all of a sudden passion suddenly

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cranberry lips, creep. crooning
whimpers. a welcoming insight, from singeing
fires - burning too deep, as the well run'ith
over. cream

raspberry cream,
welcomes a visit. velcro
stuck - like lips, tongue
diving deep a flourishing
fountain ready to erupt
from the wait. While two people
dance, prance
a mating call beckons. beseeching
a throw down, teeth bared
nails curled,
climbing walls. a wealth
of passion held, harnessed until

this day. Come
let me taste
your nectar, the pudding you so unwillingly
have to with-hold. let me,

taste, sink

mouth-tongue deep
wrap around and harness
your member. Willingly

I come, I ask, I take
my due cuppance
from riding, shouting
screaming - the moans from

your mouth, let me
you. let me
have this moment to
take control, as twin fisted - bare hands
roughly grasp hair, mane.pounce

and belligerently bare
all ... you
have to offer for the wait, the talking.
For, ..... when the time comes

has passed. Now, it's time
to take - crimson nails to
bare back, ride rough
and forget about tomorrow, for today
has finally
cum .....

Hey mofo, is my hair upsetting you?

Do you think
I am Samson and its strength
will surpass your own?

so cut it
so cut it
so cut it

Grab anything -
the sky, shoppers, pushchairs,
the river's winding tongue,
bricks, cars, chestnut trees,
boats -

Fashion them
into a pair of scissors
and cut away

Leave nothing
but a bare scalp,
smooth as a desert,

barren and lifeless
as the chest
where you might
have had a heart once.
The Transaction

I was thirteen and didn't know
what I was I getting into:
A boy in my class, Rupert, who
looked older, offered to get me

a porn magazine. I was young
and needed to get aroused,
to feel my body turn into a puddle.
Holding it in my hands nearly

made me melt. I hid it in an old
satchel on top of my wardrobe
when I got home, thumbing
through the pages late at night.

Mother found it when I was at
school, promptly tossing it out.
I remember how she confronted
me, telling me how it was immoral.

I'm not sure if I ever gave Rupert
the money for it; the uncollected
debt accumulating like earth,
ready to taste rain bitter as memory.
it might be mighty stupid
to kill time

dead things don't move forward
unless you push them

and you said you wanted this dreary day to end

so poke time with a taser instead
or set its pants on fire

that'll do
they taught me how to
get the beads so I lived without
colored glass around my neck stringed
sexual want purple gold
green she knew it was not the ring finger pen callus
paper cut
easy smile
jokes of xylem and phloem
rising up
sinking down to root
that gets you noticed

but here I sway
and brush up against you
as the bus slow as the train jars
to a stop I feel you harden at hip
press my lips
over come this shyness
my fingers string you
scalp to ankle

I pink
and coo
lean into your window as you ask me for
directions home, lean a little too far
I will wear your beads.
thy will be done
on earth as it is
in your land,

tethered ankles I am whisp
your hand passes, wind-swayed I bow
close eyed
remember not how I moved
how I spoke to bring you to me
how to whisper tone your voice
hold your glare

I drop things
cut cloth
smaller I stand
bared to you

"too literal
too many pronouns pass your lips!"

your fist-crush carnation
presses pink from my petals
I melt like wafer on your tongue
this, this night
when the universe just puts a hold
bacterial infections and critters,
puts a pause on rings and promises
and the worry of being taken to that
second location face down in the mud,
knife in the liver...
just taking what you can, letting it go, letting it go...

taking a cock in each hand
mouth to mouth we pass her
tongue around the circle,
around the circle until she comes back home
pillow soft we press cheek in
mother softness close sleep
while fingers find us centered,
kiss whipped we roam we roam

this is where I want to go,
you on my left side slipping my
memory into three part harmony

you on my left side flesh pinched
and contagious, you on my lift side
passing her tongue as teeth click
out a message of will,
feeling the blade,
inviting the blade
face pressed in mud pleading, more.
If I were straight, I'd dream my fate
soft kisses and gentle caresses,
tickling hair in my face,
thrusting thighs and sparking eyes.
Dreaming of lose too dark to contemplate.
Halfway up a mountain in Auvergne, father admits to an affair

