- Joined
- Feb 17, 2002
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Please do not upload to our servers (as an attachment or user icon/profile image) any photographic images that
To clarify: NO, you cannot upload/attach photos of your erect penis or wet pudenda, and you cannot upload/attach photos that you found on the Internet.
Repeatedly uploading images that violate the rules above WILL result in the loss of the ability to upload images via the Attachment feature.
This ability will NOT be restored.
You can post links to images found elsewhere on the Internet. HOWEVER, we reserve the right to warn or ban you if we feel you are
1) spamming/advertising for another site/product/etc. or
2) you repeatedly post linked images which stretch the screen.
We also will remove links to images upon request from copyright holder. If, after we do so, you replace the image, we may ban your account.
The Literotica forum offers three different ways that you as a user can display your own images. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of these methods are pre-moderated. However, we will remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our rules or any U.S. laws. The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:
1) Attachments. These are user-owned (that is, created by you and to which you own the copyright) images which are uploaded to our server by users.
2) Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts.
3) Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each post you make.
The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws.
Here are the Forum Photo Guidelines for all attachments, avatars, and any image uploaded to our servers (Numbers 1 and 3 above):
Legally, we can allow soft nudity, but photographs (does not apply to non-photographic images) posted on this site may not contain "sexually explicit conduct", which the government defines as:
- Actual or simulated:
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person. We're talking about the close-ups, or any pictures where the genitals or pubic area is the center of attention, or part of any simulated masturbation. Artistic full nudes are fine, so long as they aren't spread shots and the person can't be masturbating or simulating masturbation
ALL images (uploads and links, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 above) must follow these rules:
- All persons in all adult-themed photographs must be over 18 years of age.
- Image must not contain bestiality or extreme sexual violence.
Please note that these rules apply only to photographic images.
Non-photographic images (drawings, paintings, 3D renderings, etc.) may not contain bestiality, underage sexual content, or extreme sexual violence.
If you see any images which violate these guidelines, please report the post and we will review your report. Anyone caught repeatedly violating these guidelines may have their image posting privileges revoked.
Literotica may remove any image for any reason without notice, and may periodically purge old images from the forums.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact a moderator.
Thank you for your time, and enjoy the site.
Please do not upload to our servers (as an attachment or user icon/profile image) any photographic images that
- contain genital closeups or explicit sex; or
- do not belong to you (art/photos that you did not create yourself).
To clarify: NO, you cannot upload/attach photos of your erect penis or wet pudenda, and you cannot upload/attach photos that you found on the Internet.
Repeatedly uploading images that violate the rules above WILL result in the loss of the ability to upload images via the Attachment feature.
This ability will NOT be restored.
You can post links to images found elsewhere on the Internet. HOWEVER, we reserve the right to warn or ban you if we feel you are
1) spamming/advertising for another site/product/etc. or
2) you repeatedly post linked images which stretch the screen.
We also will remove links to images upon request from copyright holder. If, after we do so, you replace the image, we may ban your account.
The Literotica forum offers three different ways that you as a user can display your own images. Because of the massive size and high activity of the Literotica forum, none of these methods are pre-moderated. However, we will remove any images which are brought to our attention that violate our rules or any U.S. laws. The three methods of posting an image on the Lit forum are as follows:
1) Attachments. These are user-owned (that is, created by you and to which you own the copyright) images which are uploaded to our server by users.
2) Remote linking. These are images which are hosted on your server and displayed in your posts.
3) Avatars/Profile Pics. These are your images which you can upload to display on your profile page and next to each post you make.
The Literotica Forum Photo Guidelines have been created to conform to United States law in regards to content and copyright laws.
Here are the Forum Photo Guidelines for all attachments, avatars, and any image uploaded to our servers (Numbers 1 and 3 above):
Legally, we can allow soft nudity, but photographs (does not apply to non-photographic images) posted on this site may not contain "sexually explicit conduct", which the government defines as:
- Actual or simulated:
(A) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(B) bestiality;
(C) masturbation;
(D) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person. We're talking about the close-ups, or any pictures where the genitals or pubic area is the center of attention, or part of any simulated masturbation. Artistic full nudes are fine, so long as they aren't spread shots and the person can't be masturbating or simulating masturbation
ALL images (uploads and links, Numbers 1, 2, and 3 above) must follow these rules:
- All persons in all adult-themed photographs must be over 18 years of age.
- Image must not contain bestiality or extreme sexual violence.
Please note that these rules apply only to photographic images.
Non-photographic images (drawings, paintings, 3D renderings, etc.) may not contain bestiality, underage sexual content, or extreme sexual violence.
If you see any images which violate these guidelines, please report the post and we will review your report. Anyone caught repeatedly violating these guidelines may have their image posting privileges revoked.
Literotica may remove any image for any reason without notice, and may periodically purge old images from the forums.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact a moderator.
Thank you for your time, and enjoy the site.

Last edited by a moderator: