tangent blind
tripping over the better mousetrap
and you are gonna need it sweetness
all these weeks and no cat

love this

you have such passion in your words, mademoiselle

God swallows a Peacock

Swallowing her has always
been one of my passions.
I like to tip her backwards
and feel her rushing down
my gullet at 200 mph.

Sometimes she'll make me
sick and I'll bring her back,
picking out her remains
from eggshells, eyelashes
and the backbones of rare

Having been buried
under the tonnage
of earth, he felt
comfortable enough

to discuss problems
that had eluded him
in that previous life
he had lived in weeks

before. Curled up
in his wooden shell,
he pressed one of his
remaining ears against

the side and confessed.
But the voice on
the other side yawned
and rolled up his newspaper,

ready to flick the housefly
Thinking about Today

Time is an undeveloped embryo
slowly developing in the mind,

a product of rituals we forget
when our eyes dictate memoirs

to the earth and worms waiting
to hand our bodies to the maker

in exchange for a brief respite
from the blackbird and farmer.

Time is a developed embryo
and we are developing in them.
so at some point I stop hopping
from one carpet to the next
ooking for that fiber I was supposed to stitch
looing for the lost thread
the next knit one pearl two and remember
it is words words words
silly girl
that is what you left behind
quick pick them up before they forget your face
I ask him the story of his life
condenced to 50 words
or less
and god he starts going on about rubber bands

how they contain
and maintain order
he says newspaper
I say brocolli
we al tie our letters with something
a light purple one flies from his thumb
we promise to not sink down to that level
where the lost eye jokes reside
but it is gravity
rock paper scissor
tension time teeth
we snap
hope something is left to recycle
stuff under the kindling
crossword magic puff and gone
sixty five words

Those four words fall
white on white, they fade away,
but the question mark hangs
forever like Pall Mall smoke.

Spread it thick on both sides
of the bread, fold it over
and make myself a tar sandwich.

You don't want to know.

I eat every bite. Black sticks
to fingers, catches between teeth
and coats my tongue.

Swallowing this down, I wonder
when his disease kills,
will the cancer planted inside me,

I do want to permanently delete the conversation
no I do not want to order a husband pillow
yes I did pack a change of clothes
no this is not normal, even for his diagnosis
yes we will be attending
and attending and attending the chalice is silver on my neck
no the band is not leather
and you too should get that checked out
dont worry
you cannot surprise your doctor
turst me
or dont
no I am not doing all that I can do
no I am not doing all that I can do
I repeat
no, I am not doing all that I can do I am not bieng all I can be
I do not have a clear view over the fenceline
I do not even know where the fenceline is
I used to have one back at the farm
the fence rows between fields
between the edge of our property ad the new development where every road was named for a holiday
Independence Drive
washington street
Valentines circle Holiday Hills
the kids cmae over the fencerow
picked our blackberries
smoked pot in our cornfields
I used to used to used to be able to see over the trees

Swimming along the scalp
of the lake, you never
noticed him falling behind.

Be first! first!
was the advice from a pair
of baby boomers

still living with their parents,
still into eighties funk
and eating cheese

from the pressurized can.
Although they had dropped
the puffball skirt and power

suit, that old cellphone
and old IBM, they still retained
tusks that should have fallen

off when they suckled
and bit their mother's breast,
coloring the milk

with a tinge of rust
and Neanderthal aggression.
The alpha is never the male,

always the female
you thought, going back
to pick up a lifeless thing

out of the water

in the dark, music played
through my phone
your breath was inaudible
but i felt it as real,
as the squirm of insects that
made a nest in my belly that night
don't hang up
don't hang up...

you listened to my words
the only time forever, and
heard me at the most
the most alive moment
play me that song,
please...and really, i did
miss my music so much.
i'd go without for another
thousand days
in exchange for a one
sided exchange
in the dark, playing to you,
you are my angel.

I looked into you once
and remembered thinking
how pleasant the view was.

But now that I have seen
you again, I cannot say
the same, having seen

a bricked up wall for a mouth
and two windows for eyes,
each at opposite angles,

mixing up the warm currents
and only bringing back cold.

No silver lining

Sometimes the sun colours clouds gold,
holds dandelions in a death grip,
drowns daisies
until they become yellow polka dots
on an untamed green ocean
where red boats
with blue and white striped sails
toss. And I turn
over in bed, sheeting my body
under white, keeping my eyes open
so grey and black are banished
from the day.

You are somewhere here,

listening to the thud
of chestnuts falling
onto the lit grass

watching the electric
tundra below,

slowly raising your arms,
expecting to be taken
into the wind labyrinth

above and plonked
somewhere cold,
windowless, without

walls or voices.
Minne: the English Floor

Kitschy walls
Oozing with vapid decor
Are cause for laboratory withdrawal
I ache for hard data
My God
How I hate
These liberal arts buildings.
flannel pajamas
I am soft
I smell of crayola melted
on leather

I want to hide you
from the others
but not for long

is that what this is
well nail me to the door
and proclaim me
there are too many things trapped in here
nothing related
what were you thinking waiting this long to write

Everything decays
in your breath.
Insect skeletons

on windowsills,
rotting potatoes,
and bananas

slumped in their
baskets are evidence

But you have no
hands, so I cannot
arrest you.

My windows are open,
so fly away
before I liquefy

and swallow you
what would it be like to be a mysterious woman?
I laid everything down a long time ago
free to anyone with strong enough breath
to blow away the dust
restless for the polish
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