~Zen Mountain~

weeping willow
calling all corners
tears fall like rain

have no clue if I got it right, but
it felt ... nice ... creative a bit?
(like children at play) maybe ..
Hmm, will look into this more.

RhymeFairy said:
weeping willow
calling all corners
tears fall like rain

have no clue if I got it right, but
it felt ... nice ... creative a bit?
(like children at play) maybe ..
Hmm, will look into this more.


I like it too, weeping willows are intriguing
I found last summer, what they called a crying tree... (poetic huh?)
it actually drops beads of sap/water, enough to fool you into thinking it may be the begining of rain. I don't know the actual name of the tree but it drops water constantly, here and there as if crying.
I enjoy the fibes I encounter here. I also miss the cute ZMP poems, Art creates. They're simplistic writes that invoke little thoughts. I have not read a new one in quite some time. Have a good weekend.
quasar said:
I enjoy the fibes I encounter here. I also miss the cute ZMP poems, Art creates. They're simplistic writes that invoke little thoughts. I have not read a new one in quite some time. Have a good weekend.

I have been busy with so many projects but I have fondled an idea for a ZMP poem that I will try and create, Thanks for the encouragement Q.
ZMP~ a trail

a path
beaten grass

going here
and there

into the woods
across a field

a closer look
I kneel

tiny tracks
repetitious facts

a forest highway
where critters play
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace
there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on
good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have
their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the
ZMP~ Farming Thoughts

casting thoughts
like garden seeds
into future moments

to lay a path
in sown rows I plowed
through my yesterdays

new thoughts
sprout daily, reaching
into tomorrow

until now
I am all that I have grown
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Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.
Although its light is wide and great,
The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.
The whole moon and the entire sky
Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
The Great Poets
" No man was ever yet a great poet,
without being at the same time a profound philosopher.
For poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human knowledge,
human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language. "

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
" A moment's love
Can and shall
Make the world perfect."

- Sri Chinmoy


“I wanted to change the world.
But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.”

- Aldous Huxley
zmp~ song of the breath

When grey clouds gather
and thunderous hearts pound

When the mind's a tornado
and the rain begins pouring down

I find comfort
in my breath's song

as long as I hear it
I'll be able to go on
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Not to value and employ men of superior ability is the way to
keep the people from rivalry among themselves;

not to prize articles which are difficult to procure is the way to keep them from becoming thieves;

not to show them what is likely to excite their desires is the way to keep their minds from disorder.

Therefore the sage, in the exercise of his government,

empties their minds, fills their bellies, weakens their wills,

and strengthens their bones.

He constantly (tries to) keep them without knowledge

and without desire, and where there are those who have knowledge,

to keep them from presuming to act (on it).

When there is this abstinence from action, good order is universal.

Lao Tzu~
“ A student asked master Bankei

“ How can I cure my terrible temper?”

“Show it to me,” demanded Bankei,

“ I can’t just show it to you like that because it comes on unexpectedly.”

Explained the student. Bankei replied

“It is not your true nature, then. If it were it would be with you at all time.”
zmp~ song of my breath

When grey clouds gather
and thunderous hearts pound

When the mind's a tornado
and the rain pours down

When turmoil reigns
and the soul will not rest

I find comfort in ...
the song of my breath
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Taming the Painted Mind.
my erotic tale

"I wish to understand my mind!"
He held high the skull of the buffalo,
wearing a wolf pelt over his head,
standing in the grasses waving flow.

"Great Spirits I plea...
I wish to learn about the man inside me."
Thunder Hawk yelled across the plains,
Then he saw something, hard to see.

A man in bleeched white buckskins walked
beside a painted pony.
Slow and steady in trail and stride
man and pony side by side.

They walked straight up, to Thunder Hawk,
the man in white handed him the reins.
"This is your mind!" the elderly Indian said,
Thunder Hawk was speechless.

The Man in white walked away
Thunder Hawk thanked him
and bid him good day.
Looked at his gift, a painted pony.

The Horse rared and whinnied
and lashed it's legs out
pulled at the reins
that Thunder Hawk held tight.

Pulling and tugging relentlessly
Thunder Hawk became frustrated
with the constant battle
and let the Painted Pony go.

The Horse just stood there
Thunder hawk was releaved
to see the Horse at ease
each looking at the other, untrusting.

He reached to take the reins again
and the painted pony began to spin.
Raring, pulling and tugging
Thunder Hawk let the reins go.

The Painted Pony calmed again
Thunder Hawk, letting this soak in.
He slowly approached the Horse
reached gently with his hand, rubbing.

They tell of a brave that rides the plains
on a horse, fast as the wind.
His mind is like His Spirited painted pony.
In the land of the red river shoshone.
when there is an opposition
there is a focus
in direction of sight
to counter and react
creates a circle

to walk away
focuss of direction
on a path
to a better well being
and closer to
the final destination
zmp~ (untitled)

I am but a leaf in the forest
a single drop of rain
an acorn among the oaks

My thoughts are the wind
deeply buried sand
as distant as the stars

I feel the heat of the sun
and the warmth of a loved one
the winter's harsh cold

I can only see what is before me
tomorrows through the fog
and yesterday is long gone
My Erotic Trail said:
“ A student asked master Bankei

“ How can I cure my terrible temper?”

“Show it to me,” demanded Bankei,

“ I can’t just show it to you like that because it comes on unexpectedly.”

Explained the student. Bankei replied

“It is not your true nature, then. If it were it would be with you at all time.”

Temper comes and goes ;)

I watched a storm
turn things cold
and thought of you
a warm soul
Ninja Nookie said:
Temper comes and goes ;)

I watched a storm
turn things cold
and thought of you
a warm soul

the shadow
that shines
where love
is not blind
and tempers
are tamed
in a lover's
game <grin
poeticidolhost said:
consciousness is owned
honoring each commitment
valuing each moment

that is really good blue, deep and thought provoking. thanks for sharing it with me. True words to guide us on our path to, zen mountain's paramount peaks of total enlightenment. (~_~)
zmp~ rain drops

Out of thin air a molecule's birth
raindrops race to lay upon the Earth
free falling forward with no way to turn back
Kamikaze flights, the liquid army attacks

the raindrops crash upon the earth
their spirit trickles a cleansing birth
drawn together by time and gravity
levitation of pools by the Sun's intensity

Rising to the heavens on a mystical mist
Raindrops reborn, in a cloud they exist
a drum roll sounds as the rain comes down
the cleansing of, a raindrop's rounds