Nation's largest LGBTQ advocacy group declares state of emergency


Literotica Guru
Jan 9, 2021
Rather than posting an article from a news website, decided to post four URL's

There's a 1:15 video top of page:
'State of emergency': LGBTQ Americans given dire warning from Human Rights Campaign
Why the LGBTQ community is still fighting for rights years after Stonewall
LGBTQ rights have come a long way in the U.S. But the community still faces threats in the form of legalization, discrimination and even violence.

Human Rights Campaign declares a national state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ Americans are under attack, Human Rights Campaign declares in state of emergency warning

The Human Rights Campaign's emergency declaration comes amid a historic wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation sweeping state legislatures across the country.
In the last six or seven years here in the USA there has been such a resurgence of violence and hate to people on the spectrum and their allies.
It gets tiresome hearing of the next attack or how we need to stand up for ourselves yet again, but that is the reality.
I just hung my 🏳️‍🌈 out front my home yesterday....and even that might be a radical action.

Edit to add: as I said about displaying my pride flag...just last night mine, and my neighbors flag were both stolen. In the scheme of things, not that big of a deal, but the action represents the lack of respect or perhaps even hate for folks on the spectrum.
On a happy note, I live in a small town and lots of people noticed and give comments of support, so that’s awesome!
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The US is no longer a safe place for anyone except white Christian nationalists. There are widespread attacks on non-Christians especially Jews and Muslims, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA community, and anyone who does not agree with the white patriarchy.

Like Nazi Germany in the 1930s, those who do not get out now or obtain a second citizenship will soon regret it. Trump plans on instituting a Christian nationalist dictatorship in 2024 and most polls predict a victory for him.
First let me say I am a bi man not some radical right wing nun.

If the LGBTQ is under attack why do we have a great month we celebrate ourselves? We hold many political offices. We have many advances that as a bi man I never thought I would see.

I think the more you cry the more you are ignored. When my babies would cry for no reason they generally would cry themselves out. Before you accuse of child abuse both of my babies are fine young adults.
First let me say I am a bi man not some radical right wing nun.

If the LGBTQ is under attack why do we have a great month we celebrate ourselves? We hold many political offices. We have many advances that as a bi man I never thought I would see.

I think the more you cry the more you are ignored. When my babies would cry for no reason they generally would cry themselves out. Before you accuse of child abuse both of my babies are fine young adults.
Two strikes and you're out. You said you were a dumbass on another thread earlier and I was polite to you. You've just posted at the foot of a series of posts you've completely ignored. Your complacency is kinda typical of the privilege you enjoy and shows you just don't care about other people in LGBTQIA. Equating the crying of babies to the removal of rights for adults is condescending and arrogant.
I assume you're just another bored troll . Byeee
First let me say I am a bi man not some radical right wing nun.

If the LGBTQ is under attack why do we have a great month we celebrate ourselves? We hold many political offices. We have many advances that as a bi man I never thought I would see.

I think the more you cry the more you are ignored. When my babies would cry for no reason they generally would cry themselves out. Before you accuse of child abuse both of my babies are fine young adults.

Yeah, and we had a Black president therefor there's no more racism.
That said, it is very common for someone to choose the patriarchy (which is the source of homophobia) when one benefits from it.