Challenge: The Perfect Ten (v2.0)

Tristesse said:
no need for you to plead.
your eyes to bleed.

I will concede
pay you heed
I did the deed.

Is this worse
or another curse?
4 to end the verse.

I hate that dancing fruit
you may think he's cute.

I like that grumpy old man... :confused: ... is he perhaps new?
He looks like a pervy man, admiring your scenic view?
I'll join this man, become part of his voyeuristic crew!

clutching_calliope said:
Indifference, baby. If that doesn't make you cry,
what will?
the indifferent baby
does not cry

......nor can he shrug
The Idolatry Of Silence

bamboo huts whisper
through the nothingness

watching a Heron fall.