all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I dangle like a crucifix
from the mirror of a taxi
(though the driver is Muslim)
swung by turns
jiggled by lane
This is no bed, no soft
grave, no peace
only doors
and closing

and only one
missed light
from flying glass.
I'm just gonna sink into a funk
of woe and wishing fate
would take a flying fuck
at a rolling doughnut.

I won't stop
helping I'll
just try
to think
I post.

I know the black
and never mind, it

But like V's
nettles, the sting
lasts, and at least
we can amuse ourselves
with the surprise
of the pain
from something small
and how, after days
it still
in the skin.

last edited by the angels:
09-13-08 at midnight. Reason:
the sting
has become
a pleasure.
I want you,
he breathes into my mouth
and I bite every one,
tasting passion as it burns
lips and tongue, especially "want".
The word is like mainlining
pure seduction and I'm instant addict.
I'm just gonna sink into a funk
of woe and wishing fate
would take a flying fuck
at a rolling doughnut.

I won't stop
helping I'll
just try
to think
I post.

Poetry survives
but worth far far more
is friendship,
and I would give up
everything I ever wrote
to stay close in your life
where nothing matters
but you and me.
Poetry survives
but worth far far more
is friendship,
and I would give up
everything I ever wrote
to stay close in your life
where nothing matters
but you and me.
poetry should be in there
somewhere, not neccessarily
the top of the list,
where the spirits sit;
closer to the best part
of heaven and keeping
a space open for our friends.
You taught me forgiveness
You taught me humility
You taught me compassion

But best of all

You taught me to make a right
ass of myself on a porno website
and not give a pig's shit about it.
Danger rouges the air between us--
eyes on eyes serious--
you are too close for me to stop.
We lean in slow as last century's
sky-scrapers, gently collapsing
until our crowns touch
and we cannot step
away for falling,
deeply breathing danger
tempra and boullion
powdering softly
opened lips.
Still Life With Moonlight

The inmates have escaped
from the zoo, leaping
over the fence to the tune
of the main theme
of Trainspotting, running
past the broken black
of factories, the canal's
bleeding mouth; up to
the high street where old
men reminisce about the days
projectors in cinemas
would never work and they
would hear the constant
click click of the operator
and the flickering of light,
of endless light; as if it were a sign,
something more than the urban
creeping in to take a breather
from all that is concrete and new.

The clay moon
sinks into the black pines

no time to finish
no time to finish

cries the coffee pot pining

over the unfinished
manuscript and cherry-kissed
verbs being tossed

into the sinking loam
of what might have been.
Uncle Yondri stands right about here
between the fire hydrant and the store.
Rarely he will sit but only on rain days
when he squats on a three-legged stool

under the big green awning that advertises
Newspapers Candy Tobacco Groceries
even though they don't sell newspapers
anymore. The awning named tiny the store

after Yondri's neice now living out of state.
New owners, same name. Under it,
Uncle Yondri reads the news the lunch aid brings
and laughs out headlines to passers-by,

stopping now and then to lend his tongue
on fashion and childrearing as needed.
Close your eyes do you see it
is there a light ahead?
a portal just out of reach
in the distance, where does it lead?
Your inner self hidden behind your eyes?
Go forward let your conscience lead you
descend were no-one finds you.
Running now to glory
I see it waiting
New Beginnings

Awakening in the dark.
An unexpected kiss;
first taste of girl lips.

Arms no longer akimbo,
start to intertwine
like ivy on brick.

Tentative touches.
Like hesitant hummingbirds
flit away, yet quickly return.

Desire broken taboos.
Evolving and evoking
passion created responses.

Loves first encounter.
Engendered feeling bring joy
Like rain on a fallow field.

Awakening from the dark.
An unexpected connection;
first taste of life to come.
RIP Mr Newman

Those were somethin' remarkable
blue eyes beneath that wavy
hair. I won't cry but man
oh man, I'll remember
those blue eyes.
as I see it, this thread is all about passion. This am .... my passion grows :::

waves of lava, rising
to top - heated inferno,
of limbs and skin.

eruption halted, a slow burn
blast. spewing a stream,
strumming past.

mouths mimicking mayhem
chasing the flow. tasting
temptation, the volcano
grows ...

..... just a thought. Trying to get back to where I once stood ~
similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion.

Is there ever any
other way to really write
poetry than with passion?

Antiseptic dictionary groomed
thesaurus polished
poetry leaves icicles
where emotion should weave
pain and pleasure
reminiscences and regrets.

Rewrites are for editors at tomes
writing for their daily bread
whose passion lies asleep
in otherwise empty beds.
You reach your three score years and ten
and I who love you, watches
with heavy heart a pain that won't subside,
that I should lose you
the only man that ever was my moon and stars.
a call

a simple, how are you and what's up
conversation. I listened, trying to interpret
between the lines. In my life
here - but not. My passion is spurred
blowing my nose, cleansing out
the old, I wait - for that crinkle
in time. A sore spot to dart in and recapture
things unseen, untold. A message
in a bottle, told time and time
to decades past.

A love, never ending
always shown, between digits
between "friends" crazy dreams sprout
a bowing of my head, a nod, a gesture
that believing in us - is not just a distant
memory talking. Words spoken
and companionship coerced, a slow
drive down what used to be. I wish
I wish
wish for dancing in the moonlight
a massage, silver springs and your

touch. A renourishing congical visit to help
hands dance, partners sway
and magic. No more lonely nights without
tucked in, toss and turn
a getting down - scampering of scalding
memories revisiting, for tonight. A man,
beside - to help guide, daily
hourly, moment by moment visit
feeling of togetherness. A feeling that

settles in for the long, cold frosty
night. Sharing, believing
that tonight leads to forever and not
to just another night, on the phone
sharing our day, together but apart ...
big gaping hole in the ceiling
shakes my shivers my wracks my
bones quake
and the rushing whooshing cold
of the spine chilling willing my misery
like icicles on my nose
in some loony tunes cartoon
it's supposed to make me more productive
this freezer box blowing my warm away
but it makes me hate the fuckers
and not want to work at all
How Ghosts Define Territories

Crisp afternoon cools the windowsill
resting the bones of summer
insects in piles where once
the pie cooled on this modest boundary
between the outside
where now you lie
and the inside
where still I mourn.
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