~♥~~♥~ Battle of the Sexes ~♥~~♥~


Priss's 3irty 4hore
Jun 29, 2014
sallycee and SimoneLisbon share the responsibilities of this game thread as BattleBitch...

Men add a number to the total.
Women subtract a number from the total.

Object - Getting the number as high or low as you can (Up to 500/-500). If the count gets off a little when there are a lot of posters, it's okay ... people are posting to flirt and have fun, afterall. Also, when a game is won, please PM either sallycee or SimoneLisbon so that we may update the win/loss record.

The rules .. You can only raise or lower the total 1 number at a time. You can't post again until another person posts.

We start at 0.
example .. Starting at 0 .. a girl would post -1 a guy would make it 1, etc.

The game continues til either the men hit 500, or the ladies hit -500. The next poster may then restart the game at 0.

Ready, set, go!

1. On Jan. 22, 2012 - The ladies won the first round, making it to -500+ first. WTG gals!

2. On Feb. 9, 2012 - The men answered back with a win. Good job Gentlemen! *s*

3. On Feb. 12, 2012 - The guys ran it again for another win. Way to go men!! Now get up, stretch your legs and let the blood flow back into your asses *s*

4. On Feb. 24, 2012 - The guys pulled out another victory! Way to go, lads! Looks like you're unstoppable *s*

5. On Feb. 26, 2012 - The gals brought another victory home. Way to break the streak, chicas!

6. On Mar. 5, 2012 - The men gained yet another victory. You go, boys!

7. On Mar. 17, 2012 - The women brought their "A" game and took a victory. Way to go, gals!

8. On Mar. 18, 2012 - The women brought home a back to back victory! You rock ladies!

9. On Mar. 18, 2012 - Holy Guacamole Batman! Thrice you say?? Yep. The ladies brought home 3 in a row in LESS than 2 days. You rocked it girls!!!

10. On Mar. 24, 2012 - The girls brought it home again. YaY! Congrats ... but ..Where are you guys?!

11. On Mar. 30, 2012 - The women have now won 5 in a row! Congrats! Towards the end we at least saw the men participating. Can they make a comeback?! Stay tuned ...

12. On April 20, 2012 - The guys brought their A game and cinched their 5th victory in BOTS!!

13. On June 14, 2012 - Our girlies pulled out yet another win!

14. On June 29, 2012 - The Gents won their 6th battle. Congrats *s*

15. On July 21, 2012 - Our guys took 2 in a row! Way to go :)

16. On Aug. 1, 2012 - Ladies took another one! *s*

17. On Aug. 29, 2012 - The lads defeated the lasses. :)

18. On Sept. 13, 2012 - The girls upped their lead with another victory~!

19. On Oct. 9, 2012 - Way to go ladies, you're up to 11 wins!

20. On Oct. 21, 2012 - The Men won yet another round.

21. On Nov. 2, 2012 - You gals are awesome! Your 12th win!

22. On Nov. 11, 2012 - The ladies did it again!

23. On Dec. 1, 2012 - The ladies brought home the trifecta! Way to go!!

24. On Dec. 14, 2012 - Talk about multiples! Oh yeah! The ladies go 4 it!

25. On Dec. 28, 2012 - All I can say is 5!!

26. On Jan. 19, 2013 - This is getting embarrassing for the guys! 6 in a row!

27. On Jan. 31, 2013 - Yet another round goes to the ladies. Lucky number 7.

28. On Feb. 10, 2013 - The Men have given up, me thinks! #8 for the chicas.

29. On Feb. 22, 2013 - The women seem to really like having multiples! 9.

30. On Mar. 27, 2013 - The ladies shockingly won yet again. 10!

31. On April 23, 2013 - Oops! We did it again. *s*

32. On May, 9, 2013 - The ladies made the Men their bitches, once again!

33. On May 14,2013 - Sing it with us! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Are the Champions! My gals, and I!

