Good Daddy/little role-plays?


TheMan In TheMirror
Jan 21, 2014
Hi. Let me start by saying I have had very little contact with the Fetish or Dom/sub world; most if not all of my sexual experiences have been pretty power neutral, with the occasional foray into light kink or Dom/sub when/if she requests it or indicates an interest in it.

Having said that, I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some good Daddy/little or master/slave role-plays here? I'd like to research the context to see what would be expected of me and what I could expect if I ever enter such a role-play, which I've had a few opportunities but passed them up because I was at a loss as to how to proceed.

Thanks in advance for helping me to enlighten my ignorance...
Just look around, BM. There's quite a number of RPs going on right now with some sort of power exchange going and a few more in line with the daddy/little relationship.

I've been in your shoes. Where I've been curious about playing a dominant, but unsure how to pull that off in a believable way. What I finally found was that you need three things. One: a good idea of the type of dominant you'd want to play. To get that read a lot of the stories here on Lit and assemble the things about the varied dominant characters you'd like to emulate in your performance (The stuff that works for you) and how those various writers described those moments. Two: A great Roleplay partner who can cover your inexperience and collaborate with you for the direction of your thread. That's going to be the hard part, but its essential. Three: Courage. You're going to feel inadequate or unprepared to the challenge, but don't let it stop you. Keep going. Remember you're not in it alone. You have a partner to help you.

Anyway, I'm hoping you find what you need to try it. Good luck to you.
Thanks, Veroe. There are just so many role-plays going on at one time, it's hard to focus. :)
But I'll take your advice to heart. I'm sure I don't have to invent the wheel--someone else has already done what I want to do. All I have to do is emulate them.
Thanks, Veroe. There are just so many role-plays going on at one time, it's hard to focus. :)
But I'll take your advice to heart. I'm sure I don't have to invent the wheel--someone else has already done what I want to do. All I have to do is emulate them.

No, emulate what you think will work for you. For the type of character you want to portray. Every body is different, and everyone's kinks will be just as different. Cherry pick the things they do that align with what you find hot.