all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Seagulls scream blue
murder as they strut
along the edge
of some forgotten war

hero's statue. Rain
interrupts, the way
it always does, wiping
off their shit and nearly

making a pair of elderly
women squawk. Perhaps
later this afternoon,
sunlight might crack open

everything that's been
lurking underneath these
small things, the way a heron
is only visible when you


Salted Water

Watching the mother
translate the article
into Spanish for her son
made me think
of the way salt makes
water boil faster, each
syllable crossing
the bridge from our world
to hers another crystal
to be dissolved
into that boiling pot most
of us would refuse
given half the chance.

Wheeling out the elderly
residents for their walk
made us feel like crows
staring at roadkill,

the decaying bodies
bringing out the foxes
from their bolt holes.
We would have stayed

and fought, but our lips
were already covered
with their congealing blood.
what i hate about a city

it would have to be
never-ending traffic noise
well-heeled women and
delivery boys, Chinese food
on every corner, lack of trees
disappearance of bees
and me
standing in the middle
of main street alone,
I know no one,
green is long gone
no flutter of wings
or rustle of leaves
to bring Autumn on
The Madness Of Horses

Unsure of what to do
when her bedroom radiator
suddenly packed up,
she let out an unexpected
neigh, kicked her hooves
into the air and put stirrups
around my hips, eager
to ride into the hi-yo sunset.
If I could but give
you the prolific
passion that resides, dormant
in this distant
cold heart. To cherish you
from afar, while driving in my car
I detour to whimsy, humming alone
with the music
we made, so long ago.

This was originally posted a couple of days ago under my old, elda furry username, but I decided if I'm going to post a poem (good or bad) to just go ahead and use my real name. Yes, WickedEve is my real name.
Anyway, I am in the process of straddling poetry again and peddling it down the lane. Damn banana seat is killing my ass!

his crop blows, skin
motes drift,
paleness shakes to purple.

gusts slap the ground,
twiggy -- wood branching
over cold grass.

While I longed for the pine's fall
to leave coniferous spray upon their eaves
(not mine)

his riding red shook limbs
down, scattering me beneath my own roof.
The Exile

China dulls from the factories'
grey manes, the glass insects
on the shelf buckling against
the trains daily rush. A pot
of green tea cools slowly
by the windowsill. Wanting
to remember, she presses
her palms against its iron
skin. Bones freeze, the memory
of Tokyo and all those happier
breathing on her skin
like a butterfly pressed under
mali woman kneels
on ivory. her sisters balance seats
upon weary heads.
i never see them move.

i am movement,
momentum toward my chair,
where i settle and watch.

i never see any of them move,

though they could be kinetic,
like time-lapse bean sprouts.

my spectacles have gone missing. i suspect
they were slowly spirited away.


Waking to the chameleon
sky changing colour almost
makes me want to sleep
again. But it doesn't

and I waltz in the half-dark
like a Yeti lost in snow
to stare at my reflection
sinking back into itself

in the bathroom mirror.
Scanning each fold of skin
for signs of escape,
I wander back. My body

goes back into its orbit
and I dream of letting go.
Each bone thinks the same
and I grow taller by morning.
she asked if she was falling through the universe
would I try to catch a shooting star
or simply wish upon it so it wouldn't leave a scar

she asked if she was too hot to handle
as super Nova's often are
I might still mine her passing if I worshiped from afar

I played it safe and gave her space
her beauty burned and left no trace
how could I know she'd leave me blind
her face emblazoned in my mind
for all eternity
monochrome morning mixed grey
and brown comes puce dawn
without primary colors unless
pain splashes behind windows
that open inward; implosions
thwarted by a leak in time
tomorrow's memory hope
Battersea Power Station

The derelict power station
hasn't been renovated
yet. Late. A giant Lego brick
with four oversized

cigarettes for chimneys
it stands and waits.
At night it listens to trains
rattling across a nearby

bridge, shaking and wheezing
like a man about to die.
There are no sounds of love
or sex here. Nobody fucks

on the train as it goes to
Clapham Junction, Wandsworth
and places no-one wants
to see. It just stands, waits,

and converses with itself.
Sometimes it will see a reflection
of one of us in a puddle.
It laughs, knowing it will last.

late late late.

They're always
late late late
for me.

I hold their bones
in my palm
and watch them

And then night.
Little crows flying
off to play
with time. The same
as always.

Watched a man sweep
outside. His neon overalls,
stolen from some discoball,
did not sing today. Leaves
are non-existent. The tree
has not bore any just yet.
I carry my thoughts in each
palm, wait for the wind to pick
up. Then I will let go. Some
will spin, others, tasting
the rain will demand protection.

A pen, sleek and smooth
as a bullet train, sits
inside the cradle on my desk.
It wobbles with magnetism.
I watch it come closer to each
letter I put down on the page.

