Questioning Literotica

Jan 4, 2024
I came to Literotica at the beginning of my 24/7 outing and full transition. It was important, impressive, informative, and intimidating.

My Big Domme, a porn actress, legitimate actress, and filmmaker, disliked the site. She found the emphasis on humiliation repellent.

She and I do not live a Bondage Cafe life, where we would play sex games with hardware store items every other weekend. We live a full femdom existence. She is The Boss. So when she ordered me away from the site I complied.

Then came an event in my life I call Whore Moan Hiroshima.

Estrogen kicked in and I entered another, fully autonomous Female Universe. My creativity exploded.

I had worked with my Big Domme on some notable films. She had worked at the top level of the film industry.

We formulated several projects. One proposes a docudrama on the struggle against female genital mutilation in Iraq. Others are varied. A film script now in circulation, dealing with trans issues, was written for Chazz Palminteri, who we know, and Kristen Stewart.

Big Domme had produced very successful documentary videos on her life. I had done similar work. Both of us operate at the highest level of public attention. We are compelled to protect our personal data and knowledge of our whereabouts. I come from a lifelong history in the sexual freedom movement. My family was involved in porn beginning with The Obelisk Press and Henry Miller and continuing with The Olympia Press and William S. Burroughs, names probably unknown to most Litsters.

Literotica was clearly a central interest for us. I contributed short pieces and gained an audience.

Then it all changed. Suddenly self-appointed Literotica leaders attacked me gratuitously on the site, accusing me of being a male, a fake trans who had no career. And worse. Much of this abusive rhetoric is purveyed by overgrown children who view Literotica as a playground.

In addition, it became obvious that immature members of the community were addicts of transphobia.

Finally, these elements have formed groups within the site. They operate as cliques with their own history and idioms. Who are these people? What is a "banhammer?" Big Domme and I have no interest in joining high school cliques. We don't play GTA or listen to boy bands. We don't cosplay.

We are adults producing books and art for adults. Literotica is crucial to us. I offer these comments sincerely. I look forward to a dialogue.

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Not sure what you’re trying to get out of Lit, but you would likely enjoy the experience here more if you left the Politics Board and GB and explored other forums.
I saw your vanity thread yesterday. Don't let the resident trolls get in your head. The PB is great fun if you have a lot of built up angst and/or anger you need to unload.
I do find it a little insulting that you think people here haven't heard of Burroughs and Miller. I find their pornographic, nonlinear autobiographical styles shit. Don't get me started on the beat poets either, they suck balls too. I can write better poetry on acetaminophen than Bukowski can catching the whole fucking dragon.
Personally, I much prefer Cocteau, Collette and Crisp.
Try the Fetish or LGBTQA+ forum. You might be pleasantly surprised to find that there are several intelligent, articulate trans people on here that you may connect with or people with trans relatives, like me, that have found advice and support in helping my nephew through his difficult transition.
To Rightguide


I have read your posts on socialism and fascism. They state a reality never denied by the committed radical leftists of the past, such as Trotsky.

Cockroaches -- surprising to me in Literotica, which I imagined to be an intellectual "safe space" for sex rebels -- responded to your entirely objective posts with infantile name calling.

Some of which is dangerous, rather than merely infantile. You are not a Nazi.

Trotsky argued, to paraphrase, that if the left could not see the difference between conservatives and fascists, the fascist tank would crush the leftists' heads.

Continuing, Trotsky defined modern politics as follows: the left must choose its enemy wisely. A conservative government may lock up protestors; a fascist regime massacres them in the street.

"Opps without opps" leftists today invent oppositional slogans and label opponents Nazis promiscuously while lacking the principles of the Trotskyist Left Opposition.

They are human dust.

We are opponents but not enemies. They are enemies of all of us. You have a place in the new world.

(A sex website in which the presence of Wilhelm Reich is minimal is a sex doll. I prefer getting my sweet booty fucked by a human being.)

Be well. Truth will prevail.

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Not sure what you’re trying to get out of Lit, but you would likely enjoy the experience here more if you left the Politics Board and GB and explored other forums.
Dear comrade commissar

I received this note in good order. I have decided to remain in the camp.

O. Mandelshtam
Vtoraya Rechka Transit Camp
27 December 1938

Thanks for this.

It's a bit strange to me that folks on so literate a website seem occasionally not to recognize satire or even sarcasm. The same thing applies if i visit San Francisco's Tenderloin: that guy in the gutter? It's a needle.

Let's talk.

I knew all the people mentioned below personally. Because of my dad's biz.

Henry Miller (NOT NONLINEAR) stands for me as one of the two greatest American fiction authors of the first half of the 20th century. With Nathanael West. I did not know Pep West but was one degree of separation away from him and his widow, Eileen McKenney.

Eileen McKenney was the subject of this film:

My family had significant associations with her.

Bill Burroughs was one of the two greatest American fiction writers of the second half of the 20th century. The other being Saul Bellow, who played a key role in my own life. Nobel fucker.

Of the Beats, Kerouac stands for me close to Bellow and Burroughs.

The only Beat poets worth anything as poets were Gary Snyder and Michael McClure. The work of both is exceptional. Michael's play THE BEARD should be a trans classic, but isn't. The first production featured none other than Dick Bright, i.e. this fine humanitarian:

Ferlinghetti was a very fine human being but a terribly bad writer.

Hank Bukowski was lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean. I loathed him, called him Pukowski, and despised his so-called work and the nasty little faggot who published him, John Martin. A world without these two dungbeetles would be like this, at worst:

Instead we get this:

I don't know Reznor and don't want to. Personal issue. He's probably a super star with the Litsters.

Further I am bilingual in French, published in French and am translated from French to English, and consider Paris my real home.

Cocktoe? No, no, no.
Try Radiguet, he's OK.
I am sorry Cocktoe wasn't executed by the French Resistance.

Collette? Who? I thought we were discussing literature, not greeting cards.

Crisp? You mean ME. That we can discuss.

Your move, loverboy.

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