Challenge: The Perfect Ten (v2.0)

Tristesse said:
Lord love a duck!
Something's fishy here
sub mariner sex?
I, a current under sea,
pluck your moans,
your whispers.

'scuse me, Mr. Eliot. Snippy patter.
Tzara said:
I, a current under sea,
pluck your moans,
your whispers.

'scuse me, Mr. Eliot. Snippy patter.
What currency
this, tendered whispers
to borrow: an amortized moan.
flyguy69 said:
What currency
this, tendered whispers
to borrow: an amortized moan.
You're thinking Pound.
Social Credit.

Not linking fingertips
to mound.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Flag me down,
I will take you for a ride...

Hand-written sign on
worn cardboard, bolstered
by an outstretched
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
My engine growls,
your dusty jeans
slide onto clean leather.

Making small talk while
speaking volumes with
subtle, knowing, looks.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
no words required
for speed shifting
power surged gear changes

Kicking back, getting
comfortable, releasing a
gearshift of my own