what is up with some of these people?


Really Experienced
Jun 13, 2006
I just finished a couple of stories that were posted today. My first one is Doubled Up Wife which happens to come from a real experience.


The other one is called My Woman Ties Me Up which is just a story I made up.


Some idiot who has nothing better to do slams the heck out of me. It's just a story, if you don't like the topic then don't read it.

Oh well I guess that is what you get when you open yourself up to criticism.

I have many more on the way and look forward to your responses. I am going down the list of topics and writing one for each. If you find I write a certain topic better than another, please let me know.
Doubled Up Wife by dirtyjoe69

The opening paragraph nearly caused me to back out. The abbreviations for threesome, foursome and so on, annoy me - this is a story, not a personal ad.

"Up to the bedroom the three of us went..."

Around the mountain and through the woods.... Why not try "We went upstairs."


You should break paragraphs when different speakers speak.

Overall, it is just a stroke story, nothing special and not written in a way that makes me think MMF DP would be something to try.
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My Woman Ties Me Up by dirtyjoe69 ©

This one is slightly better than the other. You still have similar punctuation errors and other basic writing flaws, but after the action started, this one was a better written story than your first - perhaps because it is fiction rather than something you feel strongly about telling.

The opening paragraphs still do not grab and yell - hot femdom sex about to happen - in fact just the opposite. The description of the wife is completely unnecessary in this one, her appearance had no bearing on the sex to follow, other than that she dressed as a 'dom'.

Still just a stroke story - removing the sex leaves only the first 2 paragraphs and the final line. My personal preference is for stories in which the sex is fit into the lives of the participants - rather than merely telling me about isolated sexual encounters.

You'll do well enough with the fans of penthouse letters, but less well with the fans of erotica and fiction.
thank you

Thanks for you're comments kbate. Now that is the type of criticism i like to hear. It has substance and it's also very helpful. I will tell you why I write the way I do for Literotica, from what I gather "most" not "all" users here do use it as stroke material. I just want people to get hot and have fun. However, I will be posting a couple of stories that you might enjoy later on. When I reach the Non-Erotic, NonConsent and Humor and Satire topics you will see I am not all about the "stroke" factor.

Thanks again for you're comments
sorry to hear that, but been there. i have two new stories, waiting to be posted on literotica and I'm sure the same fool will leave nasty marks on my stories.

its nice when someone takes the time to say something about your story....but i think we all can do with out the simple fools just saying hateful things.

dirtyjoe69 said:
I just finished a couple of stories that were posted today. My first one is Doubled Up Wife which happens to come from a real experience.


The other one is called My Woman Ties Me Up which is just a story I made up.


Some idiot who has nothing better to do slams the heck out of me. It's just a story, if you don't like the topic then don't read it.

Oh well I guess that is what you get when you open yourself up to criticism.

I have many more on the way and look forward to your responses. I am going down the list of topics and writing one for each. If you find I write a certain topic better than another, please let me know.

I'm not absolutely sure..., but I might know who this foul anonymous is. I would tell you, but it's pure conjecture at this point. Mainly, If you read the "General Board" posts continually, you'll see a definitive pattern emerge for one of the posters. He's been at lit for a while and posts some really sour comments. No, it's not Matt or Kyle_W. But this fellow has definite alts. It takes time and diligence, but being the fool that he is, he can't keep from posting his vile repertioré under his main username. It's my guess this is the very same "Mr.Anonymous"! It seems that he can't contain his vehemance within the same area for long. He spreads it out to share with others. Whether they want it or not.

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Has the guy you suspect posted any of his own stories?

I might like to give them a read...

I had an anonymous person rip one of my stories today. I just started to write and know my work needs some attention but this person blast the content of my work. If a certain subject matter offends people, why do the read it and then post negative comments about it?
darlingguy2 said:
I had an anonymous person rip one of my stories today. I just started to write and know my work needs some attention but this person blast the content of my work. If a certain subject matter offends people, why do the read it and then post negative comments about it?

I look at where the comment comes from. If "Anonymous" sends me some shit then I read it then usually just ignore it. Why be anonymous when you are offering an honest critique?

If the person making the comment identifies themselves I am much more interested in what the comment says.

The best thing to remember is that this is a learning experience. You publish down your best efforts and you will get comments. As a writer you have to have time to grow. No one writes like Steven King on their first try. But as time goes on your writing will improve. Even when you reach something near professional abilities you will still have those who will dis your work.

You can't please everyone.