I am looking at the cover
of Tobias Hill's Year of the Dog.
It is Tokyo. Crowds are walking
like moths, drawn to the electric
signs. A girl is looking at a book.
Her drink is empty. I cannot read
the letters. The crowds move again,
ready for the rewind. I slide my
fingers across their bodies
as if they were written in braille.
Each imperfection leads the way.
it was all a new toy then
crumpled paper still in corners wide open carpet
for our romp and rollick
your black glove and pumpkin stem tales of tall tail
your smile cocked like a half drunk vegas show girl
whogot the habit from her slow talk elvis boy
yes you
remember when you first saw it
"damn" you said
"there he is, published right long side
Lyn Lyfshin"
who? I said and meant it then oh glory days
before knowing and damn
they fucked up his name, putting the first last
and the last first just like Jesus said would happen
we all know he should be on top of her
not right long side

you wondered when
poetry or sex would trump sleep
here it is my speed runner fast talker slippery slick morning son of a bitch
I dont miss you except
nipples aching to be nursed, emptied, aching to nourish or tease
you always knew how to make me sweet

"sweet girl" you would say
maybe wishing I was Her
angel smile ballerina toe
no, not toe...toes are not the most important part of
a ballerina that does not dance
but sweet girl I would believe, so prone to suggestion
daisy side up
petal breezes blow your way
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The room spins
and the sins of the thousands unfold
have I told you I love you ?
Unreality surrounds me
pictures of millionaire players
big houses, soothsayers
yet tomorrow you are to be evicted
convicted of nothing more than being poor
in a country drowning in wealth...
for a few at least, I don't know
the wealthy stay scarce,
if they wanna remain healthy
in my neighborhood, it's survival
how do you do it?
3 kids, illness a daily diet
yet you manage a smile
while cleaning puke, scraping rent
and stacking books
I look at you in wonder,
wonder why you don't buy
an uzi and start spraying
every passerby in an SUV
you see, but you don't
you get up, fix breakfast
get them to school
pick them up, then dinner
homework and bed instead
Have I told you I love you ?
I picture you on my dining
room table. Cuffed by legs, smiling
that smile. You know, I have
a secret yearning to taste
every pore that pouts
and pleads for my

tongue to trail, down your chest
through those curls, springing
to action on impulse from
your stick, of desire. Licking,
tasting your manhood
moulding your mound till all else
floats away. Always coming back
to explore your lips, giving
you a sample of what

I have suckled dry. Fingers dance,
body waves, surfing your form. I catch
sight, drench your thighs with lounging
licks, quenching my thirst
on your nipples by pinching

and ploughing. Accosting
nether regions with fast firm
slaps, rimming your member
with tongue lashing
laps. Seeking a union, I straddle
you swiftly. Strong, urgent, unyielding
casting my lure. Riding rough,

nipping, biting, taking all
you possess. Pondering this,
for a lifetime, yes, I must.
It's time to give in. Let me,
let me
dine ....

Lunar Grass

In another universe
men are playing golf
on the moon. Grass,
white and frail like our
grandmothers, moves
in the lunar wind.
No-one has hit a nine
or landed in the sand.
Sometimes they watch
Earth yawn like a baby.
Back here, men carry
their dreams in pockets
and stand by the sea,
hoping it will wash away.
Only children appreciate
slow climbing turns
erect wiggles, weigh
in. burning clit
sought out. finger flips
tilting my foundation.
Mouth to mouth
locked in memories
of here and now.


take it, give it.
sublimely spread,
cream on toast,
gruff meeting smooth
as smoke signals ring
she reminds me:
where you land to rest
is the same place you will have to take off again

I think of sofas that swallow you into softness that ages you fifsty years
weak leg lift off I groan like nana, like pop-pop did from the low chair
but I know that is not what she meant
no no

and I dont want to talk about it
dead man's float
spring water
sans chlorine
lifeguard sweeps the algae downstream
take my toxins with you
red suit rescue hero

I cannot finish a thought
without my breasts interfereing
as if I have only one vote out of three
left, right and me

they are telling me
wake baby with their buzz and tingle
he has slept too long
cows are lowing at the barn
we spend the day
filling, filling, come now
how long has it been since you fed yourself
for yourself
rested here
where you land
where you prepare to launch from soft ground
Sally on a poem sat
waiting for a rhyme
when songs and verses
melody a tune
all in four-four time

Jimmy on a rhythm rode
a train out to the coast
for there, he'd heard
he'd find the girl
whom half the town would toast

in happy revelery, with wine
and whiskey splatter love
songs and happiness
and tuck them in with coke
and needles in the glove

box in the car that Sally
drove out on the pier
to sit crying in the dusk
where Jimmy learned
needles hurt and good forgets
you here.

They think the want to travel
far back to better times
where happiness hid in songs
where listeners liked their tunes
and didn't mind the rhyme.

Fear of loss and addiction stalk
the lovers on the shore
injected heaven from a spoon
sears veins
and always leaves 'em needing more.

Sally on a park bench sits
with poems spilling from a sack
and Jimmy turns his beat around
neither ready
to give it up and travel back.
to feel your soft palpable skin
betwixt fingers, nimble
and smooth. like a painter
on a great masterpiece. can I sit

and dwell on your texture? softly
brush away flakes of freckles
by tasting your orange. peel,
those curls looped-de-looping,

end to end. my eyes shall lay
you bare - of skin. nose crinkling
I scope up - then down, blazing
a path of fire, as tangy tangible

kisses glitter. framing ribs
protruding - needing nips,
over and about adding too
your swirly snippets.

for to view you is better
than any fruit, cream or tart.
my masterpiece, spread. taking
my time to mount you right.

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