all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Argument 3G

I would lick at your ear
much more happily

than that aluminum appliance
with the Bluetooth clip

and would so not charge a fee
to be that near you. Ever.

society lives
inside cells and wires
the real world morphed
and condensed
even lingual relations
can be had
with roll over minutes
to spare
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Test Tube Daddy

Makes me sad
to pick a dad
from a catalog

Want my boi’s baby
not some orgasmic
genetic similarities

can’t be helped
my boi’s my man
with the wrong plumbing
We take our spoons and dig
at the earth, at our own skins
we search, seek, scrape away
until and if, or when we arrive
at the core we are forced

to admit that the entity we knew
as us was nothing more
than leaves and dust, falling
to earth, yet
one leaf would seem to grow wings
and escape the boundaries
of gravity and commitment
expectation and regret
and in those seconds spent afloat

we knew what it meant
to be free
We take our spoons and dig
at the earth, at our own skins
we search, seek, scrape away
until and if, or when we arrive
at the core we are forced

to admit that the entity we knew
as us was nothing more
than leaves and dust, falling
to earth, yet
one leaf would seem to grow wings
and escape the boundaries
of gravity and commitment
expectation and regret
and in those seconds spent afloat

we knew what it meant
to be free

Very soulful my friend ~~ :rose:
He said,
“pretty ladies
should only play
games like strip poker”

I said,

I liked
his style
so I let him
hock his watch
i am a prisoner of passion
too primitive to control
too perverse to reason with
too persuasive to deny

i bend myself to accept
positions reserved for the penitent
punishment for crimes past
promises of future rewards

pain and pleasure
measured in words and moments
to exact a desired response
beyond reason, without doubt

look at me,
i can dance
i know the tune, the steps, the rhythm,
just keep pulling the strings
without them i am nothing

His sexual frustration
peaked and dipped
like a printout
from a seisometer

jerking off
over a 9.5 on the Richter
Scale. His parents
could never understand

why he liked to roll around
in nettle patches
then spend an hour
with someone they paid for,

the pinpricks on his skin
creating more voltage
than the simplest, more ordinary
No lucky digit, no Kerouac

She is not the apple,
and she is not the stem.
She is the dashed umber curl of leaf
managed to grow up out of the core,
clutching at it. Grotesque strand.
Crumpled thumb
spit out for a hitchhike.
leaping hugs and mommy kisses.
The unique smell of little girl hair
skinned knees and near misses
from not one, but from the pair.

Brought to me: breakfast in bed
burnt toast under too much jam
how easily from depression I'm led
by love filled eyes for who I am

they warm my heart with blankets of care
my two little angels, without compare
Do not forget me

When the ice is on the pond
and the song of blades skreels
across the fields, imagine
the frost kisses your cheeks
as my laughter circles your shoulders
in a bear hug only brothers share.

When you watch the heads
of rye stalks wave a different shade
remember that it wasn't long
ago that we raced past the barn
to wash our faces in rain barrels
erasing dust and sweat and tears.

Do not forget me. I am not so far
away that thoughts of times
we had and gave to others
can't bring happiness
to hearts that need these smiles
of memory. Remember

and hold close my boyhood. Share
this with those who only knew me
as a man and not the big brother
who dragged you through teenage
fears and triumphs all those years
ago. Do not forget ...
The Dolphin

Perhaps it was the thought
of his poetry being canned
that drove Bob mad,
each metaphor and simile

digested in a million guts
until the meaning
was exposed like the bones
in an x-ray. Maybe

he wanted the reader
to tread through each line
as if it was a room
filled with snow, finding

the way out with sound
and using it to avoid
the wire left behind
by previous fishermen.
back road romance

sexy tunes, tempting us to obey
the speed limit. sixty miles, outta way
to reach - the perfect spot. rattled
by memories. a perchance meeting,
as two conspire a compromising
position. backseat bodies, wrapped
in heat, heading into a hailstorm
of sex and booze.

The scraps and carcasses chill out
in the freezer talking about Sunday dinner
about T-day in a few months
when the big bag bones will occupy
the left corner, craming all the peels
and celery ends along with meat
until its jaccuzi day in the shiny metal tub

Then the conversation changes
amongst the bubbly-bubbles and the steam.
The chicken parts bob
so do the potatoes and carrots:
And that man just ogles,
is perverted enough to sip broth
then heats everything up, stirring the pot,
and . . . oh, how dumb, nevermind. Soup's on.
I want a cool hard one,
scalding down deep, make me sputter
a cough. Still yet, I beg
for more. Fill'r up, leave the bottle
this intoxication - stirs me.

I want a cool hard one,

I want a hard cool one
but, the motherfucker denies;
lets the skies stay dry.

My feet are stones, crumbling
and turning into sand. Every step slips
through the cracks
and all that can be done is to pray.

The rain never comes.
I'm told that it will, to give it time
but there won't be a revive.
Wet sand remains only quickening the sink.
... only quickening the sink.
As she rinses it down,
a negative sign of relief
slips past mixed feelings
as she expects a regular
flux of flow and floe
when ice breaks off
her heart to join
what's left draining
in the sink.
It's my birthday today, so I thought I'd write something silly

Halo, O Halo

Do you stroke the scars
on his armor, O Cortana?

You may be composed
mostly of light, but can

you still feel where plasma
hit and needles sunk?

Or is his heart nothing more
than a halo forever spinning

in the subroutines no-one
gets to see?
when ice breaks off

when ice breaks off

for years she has lain stagnant. always
waiting, never moving forward. a chilled
corpse of chipped memories, snowballed
into nothingness from waiting - one word
to let loose his cold hearted hold, of another
time, another place.

love that line Champers ~~ :rose:

There was a word I had saved.
To describe things. The shape of things.
Negative space, turned in on itself,
surrounding nothing;
creating no profile, no shadow.

It was the word of denial.
Proving daylight doesn't have to exist,
and neither does its acknowledgment.
Foster enough darkness to withstand
the resiliency of desperate apathy.

The word wouldn't
win any awards for clarity, originality,
or flair. It is boring.
A scribbled thicket of drawing paper
used one too many times. Broken tip of lead, empty thump.

Me being indulgent. Woo.

Unzip the body bag
that you sleep in during the day
and remove all traces
of the dirt accumulated in those
long hours.

Screw back in the lightbulbs,
for we must see your face.
Attract your groupies of night:
colonies of moth, fox and owl

watching them groom
your phosphor until it is clean
and sterile like the dreams
you grow in our sleep.

Then, when it is time to go,
gather everything
into a postcard and let it burn
with the blue flame of twilight,
exposing their true meaning.
Would God please answer?

if i cut off your thumb
would your fist be a flightless
bird, bald and helpless?

or would something else
take its place and restore
the factory settings
that no-one quite understands?

i have thought about it
since the day i was born
and would like to revise the answer
i submitted in earlier proposals.

i used to think you were the filament
in a lightbulb and we were the moth
drawn to the words it gave off
as it vibrated in the dark.

but now i understand
you are the soup of nettles
forced down our throats
whenever we are forced to confront
that most terrible of things:
I'm just gonna sink into a funk
of woe and wishing fate
would take a flying fuck
at a rolling doughnut.

I won't stop
helping I'll
just try
to think
I post.
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