Welcome to the Playground.

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Feb 17, 2002
Welcome to the Playground!

This forum is for posting fun topics/discussion - pretty much anything you want to talk about. As usual, underage/bestiality/etc. is not allowed.

While we encourage animated discussion,blatant flaming, being purposely argumentative and hijacking of threads is not allowed. Threads that don't follow these guidelines and are reported, will be removed and posts will be edited! Don't say you weren't warned!

Someone who says something you disagree with is not necessarily breaking forum rules. We recommend using the ignore function for posters you don’t like who don’t break forum rules. If you see a post that is breaking our TOS or is illegal, please report the post immediately and reach out to the forum moderators with a post link. Do not repost the offending post.
The posting of personal information whether yours or someone else's is not allowed at Lit and will be removed.

Extract from Forum Guidelines:

You may not post personal information of anyone . We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

If you have any other questions, please contact the moderator.

Enjoy your time at the Playground!
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