34. On May 23, 2013 - Follow it up with Weeeee Will Weeeee Will Beat YOU! 14 in a Row!!

35. On May 26, 2013 - Yes, just 3 days later, the ladies stomped the yard, again. 15!!

36. On May 30,2013 - Time of death was called ... and an ass lickin .. errrrm, kickin was served. *s*

37. On June 8, 2013 - Nailed 'Em again *s* - I don't think the ladies can be stopped at this point. (Happy Early Birthday Simmie x x)

38. On June 28, 2013 - I knew that Men were easy, but DANG! Beat 'em again!

39. On July 27, 2013 - Once again .. Ah hell, it's really not a surprise anymore. Though this does make WIN # 30!! Way to Go, Ladies! x x

40. On July 30, 2013 -20 GAMES IN A ROW! Wait, can you smell that? We call it a skunk. *s*

41. On Aug. 7, 2013 - Like it's a shocker?! The women chalk another up.

42. On Aug. 23, 2013 - A mere 16 days after our last victory, another one is added to the books!

43. On Sept. 8, 2013 - The Men FINALLY break their 22 game losing streak!

44. On Sept. 29, 2013 - The guys brought home their 2nd in a row! WTG *s*

45. On Oct. 9, 2013 - The guys do it with style! A ménage à trois!

46. On Oct. 27, 2013 - Ladies had to show them who's boss! Brought one home.

47. On Nov. 12, 2013 - Way to go, fella's! You got another one under your belts!

48. On Nov. 24,2013 - The Men are on a roll with 2 in a row!

49. On Dec. 17, 2013 - Chalk up a 3rd win for the guys.

50. On Dec. 23, 2013 - The Men have their first foursome!

51. On Dec. 30, 2013 - The Men pull their fifth win in a row!

52. On Jan. 20, 2014 - Oops, the guys have done it again with their 6th back to back win!

53. On Jan. 29, 2014 - The women slide in a long overdue win. WTG Lit Ladies!

54. On Feb. 1, 2014 - The Ladies quickly wrap up a 2nd win a row!

55. On Feb. 9, 2014 - Not one, not two, but three wins in row for the women!

56. On Feb. 15, 2014 - Call the ladies butter because they're on a roll...4 wins in row!

57. On Feb. 22, 2014 - The ladies go down on the boys for their 5th win in row...Woo Hoo!!!

58. On Mar. 4, 2014 - The men broke the winning streak of the ladies and secured a victory for themselves.

59. On Mar. 22, 2014 - The men secured their second win in row. WTG Guys!!!

60. On Apr. 19, 2014 - Oh, the boys, boys, boys, did it again.

61. On May 15, 2014 - The girls snatched victory from the maws of the boys who were chomping it to bits...

62. On May 23, 2014 - Two in row ladies, WTG!!

63. On June 21, 2014 - Slow and steady wins the ladies their 3rd win in a row!

64. On July 9, 2014 - The women battle their way to 4 wins in row!!!

65. On July 9, 2014 - The ladies pulled off the first ever TWO WINS one day!!! WTG...

66. On July 18, 2014 - The men broke the streak with a victory of their own!! Good job, guys!

67. On July 21, 2014 - Challenge accepted and answered as the ladies run in a win after the guy's first -400 to 500 win...

68. On July 22, 2014 - Less than 2 hours after the last win, the ladies did it again...for fun...

69. On July 23, 2014 - Nobody likes a 69 more than the men, except maybe for the LADIES! Game #69 went to us .. 3 in a row *s*

70. On July 24, 2014 - It's raining men! Just kidding .. It was a Buy One Get One Free ass-kickin' kind of day for the Gents.

71. On July 25, 2014 - Well is it a surprise? Probably not...the ladies slapped that male booty again...

72. On July 26, 2014 - The ladies get their fiftieth win...Woo Hoo!!!

73. On Aug. 9, 2014 - The ladies whooped that ass again for 7 in a row! :)

74. On Aug. 17, 2014 - Once again! This is getting embarrassing ... we'll take it though!

75. On Oct. 3, 2014 - This was a long one, but in the end, a mercy victory to get the game over with. 9 in a row, ladies. *s*

