all of a sudden passion suddenly

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So it was raining and not much happened

The day is faceless
as a dressmaker's dummy.
Halos of rain do not liven
things up, make hearts

twitch like barometer
needles in their brass
cages. Even the insects,
those recorders of the daily

goings on, have hidden
themselves away: under
kitchen units, sofas,
beds and desks.

Perhaps later tonight
I will check under my bed
and the space under the cooker
for signs they have been watching,

read the notes left behind,
make myself small, listen to the hum
of the blue voltage circling
above my head like a lullaby.

did you have to coax me from my quiet
cave with your cut apples and scratch back compliments
just to tell me you were leaving?

This is my thick fur winter
This is me moving on
This is me not needing you
and your sunshine waterfalls

Close the door, lover
Close the door, friend
Close the door whoever you are
Don't knock unless you intend
to come in.
Mistaken Identity

Fuck off
Fuck off and break your china plates
Fuck off and break your china cups.

Watch the grains of black tea swirl
in moth patterns over what's left,

take a walk over by the old canal
and see yourself floating underneath
with a nail through your tongue

like James' wrote. Measure your life
not in coffee spoons or silverfish

disguised as mermaids, but in hours
spent feeding the television's abattoir
mouth. Look at yourself in the mirror

and fuck off at what you see. Hitchhike
down some other road. The one
you are currently walking along doesn't

want to know you
or your vinyl-beautiful lovesongs.
Her flowers were not pressed, but left
in the field to tempt geese, brighten
bonnets of the passing
children of her youth

Her eyes closed glossed with those
sun mote shined shoes.

Her mouth stilled, pursed
with the sting of berries,
bluing her.
She had come full cycle

A perfect loop save
for the little chink
and the whisper

this way to the egress.

I was 14 when I first uttered
it on a school trip to Epping
Forest, hurling it like a discus
at Jerome, the class idiot.

But the wind had grabbed
it instead, dropping it
in the hands of our head
of year, Mr T, who pulled me

aside like a rabid dog needing
to be controlled. Would you
like your parents to know
what you said? Yes I wanted

to say. Yes Yes Yes
. I wanted
them to know how I licked
words like fuck, cunt, shit,
bollocks, motherfucker
from their

faulty tap, watching them spin
like the sycamore seeds
falling around me, listening
to the sudden thud of bone

crashing to the earth
over and over and over,
the way they had always let it
happen to me.
After the Office Party

Blonde halo
topped a shimmering
cascade of
silver and green
that sparkled as
it swayed all
Christmas Eve long.

O Christmas tree,
passions for words
long lettered lines trail away
the past shrinks in my eye
and mind, memories scuttle
across an expanse of bluish sky
like clouds time-lapsed
seasons shift from green to orange
and now the brown and white nakedness
with rocksalt crunching under foot
sounds just like a heart
its been pieced together
dead bits sewn with warm hands
the beat resumed when a hot passion
was breathed upon it
for years, i made-believe poems
i thought i had a message for him
and twas true then, i did
falling on half deaf ears, my words wained
and feeling another crush, and then
another caused my disbelief in poetry
i can weave words around you
until you're swooning, gushing
from the inside out,
i can tell you what you need to hear
in lovely ways while i hide my inner cynic
i can fuse a beat and rhyme
things that have no business
existing in the same sentence
but they only come when
my heart is on a fish hook
dangling above my own jaws
or when i cry icy tears
the pain of perminent seperation
is too much to bear
but when i feel that warmth, the joy of
passion shared,
there is no time for poems
life catches me, the race is so much better
because i'm near the front
i just might finish and not alone
i am too busy for poems
too busy fucking you
cradling you in my arms
like a soft baby, with huge brown eyes
pleading for me to be forever
i have the heart of frankenstein's monster
and the poetic skills to match
but i will fuck you hotly, like lestat,
as long as i can
get away with this game
i would like to be a keeper
for you, a pearl of a man who'll hold
onto your hand
and lead you safely through the
hell erupting around us
but instead we will succumb
get sucked down through that
fiery vortex
and tell you this is heaven
maybe then i'll write a poem
again, unless
i'm too busy dying for you
Frivolous Pursuit

Sometimes, to be a verbose sage,
You mustn't live outside your cage.
They tell you, "free your mind;
Strong words are hard to find."

And when you say you've found your muse,
Within your group, it's face you lose.
"Good verse should flow and fly,
Yours might as well just die!

For, what you lack in quality,
Is due to your frivolity!
Your poetry, it rhymes!
Oh crime of foulest crimes!

The mind of he who rhymes as you,
Must clearly be quite simple too!
Good verses, dear, don't rhyme!
They flow and fly and climb!"

So, keeping all this safe in mind,
I think a new group I shall find.
forearms, sky, promises of monday together

you make me want to write bad poetry again,
could you be my muse my salt and pepper Monday morning shoe shine
you have me talking nonsense, flutter and stuttering my fingers cannot keep up with my imagination

come to me
find me here
under the antique globe that glows
under the moon that hums
find me here
overwhelmed by the cellular memories you have stirred
this is yours
take it
butt slut - what?
who said I'm one of those dirty girls
who'll spread 'em for pearls?
white beads, black beads - your beads
all feel the same to me.
it's a distinct pleasure to decide who's
out and who's in, although it's a sin
I dont' really care. just please don't
cum in my hair, it's hard enough to
wash already.

eyelids flutter and twitch high speed
and then his eyes roll back in his head

tmie to rest
time to rest
he says
his head jerks left, then right
in a lobsided smile

Watch, watch,
she tells me, sit down
it keeps happening

I dont watnt

she rules out motivation after motivation
she rules out sensory stimulation
she rules out attention seeking behavior


of course

but he doesnt get seizures

he didn't have seizures

I reach for the closest stranger
take his buttons his chest
his answers hold forearms
one after the other
their stories become the same
their fantasies I control
their outcome it is easy it is easy
with every release I slow the falling I slow the falling
strangers hands grab for my arms tube fed
and wired for speed we meet
the contractions slow
the pronouns blur
and one by one they disappear
as the night gets later
and later I wonder why I never grab for someone
that knows how to hold me
the ones who love
strong, forever why this grab and go
I dont
how to stop only slow
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Q & A

You are walking down the street and notice a child with a face
shiny as a aluminium balloon. He is trying to strangle the head
of his Optimus Prime toy, mimicking the actions of his father,
an actor who says goodnight to him through the films he rarely
acts in. His mother, still as a haiku, imagines clouds turning into hope.

