Chasin' Chickens

Re: Gosling~

My Erotic Tail said:
I been wrestling
with the word Gosling~

Don't want to call it slander..
I just want to take a Gander.

So I can sing it like a canary...
So I look it up in a Dictionary.

So if it is a young goose,
I'll call a truce...

and if its a foolish fellow...
I'll be really mellow...

For the quirk is a statement,
I'll pound the pavement...

and cover terrain,
And remain insane...

So that happiness will bring
back the Gosling !!!

I don't know how I missed this before! :D

It's a fun word, ain't it? ;)

yes it is...smiles....

minsue came and said hello..
the goslings were being mellow..

so off to sleep I did go...
with her visit my face now a glow...
Horn Toad~

Ever seen a horney toad?
Perhaps one hopped across the road?

With their many pointed spikes,
singing out in the night.

I played with many as a child,
their really meek and even mild.

Scare the girls with taunting gest's
fun for little boys I guess.

wheel them round by the wagon load,
picking up little horney toads.

Now that I am old and growed,
I think back when I see a horney toad.
Tootsie Pop

How many licks does it take,
I will try its a piece of cake.

One lick, then two I do,
I really like the ones thats blue.

Three licks then even more,
tootsie pops I adore.

tongue across it, now five and six,
giving the tootsie pop, some long licks.

Seven, eight and nine...
tootsie pops are fine.

I must be such a sight,
thats usually when I take a bite.
A Mother's Gift~

Everything I've ever known,
From a child till now grown.

All the feelings I've ever had,
from being happy to being sad.

The road of life that lay before me,
From mountains to valleys and the sea.

The sun that has lit my way,
and the moon a hue of gray.

The chance to feel loves awesome strength,
the passions I've had to great lengths.

Every creature on this earth,
Is given a family at their birth.

But the bond like no other,
Is that of a child and their Mother.

The gift of life you gave to me,
The gift of love you gave selflessly.

I've been blessed because I knew,
My Mother...Happy Mother's Day to you!

Hearing the morning cock-a-doodle-do
lets me know of a day that's new.

Up on the barn with the sun rise,
hearing its shrilling cracking cries.

Trying hard to open my eyes,
wipe my face and let out a sigh.

The cock has sung.
Another day has begun.

In the country no need for an alarm,
listen to the rooster's morning charm.

As the sky goes from red, yellow then blue,
Hearing the cock do its cock-a-doodle-do!
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The Thief~

Who is this thief that steals from my line,
again and again, time after time.

Leaving dirty laundry scattered around,
finding them laying on the ground.

What a mess they have made of things,
the emotions they stir and sorrow they bring.

I wait and watch my laid out line,
I have patience and plenty of time.

Searching for answers to the crime,
who is littering these things of mine?

Then I saw them land on my line,
taking my clothes pins one at a time.

The black Crow that has caused such a mess,
likes the shinny spring of the clothes pins I guess.
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It seems to me from where I stand
That all complaints come from Story land.
Are the poets crying foul?
Telling YDD to toss in the towel?
If the vote thief works his theft
Leaving story authors bereft
Take your hidden slurs back there
Let the authors have a share.
We appreciate your rhymes dear Art
I always thing they’re really smart
But isn’t this the wrong board for them?
Let the story forum store ‘em.

edited to add a smile - i bear no malice. :)
Tristesse said:
It seems to me from where I stand
That all complaints come from Story land.
Are the poets crying foul?
Telling YDD to toss in the towel?
If the vote thief works his theft
Leaving story authors bereft
Take your hidden slurs back there
Let the authors have a share.
We appreciate your rhymes dear Art
I always thing they’re really smart
But isn’t this the wrong board for them?
Let the story forum store ‘em.

edited to add a smile - i bear no malice. :)

This poem actually was very innocent.

Let me tell you a little story,but before I do I will say I am no writer,so there will be many mistakes.

A lot of people know I am in Texas visiting with Art.

The day after I arrived I washed a load of clothes and hung them on the line to dry when I went to bring them in later over half were laying in the yard and I could not find the clothespins....
A few days later this happen again only the ground was wet and I did fuss a bit :) still we could find no clothespins and was puzzled.

Today guess what?? yep the clothes were on the ground and no clothespins lol so we searched the yard and found some broken clothespins,and only guessed it was the crows.

We were laughing and he popped off with this poem,so in this case there really was no hiding meaning.(Arts snikering)

A lot of His poems have come from storys I have told him like chasing chickens :)

I am loving my visit and the river from his story the river boat is exactly as he describes it. I took pics of Turtle Cove and will post them here after I get home and get them developed.
bamagirl said:
This poem actually was very innocent.

Let me tell you a little story,but before I do I will say I am no writer,so there will be many mistakes.

A lot of people know I am in Texas visiting with Art.

The day after I arrived I washed a load of clothes and hung them on the line to dry when I went to bring them in later over half were laying in the yard and I could not find the clothespins....
A few days later this happen again only the ground was wet and I did fuss a bit :) still we could find no clothespins and was puzzled.

Today guess what?? yep the clothes were on the ground and no clothespins lol so we searched the yard and found some broken clothespins,and only guessed it was the crows.

We were laughing and he popped off with this poem,so in this case there really was no hiding meaning.(Arts snikering)

A lot of His poems have come from storys I have told him like chasing chickens :)

I am loving my visit and the river from his story the river boat is exactly as he describes it. I took pics of Turtle Cove and will post them here after I get home and get them developed.

It sounds like a lovely visit, bama, thieving crows aside. :D

I knew Art's poem was about laundry getting stolen and saw no hidden meaning there or in any of his "chicken" poems (which, BTW, I think are wasted in here and should be posted "for real".

