~~Haiku River~~

With all apologies to those that really do try to write haiku:

type it in google
"random haiku generator"
you'll get your third line
<alt1:pretentious nonsense
<alt2: and you are doing what?
<alt3: you're fucking useless

Speaking of apologies.....?
Hey, have a Goodyear, :rolleyes:
I hope this thread dies! :nana:
Give him some penicillin, it sounds contagious.

Is this entity a pathetic excuse or what?
MyNecroticSnail said:
With all apologies to those that really do try to write haiku:

type it in google
"random haiku generator"
you'll get your third line
<alt1:pretentious nonsense
<alt2: and you are doing what?
<alt3: you're fucking useless

Speaking of apologies.....?
Hey, have a Goodyear, :rolleyes:
I hope this thread dies! :nana:

Eyes of beholders,
jaundiced, misplace friendly thoughts
with "who kicked the cat".

quietpoet said:
Is this entity a pathetic excuse or what?

Eyes of beholders,
jaundiced, misplace friendly thoughts
with "who kicked the cat".

You are free to tell me why

or are you one of those pathetic excuses that blindly follows the leader

"protect me o great tail, from the bad critics, give me an H"

and looks the other way when he puts up his garbled messages, refuses to apologise for inferences, untruths. How about it, he called me a "coward", I'm here right in this sordid soapbox of his facing you, what do you think? Right now it is two against one. Misappropriation of terms, don't you think? Do you think? Do you have your eyes wide open? Or do you just jerk yourself off to the "poetic moments"?

Now your leader has it in his power to make me disappear, all he has to do is give an (one) sincere apology, with an admission (and trust me he owes alot, or better don't trust me, open your eyes). He won't do it.

He started a war on poetry along time ago, now he wants to sing a different tune.

He is a liar (confirmed, many times)
I suspect he is a cheat.
Gutless, takes a swipe then looks for a skirt to hide behind, wonder.

Here you are tail, another person you can rush in to defend, fuck it, bring all 34 of them. If you have 'em.

And then call me a coward. Laughs.
MyNecroticSnail said:
You are free to tell me why

or are you one of those pathetic excuses that blindly follows the leader

"protect me o great tail, from the bad critics, give me an H"

and looks the other way when he puts up his garbled messages, refuses to apologise for inferences, untruths. How about it, he called me a "coward", I'm here right in this sordid soapbox of his facing you, what do you think? Right now it is two against one. Misappropriation of terms, don't you think? Do you think? Do you have your eyes wide open? Or do you just jerk yourself off to the "poetic moments"?

Now your leader has it in his power to make me disappear, all he has to do is give an (one) sincere apology, with an admission (and trust me he owes alot, or better don't trust me, open your eyes). He won't do it.

He started a war on poetry along time ago, now he wants to sing a different tune.

He is a liar (confirmed, many times)
I suspect he is a cheat.
Gutless, takes a swipe then looks for a skirt to hide behind, wonder.

Here you are tail, another person you can rush in to defend, fuck it, bring all 34 of them. If you have 'em.

And then call me a coward. Laughs.

coward? maybe!
one flew over the coocoo's nest,
definetly! <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
coward? maybe!
one flew over the coocoo's nest,
definetly! <grin
Go on tell me why. Because I have the guts to do to you what you have done to everyone else for years.

Come on
tell you what I'm gonna do, I will start a tally. every inference, every cheap swipe, I will post along with your poem title I give an average vote to. won't even bother to leave a comment.

what are you going to do, cry?
"Lauren, I respect her fiesty-ness, her ability to tackle a problem head-on without any backing... but I do not fear a woman's scorn and or public threats."

did she threaten to kick your ass?
MyNecroticSnail said:
men who can stand as an 'army of one'
heh, heh, heh
checkmate, loser

see, pat
at least the snail is trying
perhaps this 1201...

MyNecroticSnail said:
men who can stand
as an 'army of one' heh, heh, heh
checkmate, loser

(perhaps you don't
understand the game of chess
checkmate= no more moves)
you lost, you just don't know it yet, between you and me. I will take away everything you have. quite trying to draw pat, 1201 in, trying to make it look like it is you against the what a TIE
MyNecroticSnail said:
you lost, you just don't know it yet, between you and me. I will take away everything you have. quite trying to draw pat, 1201 in, trying to make it look like it is you against the what a TIE

in this dawn
he lost a screw or two
that were loose
Tail says:
"(parrot dee, 1201, anonamouse, the snail and the other names he goes by, to obviously troll, votes and or play his verbal games"
My understanding is 1201 caught you a couple of times making this accusation. You have yet to pull up an example
A Bottle of Poetry - a 3
one person, one vote
editted to add
"we have freedom of speech and expression, I am exercising that right; when I place my opinion in public."
Last edited:
Tail spins
"You should never Have to apologize more then twice"
I'd like to see just one
that was fun reading through that pathetic pile of puke, you can't make a sincere apology, can you? would totally destroy your image of yourself.
hijacking planes<bullshit TIE<bullshit

make poetry not war<bullshit

army of one<bullshit

I am your mirror image, ugly ain't it?
the only card I haven't played is the group ponce with zeros, like your crowd has, but likes to complain about.
My Erotic Trail said:
the wind
holds its breath
deep river blue

is that supposed to be a poetic response? :rolleyes:
the wind
passes though
the false fat cheeks of a tail

is that supposed to be a poetic response? :rolleyes:

your choice, get off of your bullshit make the one apology, or I will insist on more

:D :D :D