Do you:

A) Try to find your reflection in his face?

B) Transform into John Wayne?

C) Become a cheapo Star Trek effect?
Little cents
and less sense, money
your greedy face
shakes me cold,
makes me anxious. I tear
my life to fractions,
hating our symbiosis.
Come to me,
and go away forever.

Money you Satan,
you hide your evil empire
behind Presidents.
You sing a pleasing song.
You tinkle and wrinkle,
toss my I-Ching until
the bottom line is all
these changes, Money,
you filthy lucre,
I hear you now:
Ka-ching, Ka-ching.

The only time
you ever made me happy
I spent a whole coin collection
on penny candy. The 1909-S VDB,
Double Eagle, Standing Liberty,
the fare exchange
for pastel-dotted paper
and oily waxen lips.
Daddy, my numismatist,
you were so mad
but I was thrilled to be
so sugar-rouged,
so frantically enriched.
free write, bounce from Ang. 's siggy ~~~~

ang. speaks of kisses and flames,

what a nice vision, sweaty and hot
bubbles dripping
dropping panties. toes testing warm
cascade of honey musk
dip and dream
of flames, kisses, molten lava
lethargically lasso's - taking
me to another world

his call, his voice, his velvet
tongue. tasting my nectar
rough puppy dog licks, rounding
my pupils into an eclipse of ecstatic
gruff housing. soul testing, tempting me out
on the limb

a lil further. merry go 'round chase. words
exchanged - past revisited, places
patterns, all a chase to the finish
line. a new world
discovered. to take a chance, another step
forward, leaving behind
yesterdays life, living on the edge
of tomorrow, today. one step
one dream, at a time. match to flame
here we go ~ ....


First Drink of a New Self

Jumbled thoughts, emotions
like ice swirling in a tumbler
Pour me a drink, bartender
Intoxication makes my pulse fast
Shaken, stirred, writing nonsense
as I savor the next drop

The strength of the drink
leaves my mind paralyzed
but warms to the core

This S&M of give and take

This briefcase of spare parts
fished out from the frozen lake

This mercury throat spilling

This house glazed like fruit

This bus sniffing out the light

This tree, this snowman
that took my place in her bed
First Drink of a New Self

Jumbled thoughts, emotions
like ice swirling in a tumbler
Pour me a drink, bartender
Intoxication makes my pulse fast
Shaken, stirred, writing nonsense
as I savor the next drop

The strength of the drink
leaves my mind paralyzed
but warms to the core


Or Something

"Attractive hipsters should read my book on the internet, on Youtube or something, and blog about me and my books."

Tao Lin

Do you catch them like stray moths?
What is your method? Is it patented?
Do you hold your head between your hands,
making sure the sides don't touch?
Do you feel the zing and zap of sweet
voltage? Is your meat basket cooked yet?
Does your demographic sing to gospels
of hip but not hop? Does your Macbook spew
forth reams of 1's and 0's in divine rapture?
Do they carry your words in their mouths
like seahorses? Does everything go flippity
floppity? Do their bodies become brittle
as paper once they've absorbed the Word?
Do skyscrapers limbo? Will Starbucks' go numb
after they've left? Will wi-fi connections
die from shock? Will pavements remember
them only as signs of something that once
passed through, elusive as breath itself?
I feel as if this should go on the 100 hundred words thread. But in the inspiration of the Passion thread and because I like to haunt it occasionally, here goes, off tha hip.


I feel as if you've given me some kind of unspoken
permission. to stand tall, state and reform, cast out and walk
about - strut my stuff and shine ....

walking alone your shore, testing the waters edge, simplistic
steps, a glare out, to pre check and pre form a cautionary
glance. life stands here, as time, erupts in my minds eye.

a single shell helplessly stranded, caught my attention. picked up
noticed, for what it really is. earth, water, a piece
of life, withstanding the erosion of effortless eagerness.
sun beating down, detesting this single sign, of hope. But still
its ridges bare up, under duress and hardship, always
motionless, but inside, deep down a smile, a heartfelt ripple,
of joy. For life moves on, the sun, rain come
casting beauty lined with doubt
always this pearl in peril persist to penetrate, stock still
daring the surf to do its damndest ...

....Jus' a thought ~~~

It was fun while it lasted,
but the electricity petered out,
the cockroaches returned
to their other lives, the moon
pedalled furiously along a high-wire,
the cows in the fields became
scenery once more. And we, we
fell in love all over again.
I look, I read, I lurk
I am silence
do I judge?
no I wonder at the mystery
the lives you lead
the escapisms you crave,
what are you haunted by?
what drives you in this life?
oh bitter irony, i ask you..
when i should be asking myself
Stop thinking about it.
Everything hurts more
when you think about it.
You cant get a brain transplant
to stop thinking about it.
Fucking nerves.
Winter in Ealing

Playgrounds swollen
with snow bloom
like fields of white
peonies. Footprints
of past months ionise
air with their voltage,
memories seeding
new grass. Buses pass,
the passengers' pale
heads warming with
the promise of new light.
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