Penis poll.


Literotica Guru
Aug 9, 2015
Seen polls re: breasts,legs & butts my wife,sister-in-law & friend think it's time to rate some cock!
All the masts of creation you desire can be found in the 'Sausage Party' thread, over in the Fetish & Sexuality Board.
Penis Pole...

Isn't that the stick they push up in it just before they cut it off and roll it in the corn flour batter so they can fry it?
Note to self: if youre going to pee on a flagpole in January in Nova Scotia, don't get too close to the pole.

Hey doc, I got this frostbite on my...
Whoa! How'd that happen?
Well there was this pole and I hadda pee.
Ah, penis pole. Next time stand back a few more inches.