76. On Oct. 8, 2014 - Pigs flew, ice skating in hell, and the men won!!!

77. On Oct. 9, 2014 - Another game to the ladies...WTG!!!

78. On Oct. 17, 2014 - The men took one for their team...A win that is...

79. On Nov. 25, 2014 - The ladies said we shall win one for the cyber-FUCK of it to poker but...

80. On Dec. 20, 2014 - The 80th game played goes to the men...WTG guys...

81. On Jan. 14, 2015 - The boys rack up the first win of the new year...

82. On Jan. 28, 2015 - We came, we saw ... Suck it, boys! Least we can find ours *s*

83. On Jan. 28, 2015 - The ladies decided to knock out another win...2 in one day...Nicely done ladies!!!

84. On Mar. 11, 2015 - The guys brought one home for the team! WTG gents*s*

85. On Mar. 26, 2015 - The ladies came, saw and kicked some ass!

86. On Mar. 29, 2015 - Girls Rule with a second win this week!!!

87. On Apr. 10, 2015 - The women decided to make April fools of the men with a 3rd win in a row...

88. On Apr. 15, 2015 - On tax day 2015 the ladies were like the IRS, they always get their win(money)...

89. On Apr. 26, 2015 - The women of Lit decided to win again, again, again, again and again...5 in row!!! WTG!!!

90. On Jun. 16, 2015 - The men decided to play for the Stanley Cup, er, uh, win a game...

91. On Jun. 23, 2015 - The boys got two wins in a row...WTG guys!!!

92. On Jul. 6, 2015 - The ladies stopped the guys and grabbed a win of their own!

93. On Jul. 12, 2015 - The ladies rang another win in!!!

94. On Jul. 16, 2015 - The girls won it again, again, and once more for good luck!!!

95. On Jul. 28, 2015 - The women of Lit danced away with yet another win...

96. On Aug. 6, 2015 - The sexy chicas of Lit won yet another game in the Battle of the Sexes!!!

97. On Aug. 15, 2015 - EXTRA!!! EXTRA!!! The Females Won a Battle!!! (as if this is news to the males)...

98. On Aug. 29, 2015 - I'm *yawning* tired of saying it over and over again...Yup, most recent victory to the WOMEN of Lit...The cherry on top, our 69th win...

99. On Sep. 16, 2015 - The girls brought in another win. 70th win for the women...

100. On Nov. 11, 2015 - Turn of the Century game was brought home by The guys! Way to go, Gents ... that was a long, hard one! (That's What *she* said.)

101. On Nov. 25, 2015 - Our guys decided they liked it well enough to do it twice!

102. On Dec. 8, 2015 - The men have built a steady momentum as they take their third game in a row!

103. On Dec. 26, 2015 - The gentlemen of Lit made their presence known, by winning yet another one. WTG!!!

104. On Jan. 3, 2016 - The first game of the new year goes to the flip it up, butt smackin' 'em down MEN of Lit!!! Congrats Fellas!!!

105. On Jan. 7, 2016 - Today was my cousin's birthday. She's a beautiful woman celebrating yet another year of life. Oh and the guys won. Again. 6th win in row. *yawn*...Finally back to half the wins of the ladies. *stretches arms over head*...anyway...

106. On Jan. 10, 2016 - Don't call it a comeback! (Really, don't. It's too much pressure *s*) The women finally brought one home.

107. On Jan. 12, 2016 - "It was so nice, we did it twice!" said the ladies of Lit.

108. On Jan. 15, 2016 - Congrats to the ladies again. Keep it up, chicas! *s*

109. On Jan. 17, 2016 - Four score and 7 games ago the ladies of Lit claimed another victory.

110. On Feb. 4, 2016 - I do believe that's 5! Way to go, ladies, keep 'em cumming :)

111. On Feb. 10, 2016 - In answer to the men's previous 6 game winning streak, the women answered back with one of their own!

