Possible Glitch in Story Game Play


Asymmetric Snowflake
Feb 1, 2014
@Manu Hi - Not sure how best to report bugs / glitches / weirdnesses.

A comment on my story (Make Me A Futa: Halloween Special) complained of being unable to make the final choice, which is something I commented about on Escape to Vardania.

I tested a sequence of choices in Inky and in the Literotica Story Game editor without triggering this glitch, but on the actual play through of the published story it always freezes at (or occasionally before) the final choice.

The choices I make are:
  1. Fuck it. Let's see where this goes.
  2. Daughter of the Night
  3. Bat Wings
  4. Aphrodisia
  5. Fluorescent Fuchsia
  6. Girls Don't Come
  7. Double Team
  8. The Minotaur
  9. their ability to move their cocks in a serpentine fashion
and then, No. 10, is a choice of two (Priestess of Pleasure / Sadistic Siren), but neither continues the story.

In fact, in testing various choices I quite often get stuck unable to proceed, and I've yet to get past the No. 10 choice above.

Choosing the other No. 9 (they possess a double penis and can use both simultaneously) also consistently freezes the story; that's another final choice, so it seems there's no way to get to the end - which is odd, because I definitely read through to the end at some point after publishing.

I'm very confused.
That glitch got worse... but just now I was able to read through to the end, so maybe something was fixed?
That glitch got worse... but just now I was able to read through to the end, so maybe something was fixed?
Thanks for the report and sorry about the issue.

We found a bug that would occasionally cause a Choice to get out of sync with the Story. We're still working on finding the cause, but for now we're implemented a patch to automatically re-sync anything that gets out of sync. Hopefully that has resolved this issue for readers.

If you find any other issues while writing, publishing, or reading the interactive stories, please let me know. As I've posted before, we're hoping that the new Story Game pages will be the foundation for the next generation Lit Story pages (and Audio and all other Lit Work Pages) in the future, so we want to get everything working well (and fast). :D
I hesitate to label my 'issue' as such, since it's more of a quibble or grumble than anything else. Semantics aside, I recently submitted something to the Story Games, but it's really just a branching choose-your-path kind of story that is very minimalist by the standards of what could be done with the system. As such, I used the story intro section to explain that nature, mention the main content elements/kinks, and state the approximate length of any given path. I really didn't think it needed much else, but there's a 1250 character minimum required for submission, which seems a little excessive. It's not a big deal to have to fluff it up a bit and add a superfluous filler sentence, but it was a mild irritant. Just thought I'd mention it in case that kind of detail is still fluid.