➡️ See a list of racist Literotica Political Board posters, as defined and identified by a right-wing Conservative

No matter. That I made it is enough, regardless of whether it was you or Pastylittlecuckboy

An accolade is an accolade. Thank you both :rose:

Again, it was him, not me. His definition, not mine. :)

Though I really enjoy you eviscerating one of your Deplorable brethren with such a vicious re-naming. Well done! 👏
I'd honestly be morbidly curious if Chloe ever actually submitted any stories on here. Not curious enough to read them, certainly.

But if so, it wouldn't be too hard to guess the subject matter: stories about SS concentration camp guards raping female Jewish prisoners, Southern plantation owners hog-tying and raping black slaves, orgies at KKK rallies with hogtied victims before they are lynched, Soviet POW's forced to orally service invading Nazi troops during the siege of Stalingrad, and so on. In other words, probably the same disgusting filth he posts on the forums, only ten times worse and more graphic.
I'd honestly be morbidly curious if Chloe ever actually submitted any stories on here. Not curious enough to read them, certainly.

But if so, it wouldn't be too hard to guess the subject matter: stories about SS concentration camp guards raping female Jewish prisoners, Southern plantation owners hog-tying and raping black slaves, orgies at KKK rallies with hogtied victims before they are lynched, Soviet POW's forced to orally service invading Nazi troops during the siege of Stalingrad, and so on. In other words, probably the same disgusting filth he posts on the forums, only ten times worse and more graphic.

Ohhhhh, Pax Pax Pax. 77 so far, altho some of that count is chapters. And a few competition winners too.

None of the above subjects that you drool over, but I admire your vivid imagination. May I recommend Sven Hassel's novels. That said, you'd probably also enjoy some of these though. Let's see.

Huginn's Yule - Winner of the 2019 Winter Holidays competition - 500AD: A Chinese Princess journey's across the steppe, meets the warrior of her dreams, and marries him...

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - Can a Thai bargirl and a Farang find love?

Just like you, the light of love is in his eyes. Just like you, he loves me tonight, for always, for ever. Just like you, I know he'll only love me while his moment of pleasure lasts. I'll give him my body, I'll give him the pleasure he desires, I'll give him everything he desires, all the time knowing that just like you, he'll only love me until the morning sun drives the romance of the night away.
I know he won't love me forever.
He won't love me tomorrow.
Only for tonight.
Like you.

Welcome to Nockatunga Station - The horror of alien love.....

Tales from Old Shanghai - Winner of the 2019 Valentine's Day competition - A world of depravity, immorality and decadence, a world where everything has its price. A world where everything can be bought or sold. A world where everything and anything is a commodity, a world where corruption and betrayal are everyday occurrences. A world where life was cheap, a world where nobody cared if you lived or died. That was Old Shanghai, and there are many tales of Old Shanghai in those far gone days of the 1920's and 1930's. This then, is one such tale

I Married a Heptapod - A Chinese girl and her Space Marine find love....

5 Stars Chloe. Loved the story but, I swear kiddo, you’ve accumulated some of the weirdest comment trolls I’ve ever seen. I love the anonymous above who said they stopped reading because you misspelled a word lol. So they clicked on a story about a Chinese virgin being deflowered on the moon by an alien space squid but that misspelled word was just too immersion breaking. Love it lol.

One Night in Xanadu - A Princess of the Xiongnu is sent to the Great Khan as a concubine and instead of a life of servitude, finds love and honor

"You see before your eyes Xanadu, Princess Altani," the Captain of Five Hundred said, proudly, as we rode side by side over the low ridgeline, pausing a little after the crest to gaze down into the great valley before us. The Great Khan's Summer Palace, Xanadu, lay spread below, vast beyond anything I had imagined. My escort, my guards, they reined in behind us as I halted, shielding my eyes from the red-gold glare of the setting sun reflected from the gilded roofs. There, before me, was my destination. My fate.


You can find all the others here on Literotica

And a couple more on Amazon
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Given the type of shit you post about here, somehow I seriously doubt you actually wrote those yourself. I'd be curious to see who you plagiarized them from though.
Given the type of shit you post about here, somehow I seriously doubt you actually wrote those yourself. I'd be curious to see who you plagiarized them from though.
I've been suspecting that for a while too. They are quite well-written. "Her" commentary here, not so much.
Given the type of shit you post about here, somehow I seriously doubt you actually wrote those yourself. I'd be curious to see who you plagiarized them from though.
Our Plagiarist in chief was big on that. How many times was he caught over his 50+ years in DeeCee?
I've been suspecting that for a while too. They are quite well-written. "Her" commentary here, not so much.

Why thank you. And I can assure you they are all my very own....those links were the better ones tho.

As for here, LOL. I don't put too much thought in here. I generally either post snips or just rant. The ranting of course is a lot of fun and I could work at being far more erudite than I am here, but really this is just relaxation and entertainment, so you don't get works of art or any real research or editing. LOL

On the third hand, thanks for reading and enjoying.
Given the type of shit you post about here, somehow I seriously doubt you actually wrote those yourself. I'd be curious to see who you plagiarized them from though.

Actually, if you take a look at them, usually I write a little intro which explains how the story originates and if there are any influences....but believe what you wish....no skin of my nose. Amazon and publishers check for plagiarism as well as AI use, altho not that well. Readers too, and any blatant plagiarism will get you nailed on Literotica pretty quickly. So no, you're pissing into the wind on that one, Pax.
Actually, if you take a look at them, usually I write a little intro which explains how the story originates and if there are any influences....but believe what you wish....no skin of my nose. Amazon and publishers check for plagiarism as well as AI use, altho not that well. Readers too, and any blatant plagiarism will get you nailed on Literotica pretty quickly. So no, you're pissing into the wind on that one, Pax.
Then, how come you spout so much hateful bigoted trash on this forum then? With you it's all "Hate, Hate, hate, white power, KKK Seig Heil, 88" bullshit. Because to be honest, even if your stories were the most moving, well written and evocative fiction ever written, there's no way I would ever read them and enjoy it. Because I know exactly who and what you are as a person, and it is disgusting.
Then, how come you spout so much hateful bigoted trash on this forum then? With you it's all "Hate, Hate, hate, white power, KKK Seig Heil, 88" bullshit. Because to be honest, even if your stories were the most moving, well written and evocative fiction ever written, there's no way I would ever read them and enjoy it. Because I know exactly who and what you are as a person, and it is disgusting.

LOL. You know it's not, but whatever.
You want to see everyone rounded up and gassed who's not white or did not vote for Trump. In your opinion the six million Hitler, gassed wasn't good enough. You openly admire dictatorships and autocrats, including Hitler, and have a hatred for democracy, freedom of choice, and all that is good in America.

And you admit this. You don't even deny it. You are PROUD of it in fact. That's who and what you are. And you expect people to read your crap and be impressed? Fuck you. You are the most fucking warped, sick fucking bastard on the entire forums- even TandT, whose obviously unhinged but relatively harmless.

You seriously think Americans are going to just sit down and take this shit? Roll over and submit to dictatorships like the Germans did in the 30s? We aren't your fucking sheep. You're gonna learn something.