112. On Feb. 21, 2016 - And one to grow on! You rocked it out, ladies!! x x

113. On Apr. 9, 2016 - And a pinch for an inch? The lovely ladies bring home another.

114. On Apr. 24, 2016 - The men gave it a good shot but the ladies delivered their 9th consecutive win.

115. On Apr. 28, 2016 - A perfect 10! Way to go, ladies!

116. On May 11, 2016 - The men finally broke our streak! (I thought they liked naked ladies?? *s*)

117. On May 14, 2016 - The women wrapped up another win with a big red bow.

118. On May 22, 2016 - Smack it up, flip it, rub it down - The girls brought home another.

119. On May 23, 2016 - We're once, twice, three times a lady ... and the guys just love us!

120. On May 24, 2016 - In the midnight hour, she cried "More, More, More!"

121. On May 26, 2016 - The ladies handed out another whoopin' tonight! 5 in a row!

122. On May 27, 2016 - 6 wins in a row. Ah-may-zing!

123. On May 31, 2016 - Oh, yeah! The guys brought home a victory! x x

124. On June 6, 2016 - The ladies answered back once again with a win!

125. On June 7, 2016 - Once bitten, Twice Shy! (Oh, yeah ... Happy Early birthday Twinnity!! - wherever you are x x)

126. On June 9, 2016 - Winner, Winner, buy me dinner! We brought home another! *s*

127. On July 20, 2016 - The very determined ladies of Lit drug themselves through the mud in a really long battle, but in the end they came out on top! *s*

128. On Aug. 3, 2016 - We are woman. Hear us roar! And win another game. *s*

129. On Aug. 23, 2016 - That's a shame, they almost had us! PSYCHE!! Ladies win again.

130. On Sept. 1, 2016 - Lucky #7! And the beat goes on ...

131. On Sept. 12, 2016 - 8 is great.

132. On Oct. 13, 2016 - The gents decided to turn things around and brought one home. Congrats Men!!!

133. On Oct. 24, 2016 - The ladies swept in and cleaned house - Now, go make me a sammich! *s*

134. On Oct. 25, 2016 - The women of Lit did two, two, two wins in two days!!!

135. On Oct. 30, 2016 - Happy Halloween!! And of course, the ladies brought home another win.

136. On Nov. 11, 2016 - We are getting kind of good at this, no? Well done, ladies! *s*

137. On Dec. 8, 2016 - 5 in a row, don't'cha know?!

138. On Jan. 10, 2017 - The ladies have won their 100th game!!! Way to go, gals! *s*

139. On Feb. 13, 2017 - Let's hear it for the boys! The talented men of Lit finally managed to bring one home.

140. On Feb. 20, 2017 - Victory was sweet enough that our lads wanted to taste it twice. Way to go, gents! *s*

141. On Feb. 25, 2017 - The men bring in another win for 3 in row. Congrats gents!!!

142. On Mar. 2, 2017 - The fellas can be called butter cuz they're on a roll. 4 in row!

143. On Mar. 10, 2017 - Men have gone 5 in row for the win column. WTFG gents!!!

144. On Mar. 15, 2017 - March Madness must be a guy thing, that's 6 in row for them...

145. On Mar. 19, 2017 - Holler for the rollers...That's lucky number 7 in a row for the gents!!!

146. On Mar. 26, 2017 - Men are doing it like snowmen, or at least for 8 in row...

147. On Apr. 5, 2017 - The gentlemen of Lit went 9 in row. Their streak is hot, hot, hot...

148. On Apr. 11, 2017 - It feels like the first time. It feels like the very first time... In a while at least. Good job gals!

149. On Apr. 12, 2017 - We're 2 of a kind working on a full house! Wtg ladies, I apologize for the men's attitude but they got a bit comfortable and are now contrary.

150. On Apr. 14, 2017 - Ladies, ladies, ladies go for 3 in row...Wooo Hooo!!!

151. On Jul. 3, 2017 - The Women of Lit brought in their 4th win back to back!!! Yeah ladies of lit...

152. On Jul. 6, 2017 - After many posts saying they never do the men won a game!!! Congrats fellas!!!

153. On Jul. 17, 2017 - Two, two, two in row for the gentlemen of Lit. WTG boys!!!

154. On Aug. 6, 2017 - Three wins for the guys!!! Woo Hoo!!!

155. On Aug. 23, 2017 - One, two, three, four the men have won once more!!!

156. On Sep. 28, 2017 - The fellas have brought their 5th win in row home...*Woo Hoo* Half as many wins as the ladies though...

157. On Oct.22, 2017 - Do that to me one more time! The lads brought their 6th win in a row home.

158. On Oct. 27, 2017 - Lucky # 7! Congrats gents.

159. On Nov. 7, 2017 - The fellas ate it up with 8 wins in a row!!!

160. On Dec. 1, 2017 - The boys of Lit dine on win number 9 in a row!!!

161. On Dec. 18, 2017 - The guys get their 10th win in row. WTG!!!

162. On Dec. 27, 2017 - The men brought it home 11 times in row.

163. On Jan. 18, 2018 - The first win of the new year goes to the gents...

164. On Feb. 4, 2018 - Fellas of Lit say hell ya with yet their 60th win...

165. On Feb. 15, 2018 - The boys of Lit chalked up another win...

166. On Mar. 2, 2018 - Men do it, do it, do it again...15 wins in a row..

167. On Mar 10, 2018 - The gents of Lit roll away with yet another win...

168. On Mar 19, 2018 - The gentlemen of Lit are butter cuz they're on a roll...

169. On Mar. 31, 2018 - The guys of Lit did it for the fourth time this month...

170. On Apr. 20, 2018 - The boys smoked it on 4/20...Puff, puff pass gents...

171. On May 8, 2018 - The fellas did it again and again and again...

172. On Jun 12, 2018 - Men have 21 wins in a row. WTG!!!

173. On Jun 25, 2018 - Yawn. Yup the boys did their 69th win...

174. On Jul 17, 2018 - 23 wins in row for the men of Lit. Nice job fellas!!!

175. On Jul 22, 2018 - The boys of Lit win again.

176. On Aug 6, 2018 - The men of Lit won. again. and again.

177. On Aug 16, 2018 - This battle of the sexes went to the guys again...

178. On Aug 26, 2018 - The fellas of Lit did it again for the 3rd time this month...

179. On Sep 19, 2018 - 28th win in a row for the men...

180. On Oct 21, 2018 - 29th win for the fellas in a row...

181. On Oct 29, 2018 - 30 wins in a row for the gents. WTG guys!!!

182. On Nov 13, 2018 - and the guys win again...woo hoo!!!

183. On Dec 2, 2018 - the gents win yet again.

184. On Dec 20, 2018 - the men clock their 80th win...

185. On Jan 6, 2019 - The first win of the year goes to the gents.

186. On Jan 21, 2019 - the boys did it again win 82 for them...

187. On Feb 21, 2019 - 36 wins in row and over a year of win luck to the gents of Lit...

188. On Mar 14, 2019 - The fellas of Lit did it again, another win...

189. On Apr 1, 2019 - No foolin' the men won again...

190. On Apr 18, 2019 - the boys ranked up their 40th win in a row...

191. On Jun 2, 2019 - and the men run in another win in a row...

192. On Jul 11, 2019 - 42 wins in a row for the gents of Lit...

193. On Aug 21, 2019 - the men of Lit did it again yet another win...

194. On Sep 17, 2019 - The guys rung up their 90th win...

195. On Oct 1, 2019 - Finally the ladies break the men's winning streak...

196. On Oct 14, 2019 - the boys win again congrats fellas...

197. On Nov 2, 2019 - the men did it again another win...

198. On Nov 12, 2019 - Just 10 days later the guys ring in another win...

199. On Nov 15, 2019 - 3 days later another win for the gents...Surprise!

200. On Nov 18, 2019 - The 200th game goes to the men. Congrats...

201. On Nov 23, 2019 - The fellas took the score from -409 to 500 in 24 hours.

202. On Dec 13, 2019 - The boys won it again. Congrats...

203. On Jan 3, 2020 - The first win of the new year is taken by the men...

204. On Jan 15, 2020 - The fellas win again. It's a boy win.

205. On Jan 25, 2020 - The guys did it again for the third time this year, their 100th win...

206. On Jan 29, 2020 - The men run in their 4th win of the year.

207. On Feb 8, 2020 - Boys are on a roll, call them butter...

208. On Feb 14, 2020 - The gents of Lit have done it again....they won...

209. On Mar 30, 2020 - The men won it again for their 7th win of the year...

210. On Apr 5, 2020 - The guys did it, they tied the women in wins...

211. On May 3, 2020 - The fellas take the lead on wins...

212. On May 26, 2020 - Boys did it again and won...

213. On Jun 25, 2020 - The ladies finally break the men's winning streak...