The moon unwraps its bandage
as we travel up the winding

mountain road. Landscape
fades into scrub. The names

of plants I don't recognise
occupy my tongue, force me

to make things up in our
conversation. The moon

is finally exposed as a rotting
fruit, sagging in my palm.
I keep ten rupees in odd change
jingling in a dormant pocket
on a well worn jacket

just in case
I'd find myself taking a strange turn
on my way to work
and stumble on a flight to Chennai

where I owe a man ten rupees
and a handshake

for slowing a comet
and telling me its secret

how it wanted me to chase
to trail my fingers in its stardust trail
and give it a name

that is worth at least ten rupees
and a handshake
if only if how
efer clever
enough for you
mannered side swipe compliment
bringing bandages and flowers
in bouquet
this is what happens
from nowhere
the wtong word
tournaquet tied you tell me
how beautiful
how beautiful
as you fix my hair
tuck the tag in my shirt
yes how beautiful
you could be darling
drop the chardonay
bandage ready
my hero
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I never lived in a kingdom by the sea
or any kingdom for to make the argument short
no king no sea
but somehow must whip together a fairy tale ending in this psychokinetic charade
we have going here

I sit. Perfectly motionless
perfectly behaved your movements in the next room
towards hall boards I will you
test you
touch me
just touch me
one brush of shoulder
one motion in my direction
steps pass
your thumb iphone busy
did you even notice weeks ago
I have stopped sucking your cock?

my mother and your mother
were sitting on the fence
merry as the day is long
we still

hose spray around the campfire
two three times soak it down
embers cinders spark surely no one will sleep
in the undergrowth tonight
if ever if still I were clever enough
I would tell you
I would tell you why
I would lable my numbers and give them meaning
seventeen hangs alone in space
wondering what it will become
apple fritters, degrees Kelvin
meters oer second squared?

I hang there too
wondering what became of my clever
(perhaps it was only ever imaginary?)
wondering what is the unit of I?

Anna what?

Just Anna.
Trochaic dimeter or spondee
doesn't matter
Anna of Wemberly
Anna daughter of Saul
Anna with the ringlet curls
Anna scissor kick side swimmer.

how to measure a girl.
Years. Lovers. Thanksgiving turkeys. Needle sticks.

I forget how to make your cock hard from such a distance.
How to make you sing my stories. Scroll my seas.
My skin, peeled. My flesh, sectioned. My seeds, removed and set aside.
I sit in little boats, drying on your plate.
The wind outside howls angerly
Yet it calms me, ironically
Knowing that tonight I'll dream peacefully

Closing my eyes the wind roars shaking the windows
As each minute passes further into slumber I go

A vision comes to me in my slumbering dream
The leaves of the trees as they violently blow with the breeze

Knowing outside mother nature is going wild
Giving a sigh of relief upon my face I feel a smile
maybe if I type it enough an idea will come
my eyes sting with campfire smoke
nature nurture
tincture of nothing

maybe I should try writing for dead men
oreokay the standard compliments
as if they were new but no
no muse no way
cassette tape played a few too many times
warped analog stretched magnetic field

you a

nature nature nature

gas pains are natural
sand bags
the potomac river
elliptical orbits
encrypted obits
not natural end line I type like he cylon chick in gel
wires half plugged poor guy sent to the sun what else you gonna do

of the
fall dow
nwards ex
panding wait
no that is not a fall
it is a fail
my fall looks like a stretched nipple
which is natural

and typical
not encryptical

these hardwood floors are a hundred years old
pretty old for anglo-texas yeehaw
scizzory daw the maid has found a new master
asleep head down on laminate desk
digital drunk
maybe if I type it enough an idea will come
my eyes sting with campfire smoke
nature nurture
tincture of nothing

maybe I should try writing for dead men
oreokay the standard compliments
as if they were new but no
no muse no way
cassette tape played a few too many times
warped analog stretched magnetic field

you a

nature nature nature

gas pains are natural
sand bags
the potomac river
elliptical orbits
encrypted obits
not natural end line I type like he cylon chick in gel
wires half plugged poor guy sent to the sun what else you gonna do

of the
fall dow
nwards ex
panding wait
no that is not a fall
it is a fail
my fall looks like a stretched nipple
which is natural

and typical
not encryptical

these hardwood floors are a hundred years old
pretty old for anglo-texas yeehaw
scizzory daw the maid has found a new master
asleep head down on laminate desk
digital drunk

