~Zen Mountain~

nice write C~

inspirational aint it?

A Pearl
lights the night sky
in an ocean
of darkness

moon beams ripple
across the clouds

that polish
the space pearl
white crystal morning
frozen in a sun rise
while snow birds dance
and clouds spread thin
allowing the warm sun
whispering feathers in thermol tickled glides
circles are circled on a high wind's ride
there is only the moment in what you do
watching a Hawk swim around in the blue​
My Erotic Tale said:
whispering feathers in thermol tickled glides
circles are circled on a high wind's ride
there is only the moment in what you do
watching a Hawk swim around in the blue​
I like the last line of this, great image
decipher unconquerable
paradises with your mind
and explore unseen dimensions
with the eagle escaping
the glass pyramid
cward2 said:
decipher unconquerable
paradises with your mind
and explore unseen dimensions
with the eagle escaping
the glass pyramid

excellent C~

well know...aint that a kick in the ear

those last two lines grab ya like two sided tape
a deep drawn breath
and a step that glides
to stand like a mountain
that moves like the wind

to grasp a scabbard
like roots of a tree
willing to bend
in a gusting breeze

to rush with the force
of a tidal wave
at the speed
of a serpents strike
with as little movement
as a blink of an eye

To stand like stainless stone
and flow like a river
holding patience
as though it were
a praying mantis

Look a dragon in the eyes
and circle a tiger's stance
with the grace of a crane
rise above the battle's dance

first extend a flower of thought
and see how it is held
if it is handed back crumpled
have compassion
although the pond is rippled

and if they
should advance
like a lion after a meal
let them feel the steel​
silent glide over head
as a shadow flys through me
I glance to the sky
blinded by the sun in my eye
hearing a hawk shrill
as he climbs high
scouting the white lines
darkness lit
as the day tyrns dark
and light grows
and darkness prevails
in the bright shadow
of the noon day moon
a star
in the day
awakes the night
to take flight
sucking the sun
from the sky
while some lay
some begin to rise
always rises
in the

consider that
you walk
on the road

a road of thorns
brings a man to his wits
creating shoes
that protect over fit

watching mountains
separate from the sun
spy the moon comes
when the sun is done

to swim a river
full of fire
choose to travel
overhead higher
the sun sets on a new dawn
the rise of the sun lays another down
stars fall one by one as the eyes awake
sleeping in tomorrows pillow
opening todays shades
another day is made
The Blue Pearl

Memories fall from the sky
everytime I think about her,
everytime I think about
what it means to be her.

People trample over her work,
swarm her forests, her lands.
Nobody understands what it
means to be her.

She is a blue pearl
travelling on her own journey
through the void.
So cold, so fragile, so alone.

Nobody, not even I, knows
what it means to be her
cold grey
enchanting white
shivers blue
dashing into the black
to fire up the red
and warm the un colored soul
red ribbons across a grey sky
unable to see the sun rise
lighter it becomes
so I know it has come

a day without the sun
cracked in ribbon
connected strands

an old oak
gnarled limbs bare
reaches to the cold
whispers to the wind

an old friend
our roots intertwine
it follows the seasons
I follow my heart

It stoutly stnads
I venture out
but I feel home
when I see the old oak
Iris Pools
under lying current

the falls

it is not
the gravitational flight
nor impact
or the collective
not even the size

but the ...why?