all of a sudden passion suddenly

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he tells me
"write a poem for me, MaryAnn, write
a poem for me"
as if someone had replaced my faucets with handicapped handles
as if I could turn it on

I have since stopped seraching for poetry
in the storm drains and ice slick branches
I let them melt, disappear into the ground
without forcing my meaning upon them
I have let the air I breathe exist
without pondering the probablility that Cesear
uttered his Et tu Brute with the same atoms
moth wings do not set into motion religious wars
mudslide, vodka ring napkins

I forget how to talk to you
How to listen.

I gave your yellow lace panties
to my neighbor who always wanted to dress like a girl
He sent me a photo, his cock stuffed tight into
silk triangle

some prefer to burn or to bury reminders
I bandage, blindfold cut circulation
at the source
it has been years since I called you baby

There is a reason people carve only initials
into trees
there is a reason

Once I came close
to fulfilling the promises
laid out on a sheet
of graph paper:

Eat regularly. Don't drink
excessively. Avoid pot,
cigarettes. Save money,
not regret.

Mother had given them
to me in the vain hope
I would be able to untangle
the knots in their words,

accomplish what she
had failed to do for her mother.
Hearing Confession

The map on your tongue
has not been drawn yet.
Don't bother trying to fill
in the blanks, contours
from funhouse mirrors.
Simply wait and let each
word run across the pink
with its sharp nib, etching
the places where you
should cross, where the x
marks gold, where the crocs
know your name and wait
like impatient children.
A bounce of passion ~~~

he tells me
"write a poem for me, MaryAnn, write
a poem for me"
as if someone had replaced my faucets with handicapped handles
as if I could turn it on

I have since stopped seraching for poetry
in the storm drains and ice slick branches
I let them melt, disappear into the ground
without forcing my meaning upon them
I have let the air I breathe exist
without pondering the probablility that Cesear
uttered his Et tu Brute with the same atoms
moth wings do not set into motion religious wars
mudslide, vodka ring napkins

I forget how to talk to you
How to listen.

I gave your yellow lace panties
to my neighbor who always wanted to dress like a girl
He sent me a photo, his cock stuffed tight into
silk triangle

some prefer to burn or to bury reminders
I bandage, blindfold cut circulation
at the source
it has been years since I called you baby

There is a reason people carve only initials
into trees
there is a reason

he never ask that I write, but I do I feel


I feel

his presence there. Mountain of hope spreading down
to the streams edge. My hunter in the woods
who has been there consistently, a quiet night
- a forest of reason
a man, who stands tall and honorably
asking for friendship and a " let's just see
where this goes " kinda attitude.

I awake from a dream, feeling him there. Holding me
reassuring me, he will not move
just cuddle and nurture
- love me, as if he were always waiting for
that second in time, that moment.
To hold me close and ward off the
burn that descends, while he

is at work. As I take my bubble bath
and frisky fingers slide - dipping into
a passion that suddenly rises. Red cheeks,
tiny gasps - a heated body made so, from naughty
thoughts - his image provoked. Washcloth slides,
glides down glimpsing my need, for him. My stud

in the tub. Taking his time to explore
and share - every vision, thought we've spoken
so frequently of. Yes, I feel him, inside, outside
down deep and riding my thighs
with each swish of the cloth, back
and forth .....


Let sticks and stones
break your bones. Don't
duck or run for cover.

They will be the vinegar
for words that will cut,
sink deep into skin.

The pain felt won't
ever compare
to a well-aimed It's over
or I don't think it's working

You will wake many times
in the night, running fingers
over the wound;

wonder where the rest
of the shrapnel ended up.
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Doc says you have
a fissure tongue
one of many vagaries
of the human body,
akin to breast size
or tendencies to baldness,
here's hoping
she means in men,
but thoughts cross my mind
not spoken
does this woman
speak with forked tongue?

Carry the pile of rocks
on your back until it starts
to ache.

Aching is the way forward.
Forward is the way we must march.

March, march, march.