I feel, fear, sadness.
An idea that whispers
with wings pressed
hard. To coerce, concede.
Give in my friend.
Let it fly,
on wings of magic
passion, lust. Lust
and love. Shown

in headlights.
A dark ally, awaiting,
footsteps to redeem
take, rehash
a path

taken. Show me your dreams,

your picture. Let loose
those inner demons, for they
demand - a testament.
A stand
a giving of purple haze of red lips


crimson. Sheathed.
For to let go and tell

the tell
is the hardest step. Walk, nimbly
nestle and think
let go - my friend. Be strong
be free
share with us
the love, the

that drips from inked impressions
in the footsteps
you so longingly
leave ....


for you my friend .. live, love
and be happy ...
write something clean
write something dirty

not really two challenges
two sides of the same tomato
squished and non-squished

is cleanliness the absense of dirt?
what comes first?

see this is what they write, it is so easy
clean your room
toddler toys
laundry lint

I just want to write about dirty sex
but I have a headache and my name
attached to the poem does not help


this should be a litblog entry not all of a sudden.
it is not a poem
maybe it will become one

somewhere down here

Invent a character

invent a clever character
who has more ideas than you
and then pretend to be her
something will happen



we grew eyelashes
and brow both to keep the dirt
from our eyes, sand winds blow
blinding ancient desert

I pluck the brow
extend the lash
with tweezer and wand
smooth the skin of flaw
milk maiden smooth
sweet blush of surprise
draws you to me

promise of feigned youth
you growl in my ear
these dirty words
Good girl, you like to please Daddy?
Do as you are told?


hairless wax smooth
your fingers slide between
and lolipop lipgloss on your tongue
takes you backseat
forty years

a box of brunette waits
to hide the gray,
another part of this dirty charade
write something clean
write something dirty

not really two challenges
two sides of the same tomato
squished and non-squished

is cleanliness the absense of dirt?
what comes first?

see this is what they write, it is so easy
clean your room
toddler toys
laundry lint

I just want to write about dirty sex
but I have a headache and my name
attached to the poem does not help


this should be a litblog entry not all of a sudden.
it is not a poem
maybe it will become one

somewhere down here

Invent a character

invent a clever character
who has more ideas than you
and then pretend to be her
something will happen



we grew eyelashes
and brow both to keep the dirt
from our eyes, sand winds blow
blinding ancient desert

I pluck the brow
extend the lash
with tweezer and wand
smooth the skin of flaw
milk maiden smooth
sweet blush of surprise
draws you to me

promise of feigned youth
you growl in my ear
these dirty words
Good girl, you like to please Daddy?
Do as you are told?


hairless wax smooth
your fingers slide between
and lolipop lipgloss on your tongue
takes you backseat
forty years

a box of brunette waits
to hide the gray,
another part of this dirty charade


that's right, please

your daddy. ;)


Time moves, slow motion
fringed in the darkness of hollow rooted
memories. That's all we have is
memories. Each day the clock ticks
time moves, slow motions like
a night turned to day, with stars
he arrives as my passions pulp

smooth, silky thighs
quiver. Breast turned
into light beckons,



here, where my cum glistens
from the repetitive thoughts

I have had
of you, of us. A slow riding
milking twin moons into perky
pleas of taste, taunt,

loving in slow motion. A slide
show of past days gone,
is all I have. His memory
stands the test
of time. I awake in the moons glare
wishing, hotly
wanting, to milk his member
while my fingers
tickle, take

him in hand. Slow dive
down, silken tongue slithers
while his mouth mimics
making me moan
and climb the walls.

