all of a sudden passion suddenly

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poking with a stick
right into an open wound
reminding and reconstructing
a favorable feeling of you
this ditch isn't big enough
so grab a fucking shovel
and expand this place
accomadations and meals are included in
that deal, but you have to find
your own way there
alone and forgotten
she is living proof that
the world is not fair
dog eat dog and she is
life a series of moments
none of them making a whole
sleeping dogs lie
where she walks
aimlessly searching for
what is not to be found
and she would not know
it if it bit her
pain has scattered her essence
like the ashes of her
not quite dead body
dog eat dog and she
is dinner
4degrees said:
its seems evident;
a place exactly near the
small of your back,
a spine like a pot holed road
but lips that were made for
such a suck
and a mind made up
that all is not well in the world.

oooh, this is good
catch me baby
but wear your ppe,
again this is viral
and modern pharmacology
just isn't effective
wallowing in some pit within
the epitome of a hole
the easy way a boot gets stuck, comes off,
and becomes future evidence
that nails a man to a crime
although absent at the time
4degrees said:
thank you.
taste the rainbow.

Rainbows are made of rain
solid and beautiful
until just close enough to
reach out and touch

Then dissolving into wisps
of misty coloured scent
teasing the senses
before floating away
to the naked man in this photo

I promise
I will never paint your background burnt sienna
just for the sake of a poetic sound in line two
because it is orange. Orange and god you need a shave
and sleep and a woman to take you by the heel
strech lift show me why you were drawn
to the call for pretty boy
pretty boy I want to call you by my own name
and see if you come.
To the Naked man in the Photo part 2

I promise
I will not turn my back
to see what throws
the black shadow on your wall
to see whose finger presses the button
opens the shtter ris it your own?
Your own hand that reaches around
squeezes your shoulder, touches your face
like the last person who came by.

I promise I will not paint your walls.

SeattleRain said:
I promise
I will never paint your background burnt sienna
just for the sake of a poetic sound in line two
because it is orange. Orange and god you need a shave
and sleep and a woman to take you by the heel
strech lift show me why you were drawn
to the call for pretty boy
pretty boy I want to call you by my own name
and see if you come.
To The Naked MAn in the Photo, 3

I almost closed the window without putting out the final call

beyond touch
beyond face paint and nyloncloser to the body hair we remove
sharp metal scrape and pull and brush it into the canisters
somewhere closer to the time we let it grow out
pulled the curls to see the skin rise up
without our onwn fingers on the surface
pull up without out

You will not let me pull mine back.
Insist it falls in your face
in your mouth
cutting off circulation as it twists a single strand
between your first and second knuckle there
where a ring might be
we are tied

You will paint my toe nails
to match the sky of your last holiday
where your lover idnored sand and tide
and touched only you.

I promised I would not paint your walls
but I did not promise I would not paint your sky.

Already part three
I have invented your life.

Am I still invited?
is the shower refreshing or
am i drowning in the heavy spray
of mineralized water,
i can't tell, the line
has become too gray and
smudged, the line between
dying and want-
i dreamed last night of you
we camped somewhere,
you and i were so in love
but not with each other,
maybe it was the springtime
in that dream
or the heat i felt of
your body up on mine
covering me like you should
making that shower good.

tin crows chime
with cities swaying
in the wind, trains
lifting up their caps

in respect, passing
houses being sown
in terraced fields,
excavators chewing

concrete and lime
chips, pausing
momentarily to feel
a river rushing

their rubber hooves,
each note it makes
lifting the yellow hair

on their backs,
creating a song
only heard
in those moments

between here
and those places
we forget.

She would imitate the voice of God
everywhere she went, using
an empty Coke can with a hole
at the bottom as a makeshift
mouthpiece. People would stop

at this would-be prophetess
dressed in Levi's and Gap, laughing
at how someone dressed
like that could possibly be a messiah
reincarnated. But no-one told

her that and she, being Abby,
simply flicked one of her green
dreads and stubbed out their sneers
with one of her grease colored
soles. It was only the birds

that took her seriously,
and she would spend hours
underneath a giant oak near her
house, preaching to crows building
nests in its branches, feeling

her words curling the feathers
on their backs, as if electric
and she was a conductor
for the above; an orchestra
ready to overload.
entre nous

a fractal white line
time and space, other
disjointing circumstances
change not one single thing

of this entre nous

everlong rapture, grows like
breastfed horticulture
how is this-i cannot tell
this truth knows no bounds
and separation is merely
imagined, this plain is as well
sell out every last memory
i had before you
and finance my excusion
with the spoils of
overpriced imagery.

imagine me
i'm just the same as that
very first day
and the next
i love you more.
for someone special

