I want paragraph spacing.


Really Experienced
Feb 21, 2010
When submitting a story to Literotica: The format has me copy and paste my story from "Wordpad to Literotica's form for submission.
I find when I paste my story to the form, the paragraphs don't appear to be spaced as I had them on my wordpad.

Sorry for the difficulty in explaining the issue. an example:

Early the next morning I woke when I heard voices outside, then the constant chatter from the three ladies faded and was soon replaced by the solid sound of car doors slamming. I quickly stood up and approached the window, hidden behind the curtains, I peeked out just in time to see the roof of my Stepmom's car as it drove away.
The house was still, not a sound, they were gone for the day. There was no need for me to hurry, the house was mine and I knew what I wanted to do. I slid my dresser away from the wall and found the magazine that I kept hidden there, then walked downstairs naked.

In my wordpad copy there is a paragraph space after the phrase "as it drove away

Early the next morning I woke when I heard voices outside, then the constant chatter from the three ladies faded and was soon replaced by the solid sound of car doors slamming. I quickly stood up and approached the window, hidden behind the curtains, I peeked out just in time to see the roof of my Stepmom's car as it drove away.

The house was still, not a sound, they were gone for the day. There was no need for me to hurry, the house was mine and I knew what I wanted to do. I slid my dresser away from the wall and found the magazine that I kept hidden there, then walked downstairs naked.
I've never had that problem, because I've always used an extra line as an indicator of a new paragraph. It is always formatted that way when I transferred it into the Paste box of the submissions page. But I always use the Notepad app in Windows when I write, not Wordpad.
This is a feature/function of word pad.

If you write a paragraph of text, using wrap to drop to the next line, when you hit the enter after the end of the last sentence of the paragard, word pad is inserting a line break, not a paragraph break. So, in order to get paragraph separation when you're converting to ASCII (text), you have to hit enter twice. The first is a line break and the second is the paragraph break in ASCII (text).

The quick solution is just get used to hitting enter twice at the end of the paragraph in Word Pad. Visually, it's going to look like you have two empty lines (a line break and a paragraph break). Then, when you enter it into the entry windows, it's going to ignore the first (the line break) and take the second (the paragraph break) and you'll see what you expect - a single empty line.

A quick way to just double check this is, after you've completed your piece in Word Pad, cut and paste it into NotePad and do a quick review and clean up, then cut and paste it from NotePad into the entry box.
This is a feature/function of word pad.

If you write a paragraph of text, using wrap to drop to the next line, when you hit the enter after the end of the last sentence of the paragard, word pad is inserting a line break, not a paragraph break. So, in order to get paragraph separation when you're converting to ASCII (text), you have to hit enter twice. The first is a line break and the second is the paragraph break in ASCII (text).

The quick solution is just get used to hitting enter twice at the end of the paragraph in Word Pad. Visually, it's going to look like you have two empty lines (a line break and a paragraph break). Then, when you enter it into the entry windows, it's going to ignore the first (the line break) and take the second (the paragraph break) and you'll see what you expect - a single empty line.

A quick way to just double check this is, after you've completed your piece in Word Pad, cut and paste it into NotePad and do a quick review and clean up, then cut and paste it from NotePad into the entry box.
GREAT! thank you!
I'm going to go through and double click...on word pad..