new to crossdressing


Aug 12, 2016
I've recently come out and told my wife that i like to crossdress. She is ok with this but we want to know is there anywhere that we can talk and ask questions to other couples that have same interest. Also if there is anywhere that i can crossdress and not feel ashamed or embarassed. Any comments and help please.

Tons of nice people and support on the LGBT Chatter Forum.
YouTube has a bit of a CD community going.
Have fun, and congratulations on being true to yourself and your wife!
I've recently come out and told my wife that i like to crossdress. She is ok with this but we want to know is there anywhere that we can talk and ask questions to other couples that have same interest. Also if there is anywhere that i can crossdress and not feel ashamed or embarassed. Any comments and help please.

Congratulations for telling your wife. That's a huge step, but it would have been easier on you to be up front and honest with her from the beginning. Keeping something that sensitive hidden from her has potential to end in disaster. I'm not one to follow and recommend anyone to the LBGT community for support nor am I one to tell you to look for a role model. Neither of those were any help to me when I made the decision to be who I am in the eyes of the world dressing as a woman openly.

Feeling ashamed and embarrassed? That's probably natural at first until you yourself are comfortable and content with who you are as a human being at least until your self confidence and self esteem rise. Support? I hate to break it to you, but your wife is going to be your biggest area of support for you, not the LBGT community. Your interaction and communication with you wife is critical.

And, just so you know, just because she is "okay" with it doesn't mean anything at face value. Her support can make or break you. When things go south, and, more often than not, it will; she has something she can use against you if she chooses.

Again, congratulations on taking a belated first step of of opening up to your wife. I wish you all the best! 👠👠👠Kant
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And, just so you know, just because she is "okay" with it doesn't mean anything at face value. Her support can make or break you. When things go south, and, more often than not, it will; she has something she can use against you if she chooses.

That is so true. Once you have confided to someone, you never know what they are going to do with it.
And, just so you know, just because she is "okay" with it doesn't mean anything at face value. Her support can make or break you. When things go south, and, more often than not, it will; she has something she can use against you if she chooses.

That is so true. Once you have confided to someone, you never know what they are going to do with it.

A truer statement would have been to say," one can't unmix concrete. Once one has exposed there activities such as cross dressing to another person, they can't undo it and just say I was only kidding." It doesn't work like that. The reason people confide in another person may be initially attached to a desire for acceptance, but the motive to doing is has got to be rooted in a feeling of guilt in the person deciding their need to confide. That's my experience and take on it. The best route is to be honest about it up front with any new potential dating prospect because if they aren't accepting of that part of one's activities, other activities aren't going to be accepted either.

The biggest mistake is to approach a partner and say," well, I tolerate you doing this and that, why won't you accept me cross dressing. BIG MISTAKE! being tolerant and accepting something is two totally different things. So, avoid that approach. 👠👠👠Kant