all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Blast on, O mighty gale that dust and scraps
blow before the wailing gusts to rattle at the door.
Bow the window that the pane flexes
in tension and strain in the frame as it threatens
to screech while banshee'd fingers scrape
against the glass to whip it from the wall.
All the world bends before your blast
until spent you drop your load and die.
caught between little cali and the stop
that ends bratton's,
nothing left
but tension
and an arch against my seat.

in my blue bucket
(honda gray but wanting blue)
i am roadside,
high vibration,
a low slow release, unable
to be a stop

sign by the road.
cars keep coming,
distant and nearer,

all of us speeding.
Brought over from Free thoughts one word

I wept

I am an American, native born of a Native heritage, one who has served his country, yet did so during a time when doing so wasn't so popular.

And I wept.

I wept for the hope of a new future, being neither white nor black,

yellow or brown.

I wept being an American

Troubled times bring a great Nation together, bias, greed, injustice

have no place in a world when hope is given birth again.

And for this, I wept.

I wept with joy, wishing that those who have endured, struggled and dreamed could have seen what I saw before my own passing.

Many might not yet agree, or find fear in the future.

And for them I weep as well. I weep that hearts might change,

I weep that souls might again unite and cleanse the past together.

I dream of a time where peace and harmony for all people, for all races,
will be nothing more than a distant memory of an ancient time filled with fraught and anxiety.

I dream of a world when we will all consider ourselves "Native Amercians" of a country united, where the only color we see and recognize is the color of hope.

I weep because I believe we finally have the chance to do that.

I weep with the joy of a new beginning, change, and a desire to become something better, something new, something to be proud and grateful for.

I weep because I truly am an American.
A Curse on All of Them

Hatred and spite
Bigoted lies retold
Again and again
Amen, amen

They follow Pan's pipes
Hearing and believing
With scales on their eyes
Lemmings voting for hate

King groans in anguish
Gandhi curses in dispair
Anthony weeps
for trampled freedoms

Drenched in bile
I watch helplessly
As my family is hurt

I am anger.
Hatred and spite
Bigoted lies retold
Again and again
Amen, amen

They follow Pan's pipes
Hearing and believing
With scales on their eyes
Lemmings voting for hate

King groans in anguish
Gandhi curses in dispair
Anthony weeps
for trampled freedoms

Drenched in bile
I watch helplessly
As my family is hurt

I am anger.

Here, here...but I believe this is only a temporary setback.
no land no water
spheres perhaps, bubbles?

I click two by three by four
they ring, disappear
a child's game, really
I match, combine, clear the screen

the phone rings
I let it

everything breaks, falls
new rows come
I destroy them all
took me until we cleared half the plastic bagged fiberglass
to put it together:

this is what you were talking about!
the hoses
th mmotor
the fibers flying into cotton candy snow
the attic rats, boxed papers moth chewed
Jackie O jackets
all of it up there
the photos snapped by contractors
you on the rafter
you white mask over mouth
head tilted
to fit under her roof

we sprayed down our own attic
half way full before I remembered
this is what you did
you are ten past dead
your name carried by so many insects on wing
I forget
I would say I love you
but truth is
just something that happens
when I finally zip those skinny jeans
makes me want them down
springtime November catch my own ass
in the reflection

would say I love you truth is
just tight denim and cool grass
baby call me tonight

A cold wind blows today
sweeping down from the Gatineau hills
carrying the scent of snow.
Is it this that makes these old eyes weep
or the memories?
What horrors have they seen,
these mundane men, grizzled and bent,
standing now in the sea of black and red?
Comrades together now
saluting others left behind
at Allemagne, Dunkirk and Midway.
There were good times too,
the friendships forged and the pride
that shines, even now, in those eyes.
None who fought in the four
frightful years when
twenty million died remain to remind
but the ember of remembrance glows
in the eyes of the young.
A cold wind blows today.
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A cold wind blows today
sweeping down from the Gatineau hills
carrying the scent of snow.
Is it this that makes these old eyes weep
or the memories?
What horrors have they seen,
these mundane men, grizzled and bent,
standing now in the sea of black and red?
Comrades together now
saluting others left behind
at Allemagne, Dunkirk and Midway.
There were good times too,
the friendships forged and the pride
that shines, even now, in those eyes.
None who fought in the four
frightful years when
twenty million died remain to remind
but the ember of remembrance glows
in the eyes of the young.
A cold wind blows today.

one wonders whether
it is the gift of spilt blood:

in time
there's silence
Bite Me! It's a Poem Damn it!

Rose are red
Violets are Blue
Prop 8 sucks ass
and so does Prop 2!
Nasty Bitch

Nasty Bitch

Like a cobra slithering from a kill
she leaves juicy faced, slick thighed
As toll for her pleasure
Desolate bite marks are
left in stark payment

Leather pulls over scratched skin
Already thinking of her next bitch
The last used up like sweaty sheets
Not a look back as she ignores
The weak call of compassion
a cold wind ... in Tris's steps ..... :rose:


a cold wind blows today,
shivering from inner demons, shrug
shoulders down, head buried
in flip top jacket, lined
in lingering memories of what
I've left behind.

abuse, neglect. absent
thoughts carry, conspiring
with yesteryear, to pull me
into a back alley where loneliness
has always dwelt far too long.

north carlonia, mountains- cliffs
so many places to step,
prance and dance ... bubbles blinging
bodies binging
heads bowed, to honor
our resting place from troubles and hardships
the days bring. bodies climbing, trees

tasting. limbs, lounging, taking a break
bringing baby back - to life, each for
the other. always one
that's what we shared, a common destiny
a bond that never would be broken. Now,
stillness surrounds, no words, no

encouragement but for
the moments where
it's really needed. Friends
it seems, is where we've landed. Friends
for life, friends who
to be, lovers - bound in a marriage
of hearts desires, demanding
retribution for that one
silly thing, we used to call
love .....

