pic-a-thon II

annaswirls said:
your photopoems are delicious and beautiful

I love "this can be explained because they never go anywhere"

"this one
this one"


Thank you. :kiss:

My grandparents lived on Scott Street in a town in southern Florida. I lived with them when I was very young. Most mornings, my grandfather and I would walk to the beach at sunrise and stop at a fruit stand on the way home. I remember that I only came up to those honey jars set on the table, and I was fascinated by the waxy pieces of hive inside them. It always made me think of a shipwreck undersea. I was very close to my grandfather, a proper old European immigrant. He died when I was ten. Those memories are precious to me.

And that other poem? Lol! Don't those two pots look like they're longing for a change of pace? (Well, they did to me.) :D

And yours are lovely my dear--love the photos and the words are, of course, wonderful.
Angeline said:
It's great--a perfect description of that expression!

I loved that expression just.....bliss ya know??
and she's such a cutie pie
annaswirls said:
Angeline, you once said photopoetry is like coloring with crayons for adults-- it is good fun, peaceful, nice....ahhhh

a little shocked at your frayed curtain image
I have been working on my fringed curtain since this weekend-- wonder if it is the same one?

I have been enjoying your beautiful poems and images, and yours too T, this thread seems like such a safe place.

Damn curtains! They won't stay put, always fringing and fraying. :)

And yes, I find this whole illustration thingy very theraputic. I also am always amazed that the process of doing it makes me see ways to revise the poem that I wouldn't otherwise.

The river where I grew up playing
I stepped under the trees to take it and it came out this magical shade of blue
: )
couldn't have planned it better


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To Listen To Water


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SeattleRain said:
Wow T!

I love the tree poem-- damn!

and the creek looks exactly like the macoby! who knew?

yeah i grew up back there
i mean hours on end
we'd leave at 9 am with a lunch in a paper sack and come home when the sun went down
my parents never worried

i'm sure we share a lot of similar references, which is probably why i like your poetry so much
i can "feel" the same things ya know??
