all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Each year he waits
when they straighten and face the sun
he decapitates then
imagining cutting the heads
from gilded Russian icons
his heart and penis throb
with the audacity of the act.

Each year she awakens one morning
to find her sunflowers destroyed
she wonders if the world is going mad
she ponders the move to a retirement home
once again
she is ready to leave her flowers
there is no way to protect them anymore
Girl on the Metro

Her face is a plate
careening to the floor.

Insects will scurry out
of their hiding places

and take back its pieces
when it falls and breaks,

gluing them back together
with spit and the remains

of digested prey.
He read that mushrooms would grow on corpses
so each time he serves up a Salisbury steak
he watches from the order window
giggling and mumbling
hoping to see a young woman
eating one
dead meat
just like the thing between his legs
his mother killed
with clothespins and pine-sol rubs
can't let it get hard and out of control
he goes back to the freezer
till the sin dies
like his mother
his father said that once
he thought she was an eskimo

the manager rings the bell
order up
hurry back to the line
he's been warned
demoted to fry cook next time
that would be awful
he'd have to kill them all
and there would be no more eating
of rot to watch
Tathagata said:
Each year he waits
when they straighten and face the sun
he decapitates then
imagining cutting the heads
from gilded Russian icons
his heart and penis throb
with the audacity of the act.

Each year she awakens one morning
to find her sunflowers destroyed
she wonders if the world is going mad
she ponders the move to a retirement home
once again
she is ready to leave her flowers
there is no way to protect them anymore

The law of the jungle
monkey man devours flowers
like words in reverse
they slide down his throat
bloating him with beauty

She admires his artistry
with horror, quick clean swipes
precise in his approach, devastating
in their effect, he steals her
joie de vivre', leaving desolation
something just write something
I cannot operate in a vacuum

it is not the temperature
that draws him center seaward
all tones off
only the strongest can reach him

why did you not call

we count carbs
there are four
we tie knots like sailors
drunk and greedy for the teeth

no one uses silver anymore
she counts my mouth like tree tings
of course
everyone counts something like tree rings
if I say it enough will it reverse itself
will it cease to exist
will the diamond lighten into the darkness of coal

just throw the tile down
before it melts in your hand girl
throw it down
come back to build something with it later
just dont
it melt

or do
Rules Of Engagement

Eve declared war early
this morning when she smeared
mud over her breasts

and ripped up the agreement
between God, Hollywood
and Moses; becoming a separatist

nation intent on reclaiming
her identity from media, toy
manufacturers and men,

none of whom paid attention
and continued to send out
signals of their intent:

the raising of eyebrows, lowering
of lips and a casual nudge,
as if she were as one armed bandit

ready to give out the jackpot.
She replied by removing
their hair, eyeballs and testicles.

Public announcements will follow
this evening. Avoid confrontation,
beating your heart or any organ.

There is no treaty or armistice,
this is war, remember.
I do not dream of San Francisco
swimming bay to barge pier side
summer grounded

always you wanted to float
face to sky
shark under mind you who
taught the guards their stroke
the mothers how to set limits
made to be stretched
but no one could reach you there
without paddle or motor
as planned
pushing distance racing time
like some kind of Einstenian death trickand your mitochondira pulse
pulse with the power of the first seas
I watch the waves lift you
my feet dry
I hold your towel
like the bench I have become
I am beginning to wonder if it was no accident
how she called me to the hallway
sweetheart, come
I have too much handcream again
and she took my awkward hands between hers
this excuse for closeness
I don't want pry
don't need to know why
the tears run from your eyes
I'm here for you

You don't have to say
what happened past days
to make you feel this way
come rest awhile

No matter how long
you need to grow strong
and remember your song
I'll play for you