Tears for Angels

Tears for Angels

I died today
The part of me that had worth
passed on to the place
in which I no longer believe

Faith died today
Like a putrid bubble of scum
it plunged, then burst
resuming its empty form

Hope died today
Mother Nature ate her young
like the feral bitch she is
eating my heart with unrepentant relish

Love died today
The best I could do was poor solace
to souls never given a chance
nor to those who trusted me with treasure
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Tears for Angels

I died today
The part of me that had worth
passed on to the place
in which I no longer believe

Faith died today
Like a putrid bubble of scum
it plunged, then burst
resuming its empty form

Hope died today
Mother Nature ate her young
like the feral bitch she is
eating my heart with unrepentant relish

Love died today
The best I could do was poor solace
to souls never given a chance
nor to those who trusted me with treasure
I weep with you as I can only imagine
the loss of hope, the promise of joy
ripped from your grasp, your body,
your heart; now hollow make a place
for love to fill again. Don't blame
your soul it's only chemistry
because if wanting comes from need
and loving comes from knowing
you will need to love
and those who need and love you
know what you want.

Please don't accept that this is your fault.
Haiku for Safe_Bet

Lives lost with regret
tears stop for existing pearls
- sunshine breaks the clouds
It is certain that I will die;
death is neither a personal nor a medical failure.

When I die, I hope not to drag with me
the spirits of those whom I love.

Let them rather rejoice in my passing,
the next step on my path of learning.

My death here is a birth elsewhere,
and as this world is lessened, another is enriched.

When we are born, we cry but the world rejoices.
When we die, the world cries but we may find great liberation.

I tearfully celebrate the memories, the paths of the departed.
In their honour, I live.

McMurdo, May 1996

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This post here it is my two cents
If I were to die tomorrow I'd have no regrets
Even though I have plenty to repent
I just wonder if I will be on forget
You know I express my feeling by writing poetry, right? It's really the only way I can get my stupid brain to say what I'm feeling. Like today; It's been one week since my babies died and I expected to be completely insane today. Instead I find myself strongly needing to concentrate on what I have vs. what I lost. The lose is still very much there, but I am not going to let it overshadow my Amy's and the girls' needs. I know that what I just said doesn't make sense, but La, I can't say it in complete sentences. So, I wrote this:

Family Tears

tears are wondrous things
when we let them free
to blur harsh reality
like cheese cloth over
the camera lens of perception

Our tears also act as prisms
exposing life’s brighter gifts
showing us rainbow colors
like the sharp yellow of love
and the vibrant green of family

As our tears race down our faces
they compete for the honor
of death by tender kisses
while reminding us all
that only the living can cry

You know I express my feeling by writing poetry, right? It's really the only way I can get my stupid brain to say what I'm feeling. Like today; It's been one week since my babies died and I expected to be completely insane today. Instead I find myself strongly needing to concentrate on what I have vs. what I lost. The lose is still very much there, but I am not going to let it overshadow my Amy's and the girls' needs. I know that what I just said doesn't make sense, but La, I can't say it in complete sentences. So, I wrote this:

Family Tears

tears are wondrous things
when we let them free
to blur harsh reality
like cheese cloth over
the camera lens of perception

Our tears also act as prisms
exposing life’s brighter gifts
showing us rainbow colors
like the sharp yellow of love
and the vibrant green of family

As our tears race down our faces
they compete for the honor
of death by tender kisses
while reminding us all
that only the living can cry

I don't really know you or anything like that...but I truly am sorry to hear this.
I will keep you in my thoughts....seriously.
You know I express my feeling by writing poetry, right? It's really the only way I can get my stupid brain to say what I'm feeling. Like today; It's been one week since my babies died and I expected to be completely insane today. Instead I find myself strongly needing to concentrate on what I have vs. what I lost. The lose is still very much there, but I am not going to let it overshadow my Amy's and the girls' needs. I know that what I just said doesn't make sense, but La, I can't say it in complete sentences. So, I wrote this:

Family Tears

tears are wondrous things
when we let them free
to blur harsh reality
like cheese cloth over
the camera lens of perception

Our tears also act as prisms
exposing life’s brighter gifts
showing us rainbow colors
like the sharp yellow of love
and the vibrant green of family

As our tears race down our faces
they compete for the honor
of death by tender kisses
while reminding us all
that only the living can cry

You're one beautiful woman inside and out :rose: :kiss:
so truth is I covet
I covet not my neighbors ass
but playscape
the double rocker swing the
wave slide the climbing wall
truth is I want I want it all
wonder $100, 150, 250, 300
400, 500, many fat asses
can I massage between now
and Christmas how many cocks
can I take whole cash down to Sam's club
truth is I just want to get my kid
a goddamn swing
Dying to be together

The years have walked them home
together, always.
So many things shared,
give and take.
So much built,
polished to the nub.
Laughter the glue
tear-washed and chastened
they wept and held
onto the joy of their love
in the face of hostility.
Love often flippantly tossed away,
was meaningful
spoken with eyes wide open.
He could not brook
her haunted absence,
it was the most natural thing
to leave together
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