Isolated Poetry Blurt

Well, the decorators are just putting the finishing touches on the interior, so it'll only be another day or so. It's an antique hammered tin ceiling and they're very tricky to rehab and polish. And our temperamental muralist has been too moody to finish the walls in the coffee bar. I'll be plying him with gin later tonight to light a fire under his ass.

We're also waiting on the last orders of single malt to get here from overseas (yes, there will be Talisker) and the big fancy taps for the Guinness and Guinness extra stout to get installed.


The other news is that Hubby has pneumonia, but that's actually good news, because he's now been thoroughly x-rayed, diagnosed and medicated, and will recover shortly. It's very mild and he's smart enough to have recognized it and caught it early.

so it's motherfuckin golden around here, all of a sudden.

Grand opening tomorrow. I'll be the scantily clad bartender looking surprised but overjoyed.

here's luck to everyone.

Bartender poem for you over on the five in five, bijou. ;)

Because you totally RAWK!

Opening is delayed for another day or two, because I'm away all this weekend and it would suck of me to start a thread and then not even be there to play in it for two days. I don't have internet at home - out there "wireless communication" means either yelling real loud or using paper airplanes.

Besides, we're having a little trouble with the licensing for some of the equipment in the back room... I guess there are some odd zoning laws regarding mechanical bulls...

I'd like to hire Ingrid Bergman for behind the bar, like she was at the beginning of Notorious...

and by the way you rawk.

Poems folded into triangular
pockets of stanza
streamlined metaphor
nosetip couplet

darted! Aloft and gliding
from open window.
Pandora - Lovely, as always. I just stopped in for a minute. You're just a treat.


bisy backson

and twelvie:

I'm not at all sure who you believe you're addressing but I don't think it's me. I've never called Eluard names, because I LIKE Eluard. My posts are available. I don't believe I've ever called anyone a gold-plated dickhead, ever. It's not my style. But if I have, then you should be able to find the post and quote it.

I have had costumed pie fights with Eluard. That's something time and drama cannot erase. There was That One Thing, but I liked everybody involved in That One Thing and carefully stayed out of it as much as possible. More to the point, That One Thing is long over and is really, really not important anymore.

let it all go, my friend. just relax. seriously.

Relax, the doctor said as not two but three
moved past the stainless spoons
that guarded tender labia.
Breathe, don't forget to breathe, the speculum
retracted and fingertips probe, massage tender
cervix to find the pocket.
It's good, soft and healthy. He smiled
his withdrawal as muscles quiver
beneath splayed fingers. Normal.
Relax, the doctor said as not two but three
moved past the stainless spoons
that guarded tender labia.
Breathe, don't forget to breathe, the speculum
retracted and fingertips probe, massage tender
cervix to find the pocket.
It's good, soft and healthy. He smiled
his withdrawal as muscles quiver
beneath splayed fingers. Normal.

Okay, I'm laughing and I totally have the willies at the same time. That's a really freaky combination and I'm not sure whether to thank you...

off to work on your Prologue. That'll teach you.

most def a blurt ... raw ...

my friends say I must give you up.
my family thinks, I wanna man
on a white charger,
to come sweep me off my feet. But
who are they,

friends, family, yes.
but, do they live this life, have
they : this heart, do they
you, as I do. No charger,
you cut up all the cards, lol
and as for tha sweeping
well damned if I am fully capable
of doing that, myself.

they also know
of another, who can give me
an adequate life. he is sweet, kind
helpful and caring. very playful with
the kids but




I have a heart that has tasted,
engorged herself
upon tha sweet, salty ocean that
comes and sweeps me asunder, with your
heart I stay stuck. my soul
my one, my one

can never say, tha hell with it ALL
I love you and will be with

you, so I wait
and have waited for so long.

back and forth as a yo-yo
on steroids
stick, love
love, stick. then, w




stay tuned, who knows. But I know,
I'm here, as I have always been


~ hip shot ... edit?
Yes I can be dark, is that bad?
I didn't even mean to be (this time)
yet I was...
hope no one minds, but if they do
A loaner:

Outside My Window...

sunshine bleaches the creamy cambium tinting the white birch sapling
a new colour than what I see in the fall, black twigs, papery skin;
but warm and café au lait hues belie the frost that stutters bitter
shards upon snowbanks and puppy paw prints on the lawn.

but I can't have unless I want itchy lips and sore tongue.
I hate Valentine's day. :(
Forget that. I got your Valentine's Yummy Thing --:heart:

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OOOOOOOOOOh.. don't eat that then.. :(

Instead go and find some hugs and kisses tomorrow.. They're calorie free too.
Unfortunately, they may be in a position to be cruel to other helpless creatures as well. Pity their children.