We've all walked the road
souless sometimes, stubbed our toe
feet get blistered as do hearts
sometimes you have to heal
before you can restart


think of wasps
in their paper castle,
each worker
in a separate stanza,

flying out to gather
imagery, verbs, meter
and metaphors,
before chewing them

and regurgitating
in the smoke of a god
awakened, the drone
of pleasure

the peak of their all
the espresso's pupil
does not reveal
your future,
nor does hanging
out tea leaves
to dry

wind waiting
to scatter them
in places
not seen by light
or the touch
of hands
some other Valentine moment

it might be within the scream of cicadas
that i hear your moan.
it might be after the pounding of rain
that i hear your whisper.
the barking of guard dogs,
the crashing of waves on Flat Rock,
the silent spooning of flies
and their ever watchful gaze,
as we search for the romance
secreted behind shadows,
cast by cuffs and chains,
red lipstick and thigh high black boots.
She calls in the evening on the way back
from the Amtrak station, she knows
I am home, in the dark and cold
she walks, alone, we chat, her voice
sing-song, showing her Welsh ancestry

We are near, yet generations and miles
apart, we draw near exchanging days
minutiae, trivial yet revealing information
reducing the days stress, the fears
which crowd two souls, singular,
wondering what the next step will bring
tungtied2u said:
She calls in the evening on the way back
from the Amtrak station, she knows
I am home, in the dark and cold
she walks, alone, we chat, her voice
sing-song, showing her Welsh ancestry

We are near, yet generations and miles
apart, we draw near exchanging days
minutiae, trivial yet revealing information
reducing the days stress, the fears
which crowd two souls, singular,
wondering what the next step will bring

track nine
single digit
last card
is this journey at its end
or just beginning, in the middle
on the fast track
to a new tomorrow. where blue birds
sing, pick pebbles and spit an entourage
of obscenities at passerbys
Even Proofreaders Get The Blues

Expletives are underlined,
unnecessary adjectives
taken away for questioning,
innocent nouns shot.

Watching swans
holds no relief, let alone
a distraction for the hangman
looking for a picture

of herself in the manuscript
she has flung onto the fire,
tired of a narrative
that repeats her name

over and over again
as it burns.
Dreams of Love and Madness

He leaps off the sidewalk
into the glass
leaning against an egg faced

Diving through
the murk reveals nothing,
there are no secrets
to found on the bottom,

emerging on the other side
he takes a deep breath
and is right back where he
originally was:

in a diner, with her,
offering his love
on a folded up napkin
and a plate
of 99 cent onion rings.
puppy love, he said.
meadows, he said.
rompery is what I had in mind
my love but puppies
can't do that
I said I have naughty
he said I love it like that
when promises
are made to stroke your hard
length and whisper love
against a soft pair of lips
puppy love, I said
is never like this.
another sickfuck poem
tap tap tap dont recall
dont recall dont recall how to write or
dont recall what is suck about the fuck
it just all seems so normal now


I dont know how long
I had been staring away from our table
but after I apologized
asked him to repeat the questio
he says
do you have these pauses when you are writing?

my fingers tap on the table and I try oto form my lips into words

fuck it baby
just get the bill
let me spell it out to you direct like
with my fingers down under cupped and reaching
my lips without pause taking you down
nose to zipper you better keep those
goddamn eyes open
daylight hawk watch
and no
you may no ttouch me there
hands on the wheel

no I do not pause like that
when I write
fuck or talk
in my sleep
no I do not need a glass of water
to swallow
the evidence
its seems evident;
a place exactly near the
small of your back,
a spine like a pot holed road
but lips that were made for
such a suck
and a mind made up
that all is not well in the world.
I do not need any space from you
I repeat
I do not need any space from you

I wondered at the time
why he felt the need to repeat himself
I see now, it was to get himself a head start
distance down the lane
fuck groove turtle you need a little pill
dont blame the polymer
or the wine sleep deprived
I squeeze myself tight
I check the restraint
the angles

swear giddeon aim I toss the verse
back of theh head
foolish foolish man
come round in circles
I am on the next plane
you promise me a jar of pennies
foil packaged treats
you beg me to force you
that does not seem right
back it up baby
this is no toys r us catalogue
no sticky sheet request
earned earned beggers dont give pennies
captives dont tap their glass for free reills
you will gag
pride prizes and family portraits
take me upstairs

I will bring my own tie
circular, saw around the
concave vexed open palm
to catch that stone tossed,
this is not loss. this
is something that brings the scales from
my eyes
heavy again and always
deprived, i am
not dreaming in color
or practicing astral projection
i just force myself to sleep
every now and again.
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