214. On Jul 6, 2020 - The women of Lit pull off another win tying the score up...

215. On Jul 11, 2020 - The girls take the lead again with another win...

216. On Jul 17, 2020 - The females of Lit have done it again. We win...

217. On Jul 21, 2020 - The ladies of Lit take 3 for the month of July...

218. On Aug 11, 2020 - The men of lit break the ladies winning streak...

219. On Aug 14, 2020 - the women of Lit quickly take back the win...

220. On Aug 17, 2020 - the men of Lit win...

221. On Aug 17, 2020 - they did it again same day. WTG fellas...

222. On Aug 19, 2020 - The guys of Lit tied it up again...

223. On Aug 20, 2020 - The gents take the lead with another win...

224. On Aug 23, 2020 - The men increase their lead with yet another win...

225. On Aug 24, 2020 - Just one day later the gentlemen do it again...

226. On Aug 30, 2020 - the boys win again...

227. On Sep 1, 2020 - The men of Lit ran in the first win of the month...

228. On Sep 2, 2020 - Surprise the guys did it again...

229. On Sep 13, 2020 - The gents of Lit are kicking ass & taking names...

230. On Sep 24, 2020 - And again the boys do it...what a win...

231. On Sep 29, 2020 - The guys take another win in September...

232. On Sep 30, 2020 - The fellas dunk another win for September...

233. On Oct 6, 2020 - The men did it again, they won the game...

234. On Oct 11, 2020 - The gents of Lit won their 2nd game of the month...

235. On Oct 20, 2020 - The guys continue their winning streak...

236. On Oct 28, 2020 - The boys rake up another win....

237. On Nov 16, 2020 - The guys made yet another win...

238. On Dec 10, 2020 - The men of Lit have one of the last wins of the year...

239. On Dec 18, 2020 - The gents did it again they kicked a little lady butt...

240. On Jan 11, 2021 - The 1st win of the new year goes to the boys...

241. On Jan 19, 2021 - Their 130 win, 2nd win of the year is the fellas...

242. On Jan 23, 2021 - Guys win. Again.

243. On Jan 26, 2021 - 3 days later the gents get another win under their belts...

244. On Feb 1, 2021 - Guys win yet again!!

245. On Feb 1, 2021 - The men win their 2nd win of the day...

246. On Feb 2, 2021 - A day later the fellas get their 3rd win of the month...

247. On Feb 3, 2021 - The gents do it again, they won...

248. On Feb 4, 2021 - The boys are on streak, 5 in row in 4 days...

249. On Feb 4, 2021 - Men did 2 in one day again for 6th win of the month...

250. On Feb 5, 2021 - The guys won. Again. Again.

251. On Feb 6, 2021 - Men win. Their 140th win...

252. On Feb 9, 2021 - Men win.. once again.... 9th time this month!!

253. On Feb 9, 2021 - The gentlemen did it again, 2 in one day for 10th win of the month...

254. On Feb 9, 2021 - The boys did 3 wins in one day. WTG fellas...

255. On Feb 13, 2021 - Gents do it again another win...

256. On Feb 20, 2021 - The men of lit won one for the gipper....

257. On Feb 23, 2021 - The men do it again! Win # 14 this month.

258. On Feb 28, 2021 - The boys have win #15 of the month! Wow

259. On Feb 28, 2021 - The gents did it. 16 wins one month. WTG...

260. On Mar 17, 2021 - The men won! well done guys!!

261. On Mar 25, 2021 - The fellas won. Surprise, surprise...

262. On Apr 28, 2021 - The guys did it again... a win... nicely done guys!!

263. On Jun 27, 2021 - The guys won... long game.. way to go guys!!

264. On Jul 10, 2021 - The guys.. once again... win a game... nicely done!

265. On Jul 19, 2021 - The men won. It surprised no one. Congrats!!!

266. On Jul 24, 2021 - The gents of Lit did something amazing. Ok they won.

267. On Aug 3, 2021 - The boys did it again, they won...

268. On Aug 22, 2021 - The guys won again.. way to go!

269. On Sep 21, 2021 - The men did it, the 269th win...

270. On Oct 24, 2021 - *Yawn* guess what? Yup the boys won...

271. On Nov 2, 2021 - The gentlemen of Lit have won their 160th win...

Women - 111 Wins
Men - 160 Wins
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