Morning Worship

Day breaks
I wake to find you next to me
Asleep, I gaze upon your face
Peaceful, a smile of contentment
Formed on your lips, my eyes
Wander across your breasts
Past your hips, the suns rays play
Upon your skin, kiss the valley
I long to be within, I kneel
Between your altar’s columns
Then, pay homage with my tongue
Worshipping with mouth and hands
Eyes closed as I slip deeper in
Your body’s fragrance transports , binds
Me in servitude, your pulchritude
Overwhelms and mesmerizes
As I lie and stroke your thighs
Drink from your holy well
You stir, run fingers through my hair
Guide me where I need to be
Arch your back , as hips rotate
As we try to sate our hunger
No longer do I linger but slide a finger
First one, then two, into you as I lap
And nip, grind my nose into your clit
As you buck and I suck, suck , suck
Your pussy lips, then move
up your weeping groove, and pull
Your pink button, in and out, swirling
In circles, dizzying you , as you find
The waves pour over and through
Crashing over and out, shouting,
Moaning and groaning, washing me
With your heavenly offering
We set each other free
a heart beats stacatto
to the rhythm of desire
a bass beat for a
dance of lust

A fingernail grazing
a flushed line of
aroused flesh
echo of trance

a sheen of
moisture as
the music climbs

build up of sound
and breath as
the crescendo
is anticipated

Beat pounding
holding until
the rest is

Explosion of
music and
tension as
come down

It is Chinese New Year.
Crowds of people
have gathered in Trafalgar
Square, their bodies

forming a red dragon
snaking round every nook
and cranny. Balloons
tug at the wind.

Some children wait
for parents, lost.
Paper moons, cardinal-red,
have been hung

everywhere. I tap
my foot and watch
a horde of wasps descend
from the sky

eager to snatch
the nectar inside them,
before returning
to their nest

made inside the dragon,
now fallen apart, each
segment wailing; sparks
dampened out.
truth is I only wanted to run away for a few minutes
now all I can do is wait to hold you
like you need to be held
all I can do is see my own face there
on the rap sheet
my eye color
list of offenses
they tried to impeach the president
for less

I would never step onyo your rung
and I hope you never step there again
but baby I know
we are on the same ladder
hold my hand

She is my dragonfly,
caught in amber resin
and preserved in a sheet
of papyrus. Clouded

behind this makeshift
veil, I can only see her
outline: a peacock tail
as Moore would describe

the glittering body,
with two miniaturized
microphone heads
for eyes. Her wings

are the most feature
and I have strapped
them down. She likes
to beg, listening to me

switching their motors
in reverse with a feather,
waiting for release,
always waiting for release.
while I struggle to keep emotions
under wrap. my heart bleeds witnessing
blackened edges of pictures taken, still shots
mornings. awakening, awaiting
that call. to go running
full fledged, pledged
to sink into passion with loves life long


bubble bath snorkeling, wet limbs lounging.
to forgo a trip to town, for one more second
in his arms, in his bed.
spread eagle, eager
as our mouths mimicking dance,
to devour.

delicious strawberries from his sharp
spear as whip cream frenzies splurt
splashing, sliding down tongue, throat
planted seeds nourish. nectar lapped labia,
listening for that guttural groan, moan
of feverish fulfillment gained.


~~ go figure
Sylvia Plath orders a Robert Frost cocktail

Forget fire
and go easy
on the ice

Add lime
and soda

Shake, stir
and sieve
newspapers are spread out
as the young start dripping
from the mother, caught
in old towels and coddled

with a makeshift wet nurse:
a pair of marigold gloves,
stolen from what might have
been a giant in the eyes

of the nearly blind, tiny
thing curled up in the palm
of the left hand. Opening
its eyes days later,

the gloves are still there,
its attached arms dismembered,
pointing to X
I play

with words while warping inside
your oasis. pouting lips, beguiling smiles,
come hither looks.
tilt screen visions, from recalled
feverish ramblings, sticking like briars
to open wounds.

silently I trace
circumventing each outlying limb
erode and evade by rotations skipped.
granite stones perched heavily in sunken
decomposed selkie vessels. to touch,
bare witness to the devout devastation
of arteries immortalized. adonis admired
and thrown to the wolves.

I try making sense
from the senseless, as screaming
echoes erupt and dust clouds close in.
a depleted desert, peels human nature back
to the beginning, when man was real
not some imaginary phantom
made up from a lil girls dreams
of playing house and happily ever afters.


Every quarter, an NHS dentist
would visit our school to inspect
our undeveloped teeth for signs
of decay. Jaws would be forced

open, measurements made
mentally of the size of every molar
and incisor. We were wolves
ready to be tagged and tracked

across this landscape of tarmac
and empty buildings. Years later,
when inspecting my mouth
for signs of decay, I came across

a torc of mercury buried deep
in a polar-white tooth, its stink
polluting the surrounding saliva
sea. The feint sound of radio

signals could be heard
from the relic, each whir and click
it made decaying everything
around me, as it had always done.

Sleeping now
in welcome riot,
enmeshed no more in dreams
of safety
Aware yet
of the papery contexts through which we wade.
You, who smells of wet matches
but catches
fire easy nevertheless.

Blowing you still
words of pretense
while staying true
to the moment
indelible & pure,

Occupying each other
till we’re full
and we’ve reached Space
and delivered our piece
and we’re explosive.
sellthecookie said:
Sleeping now
in welcome riot,
enmeshed no more in dreams
of safety
Aware yet
of the papery contexts through which we wade.
You, who smells of wet matches
but catches
fire easy nevertheless.

Blowing you still
words of pretense
while staying true
to the moment
indelible & pure,

Occupying each other
till we’re full
and we’ve reached Space
and delivered our piece
and we’re explosive.

this is great!

a very strong piece that works well on several levels

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