How your words leapt at me
from the confines of their drunken
prison, oblivious to the pain
caused by the rocks piled

onto your back by your father.
And now you do the same to me,
thinking I am you and should
be treated the same.

But I will never ache.
How little you know of me.

He will never amount to anything
father once said to mother
when he was drunk. How easy,
how easy it is for words

to slide out of their harbour
of bone and meat
when the slipway has been lined
with the metaphorical grease.

How easy it must to be trip
on every occasion, not knowing
where the wires are attached
on your knees and elbows.

How easy it must be to walk
one way, intending to go another.
Where are the scissors you dream
of at night? Where is the knife
hidden in the throat?

Answer me, little man in my skull.

Show me where you have hidden
these things and I will reward
you with the rib I stole from you
when you slept, desperate

to check whether it bore
any resemblance to the ones
popping out whenever I heard
your name.
I picture you on my dining room
table. Cuffed by legs, smiling
that smile. You know, I have
a secret yearning to taste
every pore that pouts
and pleads - for my

tongue to trail, down your chest
through those curls, springing
to action, on impulse from
your stick, of desire. Licking,

tasting your manhood. Molding
your mound till all else
floats away. Always coming back
to explore your lips, giving
you a sample of what

I have suckled dry. Fingers dance,
body waves, surfing your form. I catch
sight, drench your thighs - with lounging
licks. Quenching my thirst by accosting

nether regions with fast firm
flicks, rimming your member
with tongue lashing
laps. Seeking a union, I straddle
you swiftly. Strong, urgent, unyielding
casting my lure. Riding, nipping,
biting, taking all
you possess. Pondering this,
for a lifetime, yes, I must.
It's time to give in. Let me,
let me
dine ....


The wooden doll
was still screaming
when it was gagged
and placed face-down
in the shoebox.

Unrepentant, it mouthed
muffled curse words
through the cotton;
whilst the mother lay
in the corner of the room,

sobbing, palming an invisible
reply out of her shredded
hope and the child she had lost.
Seals wolf-whistle whales.

Let's not talk about the dolphins,
to come here ...

the passion thread, to spend time
in thought, in vision, in memory, in love
with passion ... that's where I want to
stand, want to witness the brilliance of past
meeting future, where memories are spread,
butter knife wide, gel-ing tha toast with soft butter,
cream - soaking, basking in the limelight of that sexual
urge, that - come get me mister, take
what I offer and break

free, from your inhibitions, to spend a second in this
erotic glow
of passion, persuasion. A dalliance of dreams,

dropped in your lap ....

Fuck the wolf
that scratches my door
after being exposed
to December's mad moon.

Look at it running
its tongue over the braille
body of a chicken
it killed when I was away,

trying to decipher the future
in its entrails. That
was supposed to be my offering
to the restless grey.

Now all I have are these seeds
that can never be sown.
She said smoking is legal suicide.
I want you to write me a poem
and use those words as the title.

I told her that killing yourself isn't
against the law and it would be impossible
because when we're dead, no one
can wake us, arrest us or send us behind bars.

Sweet child of mine.

a naughty, dirty
taste. Taking a dip into the sands
of time. Finger walks,
immersed inside. A taste - a touch.
A twin, lightening strike

that - mighty granite
rock. A force to be - tongue dived

fire, storms an element of time, beyond
control. Length to hilt
hammering outside
in. Serve, bend, skin to skin, gliding

surfing the shores of times. Our great
destiny. Determined

to take - moment
by moment. Relish the thoughts behind the burn
that coincide. Only to make me push, ride
and demand
more. You have tested the current

swam the rips - came back and immersed
yourself inside me, deep. As I

sit here, another day. Wishing
nighttime vision would suddenly
dream up and produce ... you. My stallion.
My savior, my phantom - to play peek-a-boo

with daily visions and wet dreams of a sexy
mountain come to heel. Heed my command, every
night, every meal. My dessert,
laid before me. For the taking,

for the love of tomorrow and the dreams
that shall last eternal. Our vision
of the future our want. Served
on a dinner plate
here and now ....


