DoctorKnotty's KnottyNurse

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So the holidays are fast approaching. KnottyNurse and myself are normally done with all our Christmas shopping by October. This year however we are just off the ball or something. We have fallen behind. It's a bad spot to be in. We have ordered a lot of stuff on line to avoid stores this time of year.

We do however have one thing we could use your help one if your willing to help us out in our time of need. We are both looking for great stocking stuffer ideas. The type of gift that is so odd. so cool, so damn awesome you can sit there and looked just as shocked as the person getting the gift and say "I didn't put it there. Maybe it really was Santa."

Anyone have any suggestions at all?



  • The Shirt 36.jpg
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My god, I've another sexy beautiful woman here!

I need to a nurse to help me with a swelling problem I've had since I found Lit.
So the holidays are fast approaching. KnottyNurse and myself are normally done with all our Christmas shopping by October. This year however we are just off the ball or something. We have fallen behind. It's a bad spot to be in. We have ordered a lot of stuff on line to avoid stores this time of year.

We do however have one thing we could use your help one if your willing to help us out in our time of need. We are both looking for great stocking stuffer ideas. The type of gift that is so odd. so cool, so damn awesome you can sit there and looked just as shocked as the person getting the gift and say "I didn't put it there. Maybe it really was Santa."

Anyone have any suggestions at all?


First of all that is one DAMN fine pic. So very beautiful, erotic, arousing and sexy. Of course you already know this.

As for stocking stuffers, the only thing I can think of is if you know any baker friends or friends who enjoy baking. I recently saw these "spoons" with the measurements of "Dash", "Pinch" and "Smidge". Kinda cute and actually useful. Other than that, I am unsure. Computer types always can use a can of compressed air. Just some tame ideas... or are they lame?
what a view!!

They should add that functionality

I will be sure to pass on your kind words

Well I hope Everyone had a good weekend. The nurse and I will be heading out to see Harry Potter shortly. We both just got done watching the WATCHMEN Extended Cut. Pretty awesome but I still like the graphic novel better. Had our Dungeons & Dragons game this weekend also. Epic as always. Have to say I am looking forward to the end of the game so we can try another RPG.

First of all that is one DAMN fine pic. So very beautiful, erotic, arousing and sexy. Of course you already know this.

As for stocking stuffers, the only thing I can think of is if you know any baker friends or friends who enjoy baking. I recently saw these "spoons" with the measurements of "Dash", "Pinch" and "Smidge". Kinda cute and actually useful. Other than that, I am unsure. Computer types always can use a can of compressed air. Just some tame ideas... or are they lame?

Great Idea. Thanks a lot!

Also a great idea. Thank you.

It's been a very very long day for nurse and I. Nurse actually went to bed a few hours ago...naked. She let me watch :devil:

I am not far behind her though.



  • The Shirt 37.jpg
    The Shirt 37.jpg
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So the holidays are fast approaching. KnottyNurse and myself are normally done with all our Christmas shopping by October. This year however we are just off the ball or something. We have fallen behind. It's a bad spot to be in. We have ordered a lot of stuff on line to avoid stores this time of year.

We do however have one thing we could use your help one if your willing to help us out in our time of need. We are both looking for great stocking stuffer ideas. The type of gift that is so odd. so cool, so damn awesome you can sit there and looked just as shocked as the person getting the gift and say "I didn't put it there. Maybe it really was Santa."

Anyone have any suggestions at all?


I have a suggestion, not that you need any, but MRS T will be done with school and in the same profession also, perhaps nurse could give her naughty pointers hahahaha
Mr T
Being the Doctor that I am, I feel I would be amiss by not sharing with you some basic information that would benefit you and your loved one.

I care deeply for my KnottyNurse. The last thing I want to do is get her sick or harm her in any way. That's why every time I use the bathroom (the Loo, The crapper, The shitter, the toilet, the little doctors room or what ever you want to call it)I wash my hands before I do my business. I also wash my hands after I do my business.

"But why Doctorknotty, Would you wash your hands before you go to the that room?" You all ask.

That's a great question. Here is why.

I have been working. Hell, even if I am just saying home all day being awesome, playing guitar hero and watching Top Gun my hands get dirty. Why would I wan to take these dirty hands and touch my own dick, only to wash them afterwords I wash my hands before I use the bathroom because I don't know when or where or how often my cock is going to end up in the little Nurse's mouth from one day to the next. I just want to make sure that when ever my throbbing member is inside her oral chamber it's clean for her. She deserves only the best.

