TSCLT 10.0: Confucius say he hates a pussy!

Damn, it gets dark early.

Fucking shorter days, too.

Pinche chingao!!!!

Home with cat. Grazing in.

We got in our windows today - fucking finally. They're about 6 weeks late. Apparently, it's difficult to build windows if you're social distancing. Fuck my life. Same with the plywood order to deliver today. It's coming next Thursday. They're making it tomorrow. No matter, the Latinos are all over the windows. They got the first eight installed this afternoon.

In other news, I may or may not have ordered a goodly amount of ammo for the new rifle that I may or may not have ordered. I have stuff shipped to J's house back "home." Well, I got an e-mail saying they'd ship it to my billing address. That ain't gonna happen - I ain't there. I was told that I could tell UPS when I got a tracking number. Tried that once - epic fail. I told her to cancel the order and paid a bit more for my shit shipped to where I fucking want it. IT'll be there next Wednesday.

No account customer "service" . . . .



For as long as it's been snowing, there's fuck-all on the ground, and the ground it too cold for the snow to be melting. Slipped into town today on an errand and I was happy to have the studded tires on the car.
Everyone that was previously pretending that they were terrified of the WuFlu was out celebrating tonight. You could barely get through parking lots. They dropped the mask figuratively and in some cases literally.

79° in November at midnight in a drizzle.
Happy Saturday!!!

Gotta go in to manage the weasels. We're s'posed to have window guys (the woodbutcher), a cleaner, a painter, and floor weasels. We may even have siding guys - maybe. The weather is s'posed to be lovely, so it'll be a bike-to-work kinda day.

There was nocturnal drama at the homestead. The little poodles (the hounds) wanted out, so their mommie got up and let them. There was one of those funny black-n-white things in the yard, apparently. Wat hasn't caught a whiff - yet. Cat slept through the whole thing.

Coffee didn't get ruint, which is best for all concerned.



Good morning all.

I hope those poodles are white so when they're bathed in tomato juice they come out pink. *chuckle*
Good morning. It's Fawkin' Injun summer here. So picturesque ... not.
We have two fall colors: clinging green and surrender brown.
One ash tree had dirty yellow leaves, but they fall first
and now they are gone.
That’s why I like the maples over oaks, oaks just turn brown while the maples actually get some color!
I pay guys for that. It is just a cost of business. I still profit handsomely. Hey, even if I lose money, it's handsomely. I'm one hell of a guy. I can't wait to look in the mirror, I get better looking each day!

Trees grow really fast here. Less than 20 years to harvestability. Since I'm not clear-cutting, after every harvest, there are more that will be ready in the seven-to-ten year range.
All hardwoods are going up in value. Those that are in the right growing zones have started planting Pecan. They get the yearly harvest of nuts and when the trees get too old hardwood buyers pay them to take the trees out.
That is an interesting idea. Are they aggressive as the oak? They need to be able to hold their own.
That is an interesting idea. Are they aggressive as the oak? They need to be able to hold their own.

Don't know, never tried planting them. I do know that they are not self fertile so you need to plant two at a minimum. Get a hold of your local agricultural extension agent to get details for your region (types, care, etc.).
I should plant shiitake in the oaks that fall, but I don't. The store is just so much more convenient.

So far so good on the weasel arrivals. Woodbutchers. Floor weasels are no-shows so far, but the other s000per is on his phone annoying their leader/superior/owner. Most of these guys are a species of whore, and it all depends on what they're sellin'.

The painters need to send out their puta to clean the paint off my air handlers. Silly fuckers got overspray on them. It could have all been avoided so easily.

Stopped and got donuts. Could have gotten more.

Good morning, folks.
It was a pretty easy night at the salt mines. Almost too easy, which makes for a very long night. In payment for the easy night fate gave me, I came home to a lame poodle. The big kind. No hint of any black and white critters. There is supposed to be a consolation prize sent to my bank acct for working during all this mess. It will probably go to the vet for the poodle, unless I can get him squared away on my own.
And, life goes on....
Google for poodles is your friend. Good luck. Poor large poodle!!!

I was looking at the Nevada vote count and I saw my favorite choice: None of these Candidates. I can supprt him/her/it every fucking election.

My only choice may be to enter politix and start to poison my fellow politicians. And feed their bodies to pigs.

But it might make the poor piggies sick . . . . :(