,,,,,,,,,Jus' a thought ~~~~
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was the kid in my class
that no-one wanted
to be friends with, for fear
of being turned into a
scarecrow and pecked
at by a Luftwaffe of crows.

He was the one who knew
the kind of things
everyone had forgotten -
most highly watched shows
of the '80's, obscure candies
we used to eat - plucking
out these reams of facts

from his albino coif
whilst his schoolmates
prepped insults. Once I made
the mistake of befriending
him, sharing chocolate bars
as we talked about the small
things. I could see Tim and Matt

smirking, faces quickly turning
into fox-grins. I wanted
to avoid my body turning
into straw but it was too late.
Even now I feel the constant
ca-caw, the smell of burning.
Questioning, pondering my reason for being
Peering off in the distance there's nothing I'm seeing
They say all you gotta do and all you need is to believe
But how is that possible if everything is clouded so heavily?
terrible and ravaging,
passion too hot to feel
burnt up, used up
i never seem to learn

loves touch is always torture
exquiste, painfully bliss
honesty without a bound
and a beauty still unknown

I'd grasp it if i could
and never let it go
but something so so pure
will never do for one

who cant believe its true
more of a lit blog post

I always seem to come back to this abandoned name
is is because of your first "I love you Anna" I insisted
you not use my god given no, not her not me
not this separation of church and fate

Mother keeps the records in archival boxes
and I found her,
Anna the first, last born of great grandfather's
first wife
born, died on my birthday

I always imagined I would be the mother of a daughter.
I would name her Anna.
Instead, I invented her, here.

I am glad you did not bear a daughter
he told me
Nothing good would have come
from that name, that name.

Why can't I let her rest in peace?
i want it all, life with the lot
passion, fire, please double it up
let me choke on it, i do not care
let heart burn come i will not fight
my eyes are large, bigger then my gut
i want it all, life with the lot
What do you do when
your best isn't good enough?
Return to the old insecurities
that haunt you from the grave?
Climb a mountain see the world as it is
not how you perceive it to be
in your world of dreams
lying shattered at your feet?
Even the sky cries
and leaves you shivering.
I've decided that if all I can be
is not all that you want
that it is not I who has a problem
. So
The fish in the pond I love to swim
circles in have changed; grown, morphed
into a crowd too big for a small pond
.. So
I sprout legs instead of fins
Eat grass rather than kelp
Fuck rather than spread eggs
in the current that the bull
spills milk over...
... so
don't cry
orgasms are best
shared on dry ground.
i have stalled
the road ahead seems long
and i aint even moving
to my left, to my right, people
we are heading in the same direction
but dont anybody wave,
please make sure not to intereact

questions, queries, conundrums
life throws us many bingles
whats the answer, i do not know
i have even forgot the answer
my engines ready, hot to go
its never even been driven
here i am, with all of you
still in the parking lot of life
I never buy anything new

but on Christmas,
a new bike is necessary
even though in no time it will have the rust and faded stickers
of bikes lined up outside Goodwill for $2.50

No, don't talk to me about depreciation
I know under the ribbons it should be a new red bike
new with the belief that this time it will be different
this time, I will take care, bring it in the garage
keep the chain greased in faith that this time
handle bars will always steer home
bell clear my lover it is you it is you it
has always been you, only you
paint scratch lie pencilled notes in pocket
we cruise new car smell, wet
behind and between every story aware
every answer Yes cherry red promises
lip to cheek you do not count my scars
I do not wonder who dented your fender
we move tall four climbing
under ribbon
Anatomy of Dark

Some nights I like to stay
up and watch night assemble
and disassemble its anatomy,
piecing together those hidden
parts to get a bigger picture
of what it has gained and what
it has lost: thin slivers of moon,
a rapier of cloud, trains wheezing
like accordions, a river's frozen
reflection. Perhaps if I am lucky
I will get to see it piece everything
back together like a clockmaker,
learn techniques to find all that
which has slipped out of my hands.
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