My rhyme was just an attempt to add a bit of humour to a scratchy situation in other threads using Art's style.

I loved your story - no need to be so diffident, you told it perfectly.
Tristesse said:
It sounds like a lovely visit, bama, thieving crows aside. :D

I knew Art's poem was about laundry getting stolen and saw no hidden meaning there or in any of his "chicken" poems (which, BTW, I think are wasted in here and should be posted "for real".

My rhyme was just an attempt to add a bit of humour to a scratchy situation in other threads using Art's style.

I loved your story - no need to be so diffident, you told it perfectly.

its a wonderful visit my only complaint is that the visit isnt long enough.Why is it when your having fun that time flys by???

I am glad our little tale made some smile :)

hugss Debra

I like pic'in my guit-fiddle,
playin a little do-diddle.

Strumin and pickin and singin' a song,
everyone joins in and plays along.

fingers freely press the strings,
oh the joy a guitar brings.
got to toss one into the mix.. all this talk of southern girls and vacations brought back many memories of summers spent in Mississippi at my Grandma's house. Just a hop, skip and a jump from Elvis's childhood home in Tupelo.

Sitting on the back porch, arms around my knees
Grannys frying chicken, cooking black eyed peas

Fresh baked corn bread sitting on the shelf
She just smiled when I helped my self

Honey from the bee hive in the field out back
Blueberrys from the bushes by the old tool shack

Peach and apple butter with a taste so swell
Fresh churned butter chilling in the milk house well

Finally realize now what I had back then
Give anything to go back there again

Granny's been gone now, ten long years
But I have to smile, even through the tears

So I sit on my back porch, arms around my knees
Dreaming bout chicken and those black eyed peas

Then I make a batch of cornbread and a pitcher of tea
And I drift for a while in those memories...
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Have you ever stirred up a hornets nest?
Got'em buzzin and swarming at best.

Swinging your hand to ward them off,
Just about falling out of the loft.

They come in numbers in an ariel assault,
It really don't matter who's at fault.

Safety is seeked and running for cover,
Got'em stirred up, "Oh brother."

It don't matter if its Hornets, wasps or bees,
It's always best to leave'em be.
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Yeah I know its kind of a blur,
been playing with my Tiger,

Didn't get to write my tale,
instead played with my tiger tail,

well I hope I said that right,
was talking about the tiger insight.

hehehe, its still a work in progress,
but gotta go now and get some rest.

"Night Night"
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Well... I think it looks really cool! Any time you want to spend hours upon hours doing mine, I have no objections!!! LOL

:kiss: S :kiss:

Makin' Bacon

[color=sandy brown]So if the pigs are a porkin'
rootin, humpin' and loudly snortin'

Having sex as I'm sure they can
Are they a really makin' bacon?

I heard their orgasms last an hour,
they really got some swine power.

Kinda funny when ones on top,
gotta like a stack of pork chops.

So do you go and call them rex?
and talk about how they have sex?

All that weight I bet their backs a achin'
Especially when their out a makin' bacon.

Battin' eye lashes at the one they dig,
The sex and love life of a pig.
Egg pickin'

Gettin' pecked at,
while pickin eggs.
Them darn chickens,
pokin' at my leg.
Figure they dont like,
my daily intrusion,
of gatherin our breakfast
while some are snoozin.
Its a dangerous job,
but someones gotta do it,
Just a dozen or so,
for thats all I usually get.
But those darn chickens,
aren't scared at all,
While I'm in the coop,
I'm attacked by them all.
Defenders of the oblong,
The morning meal prize.
In the wee hours of morn,
wipeing sleepy from my eyes.
While some ole hens
peckin at my thighs.
Pickin up eggs,
at the suns rise!
[color=sandy brown]Guns a blazin
...once again.
Chasing down
...those looting Injins.

Saving the world,
...from a trusty steed,
aganst bandits and bank robbers
...who stole for greed.

Reliving those old
...cowboy days.
Like billy the kid
...and black hat hayes.

Being a cowboy
...singing their songs.
Acting like the sheriff
...who defends the wronged.

Ridin high in the saddle,
...of a pure white horse.
Always the hero
...but of course.

Holding tightly
...with a hand full of manes.
Being the infamous
...Jessie James.

Then the horse
...slows to a stop.
Puts another quarter the machines slot.

Back to saving
...the world again.
On the Stallion
...known as a friend.

Life is exciting
...never a bore.
While riding the horse front of the store.
The Hawk

See the Hawk that circles high,
hear it's mornful shrilling cries.
Does it mock me for who I am,
or the fact I live on the ground?
It mystique floats upwards like,
a mist on the water on moon light.
The harshness it must endure,
the magic of flight is it's alure.
To search for its daily prey,
is it's ariel work not play.
For I see them in a mystic way,
as the Hawk fly's by me on this day.
And I thought I saw it slight me a smile,
Soaring by in its grand style.
I hear the loudness of its sound.
feel it in my bones deep down.
It doesn't have the heart to taunt,
yet its cry will surely haunt.
The way of the hawk is to survive,
as I watch it slowly passing by.

I rise in the morning just like the steam...
That floats over my cup of caffene.

Hot and inviting like a tropical sun,
as my day starts to unfold and begun.

The flurry of tasks to get out the door,
Another cup I quickly pour.

Like a morning rooster that starts a day,
A quick cup of coffee and I'm on my way.
Oh how it is such a habit,
to always fuck like the rabbits.

Playing with the soft cotton tail,
Fingering the hare without fail.

Sweet nothings wispered in long ears,
Rapidly thrusting the cocky spear.

Thumpin' away at a counter part,
that is special to the heart.

When your bored you will say, "Dab Nabit!"
Then go back to fucking like rabbits.