Challenge: The Perfect Ten (v2.0)

Last_Kiss said:
Sometimes love brings tears.
We need vitamins
to remain healthy.
near the end
..................she threw
folic acid at my face
Its Cold And I Can Hear Scratching Noises Outside...

I'm talkative
only in death.

Ironic, isn't it?
vampiredust said:
I'm talkative
only in death.

Ironic, isn't it?
The corpse speaks:
..........dead dead .....dead ..........dead

It's not surprising.
She walks away
......................knowing stare snares me.

Ah, motion!
The Sky Is A TS

There are holes
in the sky's pantyhose,

rain gapes through.
Crumbs on a napkin,
tangible remains of
Feathers on the wind,
thoughts follow.
Free of earthly restraint.
clutching_calliope said:
rejected again.
could it be writing is it's own reward?
As Sacher-Masoch knew,
writing sometimes can be

....Venus, interred.
wax figure stands
.....under hot lights

skin melting youth