And now you know...

And knowing is half the battle.



  • The Shirt 38.jpg
    The Shirt 38.jpg
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Being the Doctor that I am, I feel I would be amiss by not sharing with you some basic information that would benefit you and your loved one.

I care deeply for my KnottyNurse. The last thing I want to do is get her sick or harm her in any way. That's why every time I use the bathroom (the Loo, The crapper, The shitter, the toilet, the little doctors room or what ever you want to call it)I wash my hands before I do my business. I also wash my hands after I do my business.

"But why Doctorknotty, Would you wash your hands before you go to the that room?" You all ask.

That's a great question. Here is why.

I have been working. Hell, even if I am just saying home all day being awesome, playing guitar hero and watching Top Gun my hands get dirty. Why would I wan to take these dirty hands and touch my own dick, only to wash them afterwords I wash my hands before I use the bathroom because I don't know when or where or how often my cock is going to end up in the little Nurse's mouth from one day to the next. I just want to make sure that when ever my throbbing member is inside her oral chamber it's clean for her. She deserves only the best.

And now you know...

And knowing is half the battle.


You know what? You're a Real American Hero!
Holy Shit!! She's a Battlestar Galactica fan?

Be still my beating heart, the perfect woman!;)
They should add that functionality

I will be sure to pass on your kind words

Well I hope Everyone had a good weekend. The nurse and I will be heading out to see Harry Potter shortly. We both just got done watching the WATCHMEN Extended Cut. Pretty awesome but I still like the graphic novel better. Had our Dungeons & Dragons game this weekend also. Epic as always. Have to say I am looking forward to the end of the game so we can try another RPG.


Again, one of my favorite positions. Nurse is still my favorite. I will add this shot to my list of favorite Nurse pictures. Thank you for sharing. And thank her for posing.

My wife gives me this look sometimes. Although, not nearly as naked. I don't think I will be able to keep a straight face the next time she does.
You know what? You're a Real American Hero!

Why Thank you. I do like to think I am more than meets the eye.

I love hanging tits pics.

I have noticed that hanging tits seem to have become their own new fetish as of late. Interesting

Holy Shit!! She's a Battlestar Galactica fan?

Be still my beating heart, the perfect woman!;)

Battlestar Galactice
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Star Trek
I know i am missing several others.

She loves her Pink Nintendo DS and has been known to rock out on the drums with Guitar Hero.

My wife gives me this look sometimes. Although, not nearly as naked. I don't think I will be able to keep a straight face the next time she does.[/QUOTE]

Keep your cool sir. Just keep your cool.



  • The Shirt 39.jpg
    The Shirt 39.jpg
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Why Thank you. I do like to think I am more than meets the eye.

I have noticed that hanging tits seem to have become their own new fetish as of late. Interesting

Battlestar Galactice
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Star Trek
I know i am missing several others.

She loves her Pink Nintendo DS and has been known to rock out on the drums with Guitar Hero.

My wife gives me this look sometimes. Although, not nearly as naked. I don't think I will be able to keep a straight face the next time she does.

Keep your cool sir. Just keep your cool.


Oh my! What a view!
Good Gravy I am so glad it's Friday!!!

This is photo is the last photo of the Shirt set. Some how, by some strange turn of luck KnottyNurse and I have a weekend to our selves for a change. So we have plans to take some photos. we Need to take some photos because right now we don't have 4 sets to vote on and I want everyone to have 4 sets. With a little luck we even get to do some video.

Have a good weekend everyone.



  • The Shirt 40.jpg
    The Shirt 40.jpg
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Good Gravy I am so glad it's Friday!!!

This is photo is the last photo of the Shirt set. Some how, by some strange turn of luck KnottyNurse and I have a weekend to our selves for a change. So we have plans to take some photos. we Need to take some photos because right now we don't have 4 sets to vote on and I want everyone to have 4 sets. With a little luck we even get to do some video.

Have a good weekend everyone.


I can't wait! Bring on the Knotty stuff!
WoW everyone. Just wow. we finally got a chance to take some photos this weekend and KnottyNurse was excellent. This all turns out as good news for everyone because.... You get to vote on the next set! Have fun!

Current Voting Results: A=0 B=0 C=0 D=0
Need 12 votes to win.

Voters So Far:

Voters For: A

Voters For: B

Voters For: C

Voters For: D



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