~Zen Mountain~

A Winter Scene

The tree hangs motionless
in the picture

not even silence
can move it
Have you hugged your mother today?
or kissed your child?
or petted the dog while feeding the cat
perhaps your more prone to rats.

Did you extend a hand
or clinch a fist instead
to shake with another
or turn up a nose

Did you look in the water
and see the blue you
in rippled time
or was it a mirror above a vanity
and combing your hair?

When you awoke and got out of bed
scratching your head
did you put on a t-shirt
saying peace and love
or boxer shorts with sparring gloves?
Vibrant feathers ripple in the wind
over tree tops reaching for the sun
it shrills a call across the meadow
A Hawk warning that it will come

Grain dances in a breezey song
Timber towers in pillars like a wall
forest shadows between each one
folded wings cup for a diving fall

a small tail trails a retreating run
natures unwritten fate and outcome
ahead of the wind a Hawk's attempt
to capture a meal or to have none

a shadow glides as the Hawk passes
like the wind across the meadow grasses

(working on it)
blonde flowers
arise over the green grass of envy
tree's bark
reaching out it's limbs
as the sun
in it's stillness
zmp~ a tree

Thick roots exposed
toes disolving into soil
perched atop
a wide waisteline
trunk, aged scared bark skin

split, divides, multiplys
rises and gnarls
stout limbs branch
twist and turn
into fine hair line twigs

touch the sun
in leafless winter
naked to the world
a tree
humble cobble
in stepping time
rolls away
in the wake

a grass screams
in passing

the water parts
and regroups again

crystal sparkles
burning sand
tracks that trail
steps of a man
there is a star
to the right of the moon
following the night
as day starts to dawn
soon the star
will be gone
seed is planted in a thought
when love starts to bloom
embraced are two
whoms seed brings a new

a seed sprouts and grows
fairy tale love they are told
of happiness being with another
love comes to flower

a seed is sown
another grown
love will find them
another seed's stem
youth is worn
in a minds

while wrinkles
enhance aged scars

To awaken
in a moment
to recall your past
and not remember it

running until
you can swim no more
in the dance of life
The Harmony of Art

Stopping to smell the sunshine
tasting a rose bud for breakfast
touching the multiple earthly worlds
in brushing feather finger strokes

the panaramic portrait of life
centered around me
casts emotions wildly
the harmony of Art
there came the dawn
I yawn
stretch into a day

reflecting light rays
shimmer through a window
drawing me to it

open the doors
open the windows
open my heart
to the birds songs
and the dew dying

a hawk calls from the back yard
reminding the cat to hide
as I sit and stare
at the window this morn
wildsweetone said:
sunlight on snow
melts into an endless ocean

'endless ocean' belongs to jthserra

WOW! I like that (0_0)

(not sure what you mean jim's words, I have seen the words 'endless ocean' many times, are you saying those lines inspired your thoughts? cause that is a great classic poem.)
My Erotic Trail said:
WOW! I like that (0_0)

(not sure what you mean jim's words, I have seen the words 'endless ocean' many times, are you saying those lines inspired your thoughts? cause that is a great classic poem.)

'endless ocean' comes from one of his Lit poems and i simply can't get it out of my mind...

i sat on Mt Ruapehu (a mountain in the middle of the North Island, NZ) a few years ago and had an incredible experience. when i thought about that experience this morning and wondered if i could Haiku the feeling, that was what i came up with.

i was very high up, sitting on a rock that was almost level with the snow. i looked out beyond the end of my feet and the snow seemed to be connected to the blue sky. i wont go into more detail than that, but maybe you can tell it was a very insightful time. *smile*
wildsweetone said:
'endless ocean' comes from one of his Lit poems and i simply can't get it out of my mind...

i sat on Mt Ruapehu (a mountain in the middle of the North Island, NZ) a few years ago and had an incredible experience. when i thought about that experience this morning and wondered if i could Haiku the feeling, that was what i came up with.

i was very high up, sitting on a rock that was almost level with the snow. i looked out beyond the end of my feet and the snow seemed to be connected to the blue sky. i wont go into more detail than that, but maybe you can tell it was a very insightful time. *smile*

indeed! and an excellent poem (~_*) true Haiku
My Erotic Trail said:
my fires burn
in many places

to illuminate
the temple
of my mind.

illumination transcends
down the mountain
of my mind,
spreading flowers of hope
covering the ground with love
from within.
growing from seeds
of passion, throbbing through
veins and roots, sprouting
again ... again.

RhymeFairy said:
illumination transcends
down the mountain
of my mind,
spreading flowers of hope
covering the ground with love
from within.
growing from seeds
of passion, throbbing through
veins and roots, sprouting
again ... again.


"It dives in shallows for beakfuls of moss, heads to sandy isles to preen its feathers. It was ready to fly off all by itself, then found its reflection and lingered."
- Xie Tiao