Chaos... to be continued

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Lol, ok, I know you all don't have ac in most homes.... and that does suck, but I just saw a BBC article issuing health alerts for temps as high as 30C! That's 84F 😐 😂

I hope you have a couple of fans though! I know I shouldn't laugh... I hate heat too and 30/84 is too hot for me as well, without ac.... (though it wouldn't be so bad with a couple of fans :p )
I do... I want one that flies around to follow me everywhere though 🤔
Ok, I always assumed that businesses in the UK generally had ac, which I'm learning might have been a bad assumption... so I'm majorly sympathizing now!
Yep, last place I worked in had small windows and a sun roof... which was great in winter. But turned the whole building into an oven in the summer. The first time the heat got unbearable, our servers fried and we went home early.

Next time, the directors arrange for us all to have ice cream breaks, their treat. Unfortunately, when covid hit, we were on our own 😅
I think I'm going to wheeling out my portable air conditioner next week!! I don't like the heat either!
Yay for ac!! (So not environmentally good of me 😂)
Yep, last place I worked in had small windows and a sun roof... which was great in winter. But turned the whole building into an oven in the summer. The first time the heat got unbearable, our servers fried and we went home early.

Next time, the directors arrange for us all to have ice cream breaks, their treat. Unfortunately, when covid hit, we were on our own 😅
Yikes!!! Yeah.... I need to apologize to all UK people who I've ribbed about them complaining about the heat when it wasn't so hot 😬 I'm sorry! All the sympathy
Do you live close to anywhere you can go swimming?
Yush, there's an indoor pool somewhere but it's always crowded and people with kids get priority entry... actually, does anyone have a kid I can borrow 🤔

I'm from the tropics so I used to be one of those people who laughed at Brits for complaining about mild heat. But after a decade of living here, not anymore 😂
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