Each movement caught
in time, in a still
we had it, right


somewhere along the way, he

like a snake, slithered away and left me

awaiting the pleasing his eyes be told, his body
bestowed. His mouth
dropped, those silent vows that

to concentrate and concede. That somehow
me, here with a pink vibe, wishing
my big daddy
was doing the pleasing ....

thanks Rhyme Fairy, I really enjoy your company :)

today's brainstorm

red block blue block
green green blue
repeat in rows
squares only if I had more
I could get three topped
on these four counting by
nickles 5,10, 15, 20, 25, 30

finger count touch count
red blue green green blue
mother-lady does not understand
hands me a rectangle
"No square no square!"
I insist.

mother-lady does not understand
hands me a dinosaur, No
no no!
She makes it walk on my wall
sing song voice "here I come,
I'm walking on the wall, walking
on the wall!"

she interrupts my math
my five count color time
I can't stop it goes in circles up the line
red blue green green blue____then the red comesback
starts it over three on one side two
then up one red again, how long
could this go on tower to ceiling
if only if only

mother lady hands me a yellow square
"Go away go away go away!"
She stays, she always stays.
eye water distorts her face
I dry it off with my sleeve
it is right again.
mother lady mother lady
leave me peace.
red blue green green blue red blue green green blue red
memory memory memory

remember then when he learned
how to escape his crib
we'd be watching X-files listen to his footsteps move freom carpet to tile
fingers on the doorframe
then the lean around bright eyed peak
open mouth smilenot at all sleepy
he'd come running to the sofa up between us

before he stopped calling for us
looking around the corner for us
back before he sunk under
unfocused stare, spinning
always spinning, running
always running away
fathers computer is obsolete
can't skype with grandchildren in mexico or even
upload photos from his camera

but something stops him from making the move
it is not the money
perhaps it is the next step in a new flight
when he already sees the sky

nana never bought green bananas on Friday.
she always figured by Sunday
she would be gone
so we decided to buy the turkey

day before easter I remembered:
it's just us down here,
I am the one who needs to cook the ham, scalloped potatoes, corn casserole
salads, pies...

no aunts or grandmothers with their flour sifters,
home stirred sauces, just us.

they were out of ham
se we decided to buy the turkey

breast that is

we sat
the five
with frozen con
sweet potatos with melted
cherry pie from a can
and rolled crust

I forgot to make the biscuits

we are thankful
we are together

the phone rings
it is home
sending wishes
boxed baskets
sweet rolls and ham slice leftovers
they make their way across the coast
without us
I give back all your kisses

They got you, hands on saddle horn you lost the rein
They got you because your canteen quenched civilian curiousity
They got you because your name is not my name, not like your eyes
They got you and they will get you again
this time the Clash warned you, the doctor warned you
he, she, Sir and even Davey Crocket warned you
but it took the juice of Agave to make you see

They got you short sheeted, short changed and settling for seventy
in a world of ninety two
They got you because when your hour hand spirals the jig is up and when the jig is up steam grates clear empty.

You lied. Feet in stirrups it was the spurs that kicked the dust.

In Oklahoma winds whipped the fires wild. I smelled your smoke
all the way down Central Texas. I thought the neighbors just started early.
They got you Tuesday by the by of the turn table diamond.

They got you because cable tv never lies.
because your mother spent seven years under the slow dry stylist
waiting for the ringing to stop.
because the steeple bells run on gasoline and corn dust.

They got you because carcasses are molded into poems.
You never said you didn't fall into their hands like salt.
Salt like the slouch of Ghandi
Salt like the hills over Sodom
Salt like we pass to our eldest son
every night.
Every night it evaporates into desert howls
coming for you.

It's a dilemma
wading through New Poems
all lovingly penned
hopefully shared
- and yet -
some are unbearably bad
I mean-
not to my taste
there's something for all tastes
do I say what I think?
bruise fragile egos?
earn the disdain of dozens?
do I heap praise

I just leave.​
deep and deeper

Depression has feet
and they are all wedged
against my doors. Two
feet at the back, two more
in front and I have given up
on removing them or
persuading them to leave.
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