Bold Flesh: BBW's 5.0

Why do you say that? Just because she has her clothes off? What is sexy about these pictures?

Is there a reason you're on this thread?

Just wondering because, you know, usually when a topic doesn't interest a person they do tend to avoid them.
More than likely has no idea.

Lol more than likely right.

Please, everyone, I urge you to use Literotica's "ignore" function if there are those on the boards whose posts bother you. If you need help figuring out how to use our ignore function, please don't hesitate to drop me a PM.:rose::)
Is there a reason you're on this thread?

Just wondering because, you know, usually when a topic doesn't interest a person they do tend to avoid them.

I wouldn't bother engaging with him, Charger. It's evident from this post and many others of his that he believes there's only one standard of beauty and sexiness - his standard, of which he is the sole arbiter.
I wouldn't bother engaging with him, Charger. It's evident from this post and many others of his that he believes there's only one standard of beauty and sexiness - his standard, of which he is the sole arbiter.

hit that out of the park for sure.
More than likely has no idea.

Incorrect. I do know. But what I truly have no idea about is what you guys see in these women that makes you comment with such adoring praise.

Honestly, I do find larger women (even some who could be described as "BBW") to be more sexually attractive and alluring than thin women. BUT NOT ALL of them. Some women, including big women, are more attractive than others. Some of the women posted in this thread are very attractive to me. But some are not. Women who are big enough to qualify for morbidly obese, similar to the one in a picture posted recently on this thread, are not attractive to me in any way. Nor are they attractive to most people, in any way, sexual or otherwise. Some are so big they cannot wipe their own ass. (Believe me, my wife is a nurse and I hear the stories.) So when I see comments such as "delicious", "totally edible", "heaven" or (my favorite) "stunning", for women who clearly do not appeal to anyone without a creepy fetish for huge women I have to question what it is they see that is so "attractive". What is it about a woman with a fat curtain that hangs over their groin that would make a guy say, "Oh yeah, she's hot!". I would love to know. THAT is what I do have no idea about.
My wife soaping up
