What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

I know many people would think me a horrible person, and I know many people would find this relatable.
Being the mistress (not a Mistress, just lower case m) can be difficult when you're a compassionate person.
In the past year I have heard a lot about His family, and He mine as we are family oriented people. His wife has been going through some health stuff recently and I am worried about her. She is at serious risk of a drop in mental health also. Naturally, I would still like to spend as much time with Master as possible. However, I want Him to be with His wife as much as possible because she needs Him more. He has to walk a delicate wire covering His needs, my needs, and his wife's needs, as well as being a dedicated father, grandfather and friend.
This would be so much easier on my head and heart if I didn't care about His family.
Then again, I doubt He would love me so much if I didn't. (Yep long thoughts this morning)
Wow…that was a complete disaster. I truly feel bad for people that get hired for jobs they have no business doing but part of the fault has to go to the people doing the hiring…
I think Chinese restaurants intentionally cut broccoli to the exact size to trick you into thinking you can fit it in your mouth and still chew.