Isolated Poetry Blurt

And amen. And amen. And Tutankh-amen.

Hi Sara! crushlike, hi sara hi sara hi sara hi sara. Think if we joined forces we could help Tzed out with that? Sounds like a much more promising set of adjectives indeed.



It's my favourite BJ!

We could definitely help Tzed out. We could help him out of his shirt, of his tie, of his pants, definitely out of his socks...
It's my favourite BJ!

We could definitely help Tzed out. We could help him out of his shirt, of his tie, of his pants, definitely out of his socks...

jesus, you actually made me giggle. I am not the sort of person who giggles.

what's come over me? (waiting for inevitable punchlines)

jesus, you actually made me giggle. I am not the sort of person who giggles.

what's come over me?


I am a known giggle-inducing agent. Says so right on my label. Right after: may cause headaches.

Oh sorry. I threw all of Tzed's clothes your way. Thought you would duck.
I am a known giggle-inducing agent. Says so right on my label. Right after: may cause headaches.

Dizziness, yes. Headaches, I just don't see. But lemme read that label a lot more closely. C'mere. No, closer. I'm farsighted.

Oh sorry. I threw all of Tzed's clothes your way. Thought you would duck.

Yeah, I'm kinda kinky that way. Be untangled in a minute. Or three.

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On Sex And Sorting

Preferences surface through chaotic jumbles
Let them rise up, stand up, stir up
Every singular item that builds this mess
Admit them, own them, churn them
Sideways until they fit into this knotted pile
Eager kisses and urgent joining, that's sex
Sorted out with a spanking and cherry on top.
I need to be "sorted out". ;)

Aw Bubbee
(not so much for neo but for several people of my acquaintance who need to be "sorted out" at the moment... seems to be a large Stationary Grump Front stalled out over the Midwest this week.)

You're out of sorts, my cranky moody boy,
and life is plaguing you with minor pains
and papercuts, the sort of thing that takes
you out of joint, and when I hear that whine

of your depression I'm the sort of girrl
who could go two ways. I could be kind
and co-dependent, honey sweet
indulgence of your every little whim

or I could sort through that top drawer and find
in that assortment some fine tool or toy
to help you sort your thoughts and clear your mind
of lesser pain under my guiding hand.

So let me sort you out in scarlet lines
in which chaos with order intertwines.

ech. Well, I'll never be Champagne, but there can be Only One...
Mine too. ;)
I don't wear ties anymore, unfortunately. We're a "business casual" company.

It's kind of a shame. Those 100% silk ones make great restraints. And don't get me started on the use of bolo ties....

Too thin, m'man, way too thin.

unless we're using them somewhere on you...

even then, I prefer a nice orderly white silk rope. Much nicer to look at.

You're going to like how I practice my double windsor.

Too thin, m'man, way too thin.

unless we're using them somewhere on you...

even then, I prefer a nice orderly white silk rope. Much nicer to look at.

You're going to like how I practice my double windsor.

They are not restraints, darlin'. Those little metal tips make some nice red and puffy welts when properly applied. Preferably while sumthin like this is playin' in the background.
They are not restraints, darlin'. Those little metal tips make some nice red and puffy welts when properly applied. Preferably while sumthin like this is playin' in the background.

Skillful monster, torturing someone in two completely different ways at the same time...

I stand corrected. But I suspect I won't be standing for long.

that is some nice turquoise, though.

On Sex And Sorting

Preferences surface through chaotic jumbles
Let them rise up, stand up, stir up
Every singular item that builds this mess
Admit them, own them, churn them
Sideways until they fit into this knotted pile
Eager kisses and urgent joining, that's sex
Sorted out with a spanking and cherry on top.
HA! I read that as "snorting" sex. ;)
Aw Bubbee
(not so much for neo but for several people of my acquaintance who need to be "sorted out" at the moment... seems to be a large Stationary Grump Front stalled out over the Midwest this week.)

You're out of sorts, my cranky moody boy,
and life is plaguing you with minor painsand papercuts, the sort of thing that takes
you out of joint, and when I hear that whine

of your depression I'm the sort of girrl
who could go two ways. I could be kind
and co-dependent, honey sweet
indulgence of your every little whim

or I could sort through that top drawer and find
in that assortment some fine tool or toy
to help you sort your thoughts and clear your mind
of lesser pain under my guiding hand.

So let me sort you out in scarlet lines
in which chaos with order intertwines.

ech. Well, I'll never be Champagne, but there can be Only One...
Lately I've been bleeding misery so bring company and a crop when you come to sort me out.
Woman kills self in car on Belltown street

... police believe a woman used a gun to kill herself inside a pickup truck on Fourth Avenue Thursday after her body was found inside the vehicle...

Afternoon traffic was affected slightly, as officials investigated.
Afternoon traffic was affected slightly...
Afternoon traffic was affected slightly...

goddam. that's the sort of thing that it's bitchin' hard to write well about, and yet one so wants to.

dear whoever you are:

let me assure you
that you had more of an impact
than a mere traffic squeeze
a two-line report and a story
for nine or ten people
in the business of dealing
matter-of-factly with the dead.
If in fact it was your decision
as police believe,
then know that one person knows
you've killed the world
and you can rest understanding
that it was just as much of an outcry
as disastrous, as universal
as you hoped it would be.
goddam. that's the sort of thing that it's bitchin' hard to write well about, and yet one so wants to.

dear whoever you are:

let me assure you
that you had more of an impact
than a mere traffic squeeze
a two-line report and a story
for nine or ten people
in the business of dealing
matter-of-factly with the dead.
If in fact it was your decision
as police believe,
then know that one person knows
you've killed the world
and you can rest understanding
that it was just as much of an outcry
as disastrous, as universal
as you hoped it would be.
Thank you. I would've written something in the same light if I were feeling more poetic than finding that story.
Good reason to turn off your tv

Random line I heard walking past the tv set:

"If you were a booger, I'd pick you first."

Now there's a pick-up line. Get it? A pick-up line. Oy.
Random Happy Dance

I got an email from karmadog! Gosh I love that dog. And his nutty owner.
"Passion can make you crazy, but is there any other way to live?"
To live is passion, any other way is crazy.

(and yes, me 2008 wrote Rebirth for everyone who needs to go forward, if you have need, then that poem is yours :kiss: )
Yeah, I'm outta here for a while.

I'll be back when I regain my patience and my sense of humor. Too many assaults on that lately.



I am admittedly so in love with this particular cat it's a little sick. I've been crying for three days.

My husband, despite his mild pneumonia, went out and found him this afternoon. Now all we have to do is get hubby well and everything will be sunny again.

think I'll open a bistro.


I am admittedly so in love with this particular cat it's a little sick. I've been crying for three days.

My husband, despite his mild pneumonia, went out and found him this afternoon. Now all we have to do is get hubby well and everything will be sunny again.

think I'll open a bistro.

Now that's good news. I'd drink to that in a bistro. :)